Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 578

Chapter 578
An Guomin ignored him!

He firmly believed that Fu Qingshan was just a clown.

"Grandpa, how stupid." The little guy laughed.

An Guomin is overjoyed, there is a show!

"Grandpa is not stupid, but he is old and his eyesight is not good!" An Guomin explained flickeringly.

The little guy scratched his head, is that so?

An Qing replied, "Sissy's eyes are so bright? Quickly see which one is colored?"

The little guy looked at Ling Yun, then jumped out of his arms, and jumped to a certain booth!

The little finger pointed to a black stone with a price tag of 50!

He shouted anxiously: "Grandpa! This! This!" A smile bloomed on his face, and his tone was as excited as a cheerful sparrow, chirping!

When Fu Qingshan saw it, he couldn't help laughing again. Based on his many years of experience, that stone was just a piece of waste.

I heard from the stall owner that the original price of Black Stone was 900 million, but along the way, no one cared about it, or shook his head after asking the price, so now 50 is cheaper!

Fu Qingshan couldn't help it when he saw those cheap words.

An Guomin felt as if he had found a treasure, and hurried forward to imitate the little guy by touching the stone.

There was nothing but ice and cold.

"Ahem, swipe the card!" An Guomin handed out a black registered card, and the stall owner held it respectfully.

One can tell at a glance that there is a person with a head and a face, he can't afford to offend him!
The little guy tugged at An Guomin and said, "Sissy knows what color it is."

After speaking, he raised his hands proudly.

He looked like I was very powerful, as if he was saying, ask me quickly, ask me quickly!

An Guomin smiled, knelt down and pinched her cheeks in amused manner, and asked, "What color? Qianqian, don't lie to grandpa!"

"Aha, what color is that baba?" The little guy scratched his head, not understanding, and pointed at the woman in the purple dress in the crowd.

An Guomin doesn't believe it, maybe it's purple?

Looking at the serious expression of the little guy, it doesn't seem like he's just playing around.

Ling Yun replied lightly: "Blue purple, not bad, glass kind of emerald!"

Only An Guomin and the others heard this, and they all looked dumbfounded. Is it true?
And glass?

If ordinary green is still acceptable, after all, stones that no one cares about, green is not bad.

The little guy imitated the stall owner's move, and he used all his strength from breastfeeding.

There was fine sweat on her forehead, An Qing nervously wiped it off for her, and said angrily, "You little one, what strength do you have, I bought it, and it can't run away."

The little guy doesn't care, just hug him!

Ling Yun was also speechless: "Qiqian, let go, let your grandfather hug you!"

When the little guy heard it, yes!

Let him hug!
An Guomin laughed a few times, there was nothing wrong with it, they bought this stone!

Fu Qingshan has also bought stone materials, the original price of which is priced at 180 million!

And he asked An Guomin with a smile that was not a smile: "Mr. An, will this pass back to Shanghai? Will it make all your employees laugh?"

"We'll see!" An Guomin hugged the stone without seeming to be struggling at all.

Then he hugged it to the machine table and said to the master mechanic, "Master, I'm sorry for your inconvenience!"

"Wait!" Fu Qingshan stopped the master mechanic, and said again: "Ninety-nine percent of his is waste rock, cut mine first, let everyone open their eyes!"

It is not difficult to see from the eyes that Fu Qingshan is full of contempt.

An Guomin didn't bother with him, he wanted to see what kind of goods Fu Qingshan could offer?



The machine is polished quickly!
After a while, under the nimble cleaning of the window by the master mechanic, light green has radiated from the stone.

Fu Qingshan enjoyed the adoring gazes from all around him.

"Mr. An, you see, this is strength. Even if there are not many greens in it, I still have a chance of winning. Flower cards are also a kind of strength, haha!"

There was a strange flash in Fu Qingshan's eyes, as if he was sure to win, he didn't give An Min any face, and he stepped on it whenever he got the chance.

The little guy puffed up his cheeks angrily!

An Qing also felt that the people her father knew were so annoying.

Ling Yun, on the other hand, has the attitude of watching a show, he is a clown, and it won't be long, so he just shakes his head when he hears this, he has no strength and is too crazy, God will not see it!

"What's the rush?" An Guomin figured it out, even if Sissi asked him to buy this black stone, it would be fine if he couldn't win against Fu Qingshan.


To hell with it!

It's not like he can't afford to lose.

So at this moment, he calmed down instead, without any burden in his heart at all.

With the passage of time, all the stone materials of Mount Fu Qing were cut out.

Shoe-sized jadeite is also a rare type of glass.

This made Fu Qingshan even more embarrassed!
"Mr. An, write a check obediently, or you can transfer money!"

An Guomin sighed inwardly, vaguely not wanting to cut his black stone anymore!


The little guy had already told Ling Yun to tell the master mechanic, cut!

The little guy stared bleakly, as if staring could make purple, which made Ling Yun dumbfounded!
An Qing comforted An Guomin, it's okay to lose, she went back to coax the little guy, didn't she still have a bunch of diamonds in her hand?

An Qing started thinking about the little guy, but the little guy didn't know it!


The master mechanic let out a pleasant surprise. Originally, he was just rubbing randomly, but Ling Yun stared at it closely and wanted to cut along the line he drew!

The result really surprised him!

"It's green?" a melon-eating crowd asked after hearing the sound.

"Your eyesight is bad, it's purple!" The other patted him on the back of the head angrily!

Fu Qingshan also saw it, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently, how could it be possible?

With a look of hell, his whole body trembled, remembering the time when he laughed at An Guomin before, and now he can't wait to drill into the ground.

However, he still insisted that it might be just a little bit of purple. This kind of thing is seen a lot in the stone gambling world.

An Guomin heard the astonishment around him, and came back to take a look, full of joy!

It's really bruising!
Is his granddaughter going against the sky?

With Sissi, are you afraid that there will be no original goods?

Take her to a few jade streets, and you can buy a lot of emeralds!

An Guomin thought happily!

"Aha, Papa, look..." The little guy showed two small canine teeth, asking for credit from Ling Yun!
An Qing opened her mouth wide, remembering what their father and daughter said just now, how did they know it was purple?


She must get to the bottom of it!

"Ling Yun, tell me?" An Qing acted coquettishly, her tone was very coquettish, Ling Yun shuddered hard, goosebumps arose, she couldn't bear An Qing's sudden behavior!

Gongsun Qing on the side smiled...

The little guy is unhappy, why don't you ask her?
"Ma Ma? Bad Ma Ma?" The little guy poked An Qing's forehead!
An Qing curled her lips and said, "What are you doing?"

The little guy didn't speak, and pointed at himself, then looked up at the sky in Ling Yun's arms!

An Qing chuckled, it turned out to be like this!
(End of this chapter)

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