Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 586 Barbecue Tonight

Chapter 586 Barbecue Tonight
Ling Yun also imitated her, and said with a smile: "Don't ask me, and I won't tell you if I ask!"

After finishing speaking, I walked back to the living room!

Feeling helpless, Liu Qingcheng also followed in. It's almost time for dinner, right?


Cengfan, I have to pack something to go home, so that Ling Yuyang doesn't have to cook.

"All gone?" An Qing hugged Ling Yun and asked.

Ling Yun patted her head laughingly, showing his white teeth and said: "That's right, tell them a few words, you will know your mistake immediately, and you will never come back again!"

The corner of Liu Qingcheng's mouth twitched, can he twitch a little more?

They all showed love!
when they don't exist?

"Ahem, little Yun'er, pay attention to the occasion!" Liu Qingcheng rolled his eyes at him, with the corners of his mouth twitching, and went to the sofa to hug the little guy, only the little guy could comfort her.

Ling Yun asked An Qing to wash the vegetables, and the latter obeyed the arrangement.

"Irene, I'm going back." Ling Yun said.

Little Irene was very sad and stopped talking, her eyes were red.

Liu Qingcheng couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "How dare you bully the child, it made her cry!" He hugged little Irene while comforting her.

Gongsun Qing was sitting next to her, she couldn't bear it, and asked: "Son-in-law, can you stop sending her back, she doesn't even want to go back."

Little Irene nodded wildly!

An Guomin is different, he said: "It's definitely not possible, her family is not at ease."

The little guy looked at Ling Yun dryly, hoping that her father would nod.

"Brother, the baby is not leaving!" Little Irene rubbed her red eyes.

What a headache!
In the end, An Qing also came out and heard the cries of the children.

She suggested: "Ling Yun communicate with her parents, let her stay overnight!"

Little Irene's eyes lit up, she ran to Ling Yun's feet and shook him and said, "Brother, tell the queen mother that the baby will not go back."


Everyone was stunned, when is it, and there is still this title?

"Ahem, children are used to screaming since childhood, so don't be surprised." Ling Yun explained embarrassingly.

The little guy also came to act like a baby, and said, "Papa, how about I let you go on a date with Ma Ma tonight."

An Qing's head was covered with black lines when she heard the words!
Ling Yun was pleasantly surprised and asked: "Really?"

When the little guy heard it, he felt something was going on, nodded his head heavily, and agreed.

Ling Yun thought for a while and came up with an idea. Today seems to be the weekend. His cousin Lin Yueyan seems to be coming, but I don't know if it will be tonight.

Call later to confirm. If it's him, I'll keep little Irene and have another barbecue.

Immediately after Ling Yun was not in Moji, he called Lin Yueyan directly and found out that he was really coming tonight.

Got it!

Not only her, but also her three girlfriends, Gao Feifei and the others, it seems that Gao Yunjie is also coming?There are enough people now.

Since Liu Qingcheng is here, why not call his fourth uncle Ling Yuyang over too.

After the decision was made, he asked An Qing to wash the vegetables again. He also said that there would be a lot of people for the gathering tonight, and he needed a lot of ingredients. He also asked An Qing to order takeaway ingredients.

The little guy was the happiest when he heard that there were many people. The key is that little Irene stayed.

And Ling Yun took little Irene out, going to the Endless Sea to say sorry to the princess.

The little guy was clamoring to go, maybe it was the supervisor Ling Yun, Ling Yun was speechless, and told An Qing and the others to go for a walk, prepare the ingredients, and he would come back.

Endless Sea Western Regions!
The entire palace was very noisy, as if something major had happened, even the two gods from the north and south of the God Realm came in person.

As soon as the identity of Emperor Lingyun came, everyone knelt down and shouted in unison. (At this moment, the roar of being played with is coming from the sealed place in the depths of the endless sea!)

Two laughs came!

Sea King and Princess are dumbfounded, little Irene?

Little Irene, who had been searching for six days, came back, and the couple wept with joy!

what's the situation?
The plot is wrong, didn't the couple see Yu Jian's message?
Ling Yun waved his hand, telling other irrelevant people to retreat, he had something to say to Haiwang and his wife.

Little Irene ran over and hugged the princess: "Mother, don't cry."

"Child!" The princess hugged her tightly, even the little guy was hugged by her.

In the past few days, she washed her face with tears every day, and suddenly disappeared little Irene, and she was so anxious to death that everyone in the endless sea, so when the stewards of the God Realm heard that Irene had disappeared, everyone was not calm, for fear that the Lord God would scold her.

However, the North and South gods had no intention of withdrawing. The two of them finally saw Ling Yun, so how could they let him go away casually.

The Twelve Domains are about to turn upside down, and he needs to take action to suppress it!
"Sorry, two, it's my fault!" Ling Yun thought about it and told the truth.

After hearing Ling Yun's narration, the corner of Haiwang's mouth twitched and said: "Jade slip? We didn't see it!"

The princess was also full of anger: "Husband, could someone be here?"

Ling Yun shook his head, probably not!
Then he closed his eyes, and everyone waited quietly. After a while, he was speechless!
"It's little Irene's pet turtle, which ate Yujian!"


Everyone was also speechless.

The princess said bluntly angrily: "I'm going to stew it!"

"No, don't eat the little turtle." Little Irene quit, it was her pet.

This is how it was revealed...

Ling Yun looked at their mother and daughter, and the eyes of the princess, it was really hard for him to speak!

Seeing that Ling Yun remained silent for a long time, the two gods in the north and the south wanted to speak.

And the little guy seemed impatient, and said coquettishly: "Auntie, auntie, let little Irene play with me, okay?"

As soon as this word comes out!
Everyone looks at the little guy!

The Nanbei God Venerable reacted, swallowed his saliva, shook his head and said it was impossible!
How could she still not grow up?

More than two years?

She is not a dragon body!

The sea king's face was full of cold sweat, and he decided that she was a dragon, otherwise she couldn't explain it, she must be the king of the blood dragon clan!

The little guy scratched his head, did she say something wrong?

Embarrassed by being stared at, he ran behind Ling Yun's feet and hid.

"Mother, the baby wants to..." Little Irene also acted like a baby, "I want to play with my sister, okay, mother?"

Haiwang said directly: "Madam, let her be, it's impossible for her to stay with us forever, isn't it?"

The princess wiped her tears, hugged little Irene and did not let go, and did not express her opinion.

But Nan Shenzun couldn't hold back anymore, stepped forward and said, "Dijun, it's messed up, messed up!"

Bei Shenzun echoed: "It's messed up, it's messed up!"

The little guy imitated: "It's messed up, it's messed up!" Meimou began to look around restlessly.

Ling Yun frowned, what's the mess?Then he opened his mouth and asked: "Speak, it seems that you have stopped talking for a long time, and there is not much time left for you."

The corners of Nanbei Shenzun's mouth twitched fiercely, Taishenjun is still so capricious!
He doesn't plan to stay after listening to it, I really don't know what he is busy with all day long?

With a baby?

Just a little princess?

What a cute, free-range one!
(End of this chapter)

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