Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 577

Chapter 577
After saying goodbye to Zhu Ping'an, An Guomin led the way. Surprisingly, there was no one staring at them anymore, which made him puzzled!

When Ling Yun came, the high-level hooligan Brother Shan was naturally relieved, and he no longer needed to follow closely, just keep an eye out from a distance.

all the way!

The little guys were all looking at those stones, and said to Ling Yun in a childish voice, "Papa, shall we also buy green?"

"Not buying!"

The little guy doesn't understand, aren't those green stones valuable?
Why doesn't her father love money anymore?
Ling Yun threatened her in a low voice: "If you come out again, you will be arrested, catch and study!"

"Don't... Qianqian don't get caught!" The little guy immediately hugged Ling Yun tightly, but he couldn't see the slightest panic from his face.

There is another stone breaker in front, buzzing and humming!

Curious people, there will be no less, gossiping to gossip!
The little guy urged Ling Yun to go over, she wanted to see it!

Among the crowd, a tall and thin middle-aged man with a pointed head turned his head and saw An Guomin's face beaming with joy: "Isn't this Mr. An?"

"Why would you come here for a few stones?" Joking all over his face!The tone is very bitter and mean.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Mr. Fu. Can you come? Why can't I come?" An Guomin replied with an unhappy face, the air was full of gunpowder!
"As expected, you are a master of love. You can handle such a beautiful woman. The rumors are true!" Fu Qingshan said calmly, his eyes never leaving Gongsun Qing!

Rumor has it that An Guomin found a concubine, Gongsun Qing!

It's no wonder that the outside world is so rumored that from appearance, Gongsun Qing can be An Guomin's daughter.

An Guomin was angry in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he smiled triumphantly and said, "That's right! Who the hell is like you, even the yellow-faced woman at home can't handle it!"

Hear it!

Fu Qingshan's face was as ugly as a pig's liver.

But Gongsun Qing and An Qing couldn't help laughing.

The little guy waved his little hand, patted Fu Qingshan, and said angrily: "It's so annoying!"

Ling Yun smiled and patted her head, but didn't say much!
Fu Qingshan rolled his eyes, and said again: "Mr. An? Let's give it a hand?" While talking, he pointed to the stone next to him!
The meaning is obvious, just want to compete with An Guomin for a stone bet!
They have already provoked him, how could An Guomin remain indifferent, his wife, children, son-in-law and granddaughter are all there, he can't lose face!

Then he nodded and snorted coldly: "If you want to lose, I will help you!" His tone was full of confidence!
An Guomin like this had no choice but to make Fu Qingshan frown!
Where does he have the confidence to secure the people?

I have known him for decades, and I know each other well, and Fu Qingshan knows exactly how much he is capable of.

But he has already spoken, so is it possible to take it back?

Do not!
He can't do it!

So Fu Qingshan raised his head and laughed loudly: "Mr. An, the outcome is unpredictable. Don't laugh too wildly until the end!"

Anmin was trembling with anger, he gritted his teeth and stopped making noises!

The little guy understands a little bit!Eyes turn dingy.

According to the two people's previous stone betting rules, each of them can only choose one stone, and the price is around 200 million!

One round decides the outcome!
The bet they agreed in advance, three percent of each other's company shares!
Don't underestimate the three percent, An Guomin and Fu Qingshan's companies are both big companies worth tens of billions!

"Boss An! Choose first!" Fu Qingshan sneered!
An Guomin is not hypocritical, so why let it go?Lots of rocks!
The little guy looked at the master machinist of the stone breaker, his eyes widened, and he didn't look at An Guomin's selection of stones at all.

An Qing and Gongsun Qing were worried, and accompanied An Guomin to choose stones.

An Guomin has a plan in mind, and wait for the stone he likes to let Sissy pass his eyes!

If it’s not good, don’t want it, choose again!
"Papa, red looks better than green, that stone is red, red!" said the little guy, staring at the stone in the hand of the mechanic.

Ling Yunbo replied: "They are all beautiful, let me tell you quietly, little Irene likes this kind of stone the most!"

Just love this gemstone and shiny baby.

The little guy opened his mouth wide when he heard the words, remembering that when he was in Wuhun Continent, little Irene pestered her for jadeite!
And all the jade on her body was given to little Irene, if An Qing and An Guomin knew they would have to vomit blood!

The few people next to their father and daughter listened to their dialogue, did they feel stupid?
What red!

What green?

Thought this was a vegetable market?Turn green and red casually?

After a while, they all slapped their faces, and the master mechanic cut it open, and it turned out to be red, so red!The owner of the stone was full of laughter!

"Papa, why does little Irene need so many stones?" The little guy looked at the red stone excitedly, and listened to what they said about its value!

"Put it away, like you, I like to collect it more!" Ling Yun squeezed his face with a smile!

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what the hell he was thinking.

"Papa, we..." Then whispered in Ling Yun's ear: "Let's steal these colored stones back secretly!"

Who was the little guy spoiled by?

"Cough cough Qianqian, this is wrong!" Ling Yun straightened his face and said in a very serious tone.

The little guy scratched his head, embarrassed.

Why not?

Ling Yun continued to teach: "You can't steal it, remember not to, in Blue Star, you have to buy it!"

The little guy acted like he understood, and then he laughed.

Lingyun has no one to explain the stone, so there is nothing to see.

He carried the little guy to An Qing and the others. An Guomin held a magnifying glass in his hand and kept looking at a rough stone with a price of 198 million.

The little guy curled his lips, and said in a baby voice, "Nothing!"

An Guomin's old face turned black when he heard the words!
How can it be?

He was more optimistic about this stone, otherwise he wouldn't have stared at it for so long.

An Qing laughed and poked her forehead, the little guy yelled in pain, "You're bad!" After speaking, he hugged Ling Yun's neck, not to let An Qing hug her!
Ling Yun threw the little guy's body, and said displeasedly: "How can you not let your mother hug you?"

The little guy turned his head to look at An Qing who was pretending to be sad, and couldn't bear to say: "Ma Ma, hug!" After speaking, he stretched out his little hand.

An Qing smiled openly, pretending to be angry, and she stopped hugging her mouth curled up!

The little guy scratched his head!

The family of three chatted and laughed, An Qing kept teasing her, the little guy felt so happy.

An Guomin doesn't look at it, this stone is discarded!
Turning to the little guy, she said, "Cissy, help grandpa see, is that stone colored? What color are they all?"

After he finished speaking, he felt embarrassed himself!
Fu Qingshan, who was walking this way, couldn't help laughing: "Mr. An, are you admitting defeat? Let a child look at it for you? Do you want me to buy you a bottle of eye drops?"

(End of this chapter)

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