Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 587 News

Chapter 587 News
As soon as the little guy got familiar with the environment, he became courageous. When Nanbei Shenzun and the others were about to talk to Ling Yun about the situation, two little hands stretched out in front of them.

Bei Shenzun scratched his head with a confused look on his face, what do you mean?
Nan Shenzun understood, he wanted a gift!
"Little princess, this is a gift from the old man, please accept it!" After speaking, he smiled and handed over a storage ring.

Bei Shenzun felt a pain in his flesh, and imitated handing over a storage ring.

The little guy laughed, and sat next to him to study what was inside.

Since the last time she bought a slave, she has basically used up all her spirit stones.

"Dijun, old man, he... hey!" Nan Shenzun sighed, unable to speak.

And Bei Shenzun is not as sad as him, time is running out, so he said everything.

Ling Yun already knew all about this matter, and it was nothing more than the fact that the fight between the Ghost Emperor and the Pisces Emperor had broken the body of the Peacemaker God Venerable.

This is blatant contempt for the God Realm, but the few of them in charge are helpless.

You can't spend all of their energy on the matter of the Ghost Emperor and Pisces Emperor. After all, there are too many things to deal with in the Twelve Domains, and they are too busy to handle.

In the past hundred years, the Twelve Domains have been turbulent. Almost all the powers and giants that originally obeyed the orders of the God Realm have begun to leave one after another.

"Now that Guidao is defeated, there is actually Sanchongtian who joined their duel circle, that lunatic Yantian Sword Emperor!"

"If Ghost Island is not there, the power will be completely tilted."

"I don't know where Ghost Island is floating now, there are Pisces strangling orders everywhere!"

The two gods looked awe-inspiring, and said repeatedly with a little sadness on their faces.

Ling Yun thought for a while, then replied in a cold tone: "Don't worry about them, let them fight, and the God Realm will not intervene, it's so shameless, it's thankless."

Nan Shenzun nodded, why didn't they think of that?As long as it doesn't affect the final God Realm, who cares about them so much?It's easy to listen to, but it's their business whether they listen or not.

Bei Shenzun was different, and said, "Dijun, if this is the case, then where is the dignity of our God Realm?"

Ling Yun smiled calmly: "Dignity? Wait until they lose all three... you go again, then dignity is worth nothing!"

When Bei Shenzun heard it, he suddenly realized that Ling Yun woke up all the worrying things these days!

"Haha, Gao!" Then he gave a thumbs up, a look of admiration appeared on his face, and his eyes were still shining hotly.

After that, we will discuss the Wuhun Continent!
Wuhun Continent lost its overlord, and was taken over by Yichongtian in an instant. Even the master of the Tianping star field didn't pay attention to it, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Hot sparks hand over to others?
What the domain owner did is really disappointing, or is he selling medicine in the gourd?

"This Dugu Yidao was furious at his birthday banquet, and he..." Nan Shenzun said while paying attention to Ling Yun's face: "And he has already declared to the outside world that he will draw a line with the God Realm."

Nan Shenzun deliberately said it very euphemistically, not only to draw a clear line, in fact, Dugu Yidao has already fought against the God Realm once.

"I heard from him that our God Realm is unfair. I am also speechless. This is clearly an excuse!" Bei Shenzun said indignantly, as if there was a fire in his body that was about to be vented.

"These domain masters, the gods have hardened their wings, and they are not reconciled to the status quo, haha!" Ling Yun smiled leisurely and said in a flat tone.

Is Dugu Yidao revenge for the forest king?
What is fair?
They are all selfish people, how can they care about justice?
"Dijun, I heard... Don't be angry when the old man says it." Bei Shenzun looked at the calm Ling Yun, swallowed and asked.

Ling Yun nodded, and now the little guy began to crawl into his arms.

"I heard that you have been to Wuhun Continent and killed his subordinates?" Bei Shenzun finished speaking, sweating profusely, and looked at Ling Yun nervously!

After the little guy was lifted into his arms: "Wuhun Continent? Papa? Are you still going?"

"Sissy, don't make a sound!" Ling Yun patted her head dotingly, and the little guy enjoyed it very much, and began to lie quietly in his arms.


Let the gods of the North and the South be sure, [-]% of them are, otherwise Dugu Yidao wouldn't be like this all of a sudden.

Ling Yun admitted: "That's right, it's similar to what you said, I killed his son!"




The two words kept ringing around the ears of the North and South Gods!

Immediately Ling Yun said again: "Let him jump around, he will probably get tired after a long time!"

The corner of Nanbei God Venerable's mouth twitched!
Is it possible?
You don't know his madness, do you?

What if they really hit the God Realm, they don't have Ling Yun's pervert.

Nanbei Shenzun sighed in his heart, it seems that this matter is for nothing.

What can I do?
The emperor has already said, let him jump!
Changing the subject again is the Little Putuo Temple. This is a major event that has shocked the Twelve Domains!
If the topic of discussion after dinner is not Little Putuo Temple, then he must be ignorant!

And Ling Yun smiled wryly in his heart, pretending too much: "Ahem, you should ignore this matter, right?"

"It really doesn't matter, but we also want to know who it is!" Nan Shenzun said awkwardly.

Bei Shenzun said: "The Great Putuo Temple sent Xuan Kong out!"

Xuan Kong!

This name is as resounding as the Supreme God in the Twelve Domains!
The Dharma is profound, so let’s not talk about it, his physical skills are known as the body of the golden Buddha that no one can break.

Xuankong's mission is to capture Lingyun who destroyed the Little Putuo Temple!

This surprised Ling Yun a bit, there are so many masters in Daputuo Temple?

It seems that the ancient Putuo Temple was very powerful!
Once again, I heard Nan Shenzun say that it is a matter of Gemini Starfield!

After a year!
Ji Wushuang holds the position of domain lord, once again bloodily suppressing the original rebels!
This was the only thing that made the old men in the God Realm happy. At least Ji Wushuang handled it well.

After that, there were some trivial matters, such as the arrest of Qianqian, Ling Yun waved his hand, expressing that he didn't want to hear it anymore!
"Is there still no news about Hellblood?"

"Hey, I've let you down, not at all!" Nan Shenzun sighed.

Ling Yun was slightly displeased, how could there be no news at all?
Then he nodded and asked, "It's time, what else do you have?"

The gods of the north and the south looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. They were basically gone, and they just hoped that Ling Yun would stay in the God Realm forever.

However, they knew it was impossible, so they didn't speak.

The little guy licked his mouth and said, "Papa, have you gone back?"

It looks like I'm hungry. I've been playing all afternoon, which consumes a lot of energy.

"Yes! Immediately." Ling Yun replied with a smile.

Little Irene heard it, and said anxiously and coquettishly: "Mother?"

"Remember, be obedient!" The princess had hugged enough, and felt that Neptune's words made sense. She couldn't stay by their husband and wife's side all the time, so she could just treat her as a closed-door practitioner.

(End of this chapter)

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