Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

The little guy is embarrassed...

Still don't ask?
An Qing intends to tease her, but she doesn't ask, and she is acting like a baby with Ling Yun, what's wrong with the little guy?

"Lingyun...Lingyun." An Qing's voice came again, shaking Lingyun's arm.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
Is it over yet?
"Don't, look at me... goosebumps!" Ling Yun's expression was not good...

An Qing was furious, and said a little angrily: "Are you going to tell me?" After she finished speaking, she still stared at him!
Ling Yun laughed, he still likes An Qing like this!
"Haha, Sissy told her!" Ling Yun touched the head of the little guy in his arms!
"Aha, that's... I saw it!" The little guy looked up at the sky after finishing speaking!

An Qing is messy in the wind...

Just as An Qing continued to interrogate, the dialogue between An Guomin and Fu Qingshan came!

"Boss Fu, do you want to look in the mirror?" An Guomin couldn't help laughing!

It’s really not until the end, I really can’t laugh!

"Hmph, this is a [-]% share. I can afford to lose. The landscape will meet again, let's wait and see!" Fu Qingshan said this harshly, and hurried away with his jade, with no face to stay any longer , It's too embarrassing!
An Guomin looked at Qianqian in Ling Yun's arms with a smile on his face, and the latter turned her eyes away, and yawned.

Ling Yun and An Qing also left, heading towards the place with the most rough stones.

An Guomin and Gongsun Qing took the green and purple jade carefully, and the thief seemed to be following closely behind.

The little guy helped An Guomin feel elated, and he was naturally rewarded by An Qing. There was ice cream for sale on a trolley, and An Qing bought her two without hesitation!


But she and An Qing are alone!I'm still so moved that I don't want to stop, I keep nagging that An Qing is better than Ling Yun!
Ling Yun took the opportunity to call Xu Le and asked him to drive a big truck to transport the stones. The old man's business cannot fail!
An Qing has already started to think about the little guy's diamonds, but they can't be fooled!

In the end, the little guy must have tricked him!

"Huh, Papa! There are so many!" The little guy looked at the pile of stones in front of him and exclaimed.

An Guomin said excitedly, "Sissy, which one do you like? Grandpa bought it!"

"Really?" The little guy's eyes lit up immediately!
But immediately her head became dizzy, using Ling Yun's supernatural power too much, her eyes couldn't bear it!
"What's wrong?" An Qing immediately realized that something was wrong, with a nervous expression on her face, she was out of her mind!

"Uncomfortable...eyes! Feeling dizzy!" The little guy rubbed his eyes with a very aggrieved tone.

Ling Yun helped her search her temples, slowly gave her holy light, and at the same time whispered in her ear: "Qi Qian, don't look, or you will lose your eyesight!"

"Huh?" The little guy rubbed his eyes, not knowing what it meant!
Ling Yun continued: "I mean, I won't be able to see the light anymore, I won't be able to see my mother, I won't be able to see my father, I won't be able to see everything!"

mock up!

Still can't scare her?

Hearing this, the little guy shuddered and shook his head: "Don't... Sissy don't be blind!"

"Bad papa." As he said, his eyes turned red and he wanted to hit Ling Yun!

An Guomin immediately suggested sending Sissy to the hospital, it was probably not a minor problem.

An Qing agreed, but Ling Yun refused!

Send to the hospital?
He was cured even if he was not sick!

Then he said: "I'm a miracle doctor, what hospital should I send her to? Sissy is fine, she's just tired, isn't she?" He threw the little guy in his arms and motioned her to say something, otherwise An Guomin and the others would send her to the hospital. hospital!

"Ma Ma, Sissy is tired!" After the little guy finished speaking, he pretended to close his eyes and started grunting.

"Puchi!" An Qing laughed at that time, and no longer insisted on sending her to the hospital. When she got nervous, she forgot that Ling Yun's medical skills are amazing!

An Guomin was just worried, and he never let go of his concern!
Gongsun Qing knows a little bit tricky, it is probably a elixir?

She has eaten it!

Didn't she become so young thanks to the gift from her son-in-law Ling Yun!

Send to the hospital?
It's really not necessary!

"Papa?" The little guy secretly opened his eyes!

An Qing helped her close it again with her hands, and whispered in her ear: "Hey, sleep."

Three seconds after An Qing finished speaking, the little guy secretly opened his eyes again and began to look around!

An Qing was next to her, she whispered displeasedly, "Are you going to sleep or not?"

Ling Yun gave her a white look: "Seeing how excited she is, would you be able to sleep?"

It really is, depending on the situation!

Xu Le's voice came from behind: "Brother Lingyun, sister Qing, hello!"

The little guy took the opportunity to get down from Ling Yun's arms, and ran to those stones, just looking at them, not daring to use divine power, but his eyes turned gloomy!

An Qing wondered why Xu Le came here?

There are two teams of bodyguards behind Xu Le?What are you doing?


At this moment, they are not bodyguards, but porters. Ling Yun told him to find some people to help move the stones!
An Guomin was walking with his pants pulled by the little guy, and he muttered at the corner of his mouth: "Grandpa, Stone, I bought them all!"

An Guomin was dumbfounded!

bought them all?
He has so much money, not to mention most of them are waste rocks, and there are not many yuan that can be gambled up. Isn't this a mess?
"Cissy, only buy the ones that have color, you can't buy them all here, you will suffer a loss!" An Guomin explained patiently, and patted her head.

The little guy couldn't figure it out, so he could only ask Ling Yun, but Ling Yun said the same thing, and the little guy immediately tilted his mouth, as if he was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked with a twitch of his mouth.

"Papa, Sissy is useless!"

"Why is it useless?"

"I... can't even look at stones... my eyes hurt!"

"Does Sissi want your mother to praise you?" Ling Yun whispered to Sissy at this moment, this dialogue can only be heard by their father and daughter.

The little guy rubbed his eyes and kept nodding: "Papa!"

"Father will teach you! Boo!" Ling Yun immediately picked her up, walked to a stone, and explained to her carefully how to know whether there is color in the stone.

Sometimes to determine whether there is a color, you don't have to look at it, but feel it. Then let her touch the stone and feel the inside of the stone!

The little guy is very smart, and she learned it right away. With her eyes closed, she can know whether a stone has a color or not!

"Aha, Papa, Sissy loves you!" The little guy was so happy that he danced and touched every stone!
But she is small, and many staff members won't let her touch her. She is so angry that her mouth is swollen, and she has no choice. Every staff member is labeled as a bad person by her!
An Guomin communicated with Xu Le and a group of bodyguards, probably to discuss the delivery of raw wool and rough stones later. An Guomin secretly sighed that Ling Yun's son-in-law is on the road, and everything has been arranged!

And Ling Yun and An Qing were chatting and laughing, making the latter laugh.

Gongsun Qing shook her head and smiled wryly, why didn't she care about the little guy?
"What's wrong with Qianqian? Why is it written all over her face?" Gongsun Qing pinched her face and asked.

"Grandma, they don't let Sissy touch it!" She rubbed her hands as she spoke, pursed her mouth angrily, and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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