Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 584 Secretly Regret

Chapter 584 Secretly Regret (Fourth)

after a while

Elder Yi is still the same, not saying a word!

Ouyang Xiu comforted: "Old Yi, be happy, just treat it as a dream, as you said, it's all over!"

Elder Yi was even more angry when he heard the words, and he didn't want to care about it, but when he thought of him, he was inexplicably angry!

He had already thought it over. He originally planned to buy a villa to compensate Ling Yun for hundreds of millions, now?

Forced collection!

This is not negotiable!

It's not that he is petty, but his dignity, his dignity as the senior elder of the dragon group!

Liu Qingcheng hugged the two little guys who were watching TV quietly, kissed with the left mouth and the right mouth. As for what Ouyang Xiu and the others were discussing, she didn't listen.

ask for it!
Let Sissy pour water?

Thanks to his thick skin, he can scream?

"Qiqian, tell Aunt Liu, where is Xiaoxue?" Liu Qingcheng asked.

"Sister Xiaoxue, let's go play!" The little guy curled his lips and said, not taking her there yet!


It's her father who won't let me!

"With whom?" Liu Qingcheng asked again.

"Aunt Long."

There was movement at the door, it was An Qing who came back from the phone call with Ling Yun.

As soon as An Qing came in, she acted like a hostess and said, "Please go back, we have no intention of selling the villa!"

She had heard what Ling Yun said, so she didn't have to be afraid, if anything happened, he was here!

When Elder Yi heard this, he was furious and said angrily, "Not for sale? We'll take it by force!"

Ouyang Xiu's forehead went black, what's the matter?Shouldn't we sit down and discuss it?
Don't be impulsive, it will make others think that their dragon group is a robber.

An Qing was also convinced, since she didn't know who they were anyway: "Don't sell, immediately, get lost!"

While coaxing the two little guys, Liu Qingcheng acted as a peacemaker: "Calm down, why are you arguing? Can you talk properly?"

An Qing immediately shook her head and said, "No, this is my home!"

Elder Yi's face was ashen, and he said angrily: "Your house? It will be gone soon!"

"Hey, are you scaring me?" An Qing stared at him, quite like a queen!

The little guy also heard it, and must be on An Qing's side. Hearing Elder Yi yelling loudly, she shouted: "Bad old man!"

Little Eileen also said: "Bad old man, burn you with fire." She really let out a few breaths as she said that!


Ling Yun was right to seal her ability, it was too messy.

Elder Yi smiled and didn't care about the two children.

Ouyang Xiu also kept persuading, first tell An Qing, calm down!

Communicate with Elder Yi again, and each take a step back!
The little guy has learned to protect An Qing, keeping her behind her, and little Irene is protecting Sissy.

Liu Qingcheng smiled, it's not necessary, could it be that these two senior elders still want to bully women and children in front of her?
Elder Yi is still arrogant, the little guy can't help him, sell the villa?

The little guy is the first to quit!
At this time, little Eileen took An Qing's phone and quietly gave it to Sissy. If she used this method as a thief, she would definitely grow into a thief in the future.

The little guy glared at Elder Yi angrily, and even dialed Ling Yun's phone number!
Liu Qingcheng thought secretly!



Things got out of hand, and then I touched my aching head.

Ouyang Xiu was curious about what Qianqian was going to do?

"Old Yi, let's go, we will discuss it with that young man another day." As he spoke, he talked to Elder Yi!
An Qing said again: "I'm in charge of this matter. If I say I won't sell it, I won't sell it. I don't want to see you in the future. It's useless to find anyone." The more she spoke, the more vigorous she became.

Elder Yi sneered, it was the first time he was treated like this!

Anger gradually appeared on his face, but he didn't want to attack ordinary people, he just wanted to show some momentum to scare them.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Ling Yun was over there, seemingly very displeased, with a dull tone.

"Papa?" The little guy seemed to have just been wronged, and he released it when he heard Ling Yun's voice.

When Ling Yun heard that it was his precious daughter, he laughed and said, "Qi Qian, do you miss Dad?"

"Well, papa, there's a bad old man!" He pouted at Elder Yi as he spoke.

Everyone listened silently, it turned out to be a complaint.

"Oh? They didn't leave?" Ling Yun frowned, his face darkened.

"No, they are broken, they want to rob our villa, dad beat him!"

"Brother, can the baby hit them?" Little Irene shouted.

"No, Qianqian, we must respect the old and love the young, and we must not bully them, they are still sick!" Ling Yun said flickeringly.

"Kidney deficiency?"

"Sissy is so smart!"

"Then don't beat them." The little guy replied weakly.

"Well, no, I'll call an ambulance for them, okay?"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, several of them had different expressions on their faces.

Elder Yi was also annoyed that he had become the laughing stock of their father and daughter. Liu Qingcheng had been thinking about Ling Yun's words, and he always felt that it was not easy.

An Qing was speechless, what and what?How do you know you are sick?
Ouyang Xiu's face was solemn, and a feeling of uneasiness welled up in his heart!
Immediately, he pulled Elder Yi decisively and shouted in panic, "Let's go, Old Yi!"

Immediately apologized to An Qing: "I'm sorry, we have a bad attitude, so we won't bother you in the future!"

An Qing was dumbfounded, and Liu Qingcheng was dumbfounded!
Elder Yi didn't know why, did Ouyang Xiu go crazy?

Ouyang Xiu dragged Elder Yi all the way to the front yard, only then did his face turn pale, as if facing an enemy!


Ling Yun's Supreme Suppression is here!
The two old men were lying on the lawn as if they had fallen!
Elder Yi is a fool if he doesn't understand.


Apart from wanting to slap his own mouth right now, he also wants to beat that Feng Shui master!

Pluto's villa?Is it something they can remember?

What is Pluto's age?
Go to hell!

He is a young man!
Ouyang Xiu shivered, remembering the first time, it turned out that Ling Yun was the King of Pluto!

Just now he felt that Ling Yun's words were similar to what he said when they first met, so he took a gamble and dragged Elder Yi away, helplessly...

"Old Yi, does it hurt?" Ouyang Xiu smiled wryly, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was still very ugly.

Elder Yi wanted to talk, but he was so stressed that he couldn't breathe!

An Qing and Liu Qingcheng were frightened to death when they came out, are they really sick?

An Qing doubted it, but Liu Qingcheng didn't believe it. She felt that Ling Yun did it, but she couldn't imagine how it was done.

The little guy didn't suspect that it was Ling Yun, her father was at work, how could it be him?

It must be suffering from kidney deficiency. Her father didn't lie to her, and the two old men were also pale and fell to the ground.

Little Irene walked over and lay down on the ground, staring at them, thinking it was fun.

An Qing has a good heart, she fell down, she must have walked over to help her up.

Liu Qingcheng immediately pulled An Qing back, and at the same time her complexion was not very good. She discovered that there was a terrifying force in the front yard!

It was this force that crushed the two old men in the upper echelons of the dragon group helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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