Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 585 Keeping a Secret

Chapter 585 Keeping a Secret
She can't let An Qing go there casually, if An Qing is also affected by this force, the consequences will be disastrous.

"What's wrong?" An Qing looked back at Liu Qingcheng's unnatural expression and asked.

"Don't help them, touch porcelain, what if your villa is cheated?" Liu Qingcheng reacted quickly, and immediately thought of this explanation.

When An Qing heard it, she thought it made sense, maybe it was, these two old men were really bad, and then walked into the living room, out of sight.

Just as Liu Qingcheng continued to think about things, the little guy ran up to them, and said in a childlike voice, "Don't worry, my daddy will help you call the ambulance."

Not only were Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi not angry, they even forced out a smile.

Elder Yi nodded, and Ouyang Xiu could barely say: "Thank you!"

The little guy smiled and narrowed his eyes: "You're welcome."

"Cissy, come back quickly." Liu Qingcheng was scared to death.

What about looking at little Irene again?
Wouldn't it be affected?Why are you lying on your stomach?

Immediately, she rushed over, picked up little Irene, and was dumbfounded, she was fine!

Instead, she checked. The two old men were indeed suppressed by a terrifying force. What happened?
She immediately thought of Ling Yun, but how could it be possible?

Isn't he in the company?
Unless he is Pluto!

A thought came to her mind, and her breathing became short of breath.

The two little guys played in the front yard for a while, and then went up to the second floor, still mysterious.

And An Guomin and Gongsun Qing were tired and wanted to come back to rest. When they got here, they were dumbfounded, how could someone fall to the ground.

Liu Qingcheng on one side responded, "Leave them alone!"

An Guomin put away the steps he was about to walk over, with a dazed expression on his face.

The beauty who spoke is the director?Liu Qingcheng?Why is she here, at his son-in-law's house?
You didn't go to the wrong villa. Where's his daughter An Qing?

"Ahem, just leave him alone!" Liu Qingcheng recognized at a glance that Gongsun Qing and An Qing looked so alike.

"Mom and Dad, come in!" An Qing shouted after hearing the sound.

After hearing the explanation, An Min trembled with anger, and went out with a stick, saying that he was going to beat two old men, but fortunately Liu Qingcheng stopped him.

Little Aileen on the second floor cried, because Ling Yun said that she would be sent back when the sun went down, and she could no longer play. In the Endless Sea, she was the only one with no one to accompany her.

"What's wrong?" An Qing went up and asked, afraid that one of them might get hurt.

"Has Papa come back?" The little guy asked in a bad mood.

"No, it's probably coming soon!" An Qing checked the time, it was already 05:30.

The two little guys rubbed their eyes and went to the front yard again, while Qianqian asked Ouyang Xiu: "Grandpa, do you want water?"

Ouyang Xiu was almost speechless, the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, it hurt him to death, why is he so unlucky?

Seeing the eccentric Sissi, Ouyang Xiu shuddered, not daring to take it!
The sound of the car's engine was Ling Yun's return, and the little guy jumped up.

The little guy hugged Ling Yun who got out of the car: "Papa, ambulance?"

"Well, it's almost here!" Ling Yun propped up the little guy.

Little Eileen wants a hug too!
With a child in each hand, Ling Yun happily walked into the villa, without even looking at the two old men on the ground.

Ouyang Xiu and the others looked ashen, they were really doomed.

An Qing breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ling Yun come back.

"Son-in-law, should we consider calling the police?" An Guomin asked.

"No need." Ling Yun shook his head and said.

Immediately, he let the two little guys down, and he took Liu Qingcheng, who was hesitant to speak, out.

He also told them not to come out, and deal with something, and it will be fine right away.

An Qing and the others thought that Ling Yun was reasoning with the two old men, and they couldn't just lie on the ground with shameless faces. They had been lying on the ground for almost an hour, and it was too shameless for them to be able to buy a villa.

"Little Yun'er, are you...?" Liu Qingcheng asked tremblingly.

Ling Yun kept silent and made a booing gesture!
Then Liu Qingcheng heard a snap of his fingers!

"not dead."

The two old men slowly got up and wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths.

Liu Qingcheng swallowed her saliva and took a few steps back. It was really the King of Hades, so terrifying, hiding so deeply.

So what?Does Ling Yuyang know too?

He actually went back to kneel on the washboard without telling her!

"Do you want to feel it again?" Ling Yun said leisurely, his face calm.

Ouyang Xiu shook his head wildly, and said, "Senior, I'm sorry, I offended you so much!"

Elder Yi didn't have the arrogance he had before, he still knelt down and begged for forgiveness: "Senior, I don't dare anymore."

"If there is a next time, I will definitely kill you!" Ling Yun turned around and wanted to leave!
To be honest, Ling Yun was very upset that he actually wanted to make an idea of ​​his villa?If An Qing and the others were not inside, they would have been killed a long time ago, and the lesson has been taught. Ouyang Xiu and the others were seriously injured and could not recover within a few months.

First, if you kill them, the higher-ups will definitely come to investigate, and there will definitely be another headache at that time.

Second, Ouyang Xiu and the others cannot die yet, the secret of the villa needs to be concealed by them.

"I don't want one more person to know about this, do you understand?" After speaking, a murderous aura enveloped the two of them in an instant!
Ouyang Xiu and the others were scared to death, and hurriedly replied: "Senior, don't worry!"

"Little Yun'er, I..." Liu Qingcheng didn't know how to face Ling Yun!
"Let's go, call on the phone if you need something!" Ling Yun waved his hand and dismissed them all, he was not free!

I have to send little Irene back, and I still have to cook, how can I have free time to play house with them?
Elder Yi who came out of Lingyun Villa spat blood: "Ahem, I almost died!"

"Fortunately, I didn't do anything serious." Ouyang Xiu looked back at the villa, and gave a fierce shudder.

He patted Elder Yi on the shoulder and said, "Old Yi, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I just forcibly endured it. Now that I spit it out, it's much more comfortable. I won't come to Jiangbei in the future. It's too scary." Elder Yi also shuddered severely.

"I won't come, I won't come, I won't come even if I'm killed." Ouyang Xiu shook his head desperately.

Who would have thought that such a simple thing would allow them to meet Pluto!

It is worthy of being a strong man beyond the legend!
After they go back, they will keep their mouths shut and keep what they know in their stomachs.


When they knew that Ling Yun belonged to the Ling Mansion in the capital, their eyes almost popped out, and they all regretted not helping the Ling Mansion back then.

"Why don't you leave?" Ling Yun asked speechlessly.

"Hmph, whoever you are, didn't you follow me and your fourth uncle when you were young, and besides, I'm not looking for you!" Liu Qingcheng replied confidently.

Got it!

When a woman is unreasonable, the sky is hers!
"Why are you looking for her? What will she do?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

Liu Qingcheng rolled his eyes at him, and even got up to poke Ling Yun's forehead: "Stupid, you may not know what An Qing knows!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, as expected, his daughter understood that Liu Qingcheng was a violent woman!
Seeing Ling Yun like this, Liu Qingcheng wanted to laugh: "Don't ask, I won't tell you if I ask!"

Ling Yun asked with a half-smile, "When will the wedding photos be taken?"

Liu Qingcheng instinctively said, "In a few days!"

After realizing it, she was dumbfounded, how did Ling Yun know?
What An Qing said?

Is it possible?
(End of this chapter)

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