Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 588

Chapter 588
Ling Yun is speechless, why is it acting like parting from life and death again?
The little guy was very good at comforting people. He jumped out of Ling Yun's arms, ran to the princess, kissed her, and said softly, "Auntie, Sissy will take care of little Irene."

The princess was instantly amused by her cute appearance: "The little princess is so cute!"

"Yeah!" The little guy is not humble at all!
Little Irene also imitated: "Boom!"

The princess had a doting look on her face, her eyes were full of love and she said with a funny smile: "Go!"

After saying goodbye to the princess, the two little guys followed Ling Yun into the broken Thunder Gate.

Sealing in the depths of the endless sea, another roar of anger!

He swore that after he went out, he would kill the person who played with him.

Ling Yun led them, and when they returned to the villa, they were laughing and laughing, it seemed that almost everyone had arrived.

Lin Yueyan and the others hurriedly greeted Ling Yun when they saw Ling Yun, but they caught the little ones. There was a person they didn't know, who was so cute and elf, and captured the hearts of their little girls in an instant.

"Auntie, let's play together?" The little guy rolled his eyes, blinked his beautiful eyes, and looked at Jiang Ning with a smile on his face.

And Jiang Ning shrank his neck, shook his head and said, "Auntie is here to eat barbecue, so I can't play games with you."

Others also expressed that they would not play, just kidding, playing with her?

You will lose badly!

Gao Yunjie on the side looked at Ling Yun, hesitant to speak, he didn't dare to speak to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun didn't notice either, and walked straight into the kitchen, and took out a bunch of fruits from the refrigerator.

"Wow, stinky cousin!" Lin Yueyan waved her fist with the expression of beating Ling Yun violently!

"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked innocently!
Lin Yueyan picked up a peach and said, "Be honest, where do you put the fruit?"

After speaking, she stared straight at Ling Yun, hoping to see something strange from it. As soon as she arrived at the villa, she immediately started looking for fruit, but she took photos of everything under the sofa with her mobile phone, except for the half apple left over from the coffee table. There are no shadow fruits!
"You just bought it, why is your eyesight not working?" Ling Yun tapped her on the head amusedly.

She yelled in pain!

Fortunately, she didn't continue to question, otherwise Ling Yun might have erased some of her memory.

"Ling Yun, I've prepared everything for you." An Qing walked over as if asking for credit, with a happy smile on her face.

"Come on, pop one!"

"No, a lot of people... are watching!" An Qing shyly turned her head away, and ran into the kitchen to take out all the ingredients.

Ling Yun rubbed his nose in embarrassment, looked up at the moonlight tonight, it was not bad!
His choice is correct!

It's autumn, neither hot nor cold, it's a good time to make skewers!
Masturbating is an art. Masturbating alone is about mood, and masturbating for two is about feelings.


A group of people masturbating, the masturbation is hypocritical, bah!It's friendship.

Between beer and BBQ, there's always a plate of peanut edamame.

An Qing put them all out, and Lin Yueyan and the others helped out one after another, so they couldn't just sit and watch.

Ling Yun walked over, picked up a bottle of beer, it froze in an instant, Yoyo said: "Take the skewer and knock it, pick up the beer and drink it to your mouth!" After speaking, he unscrewed the beer cap, and Gulu took a big sip!
The little guy was staring at him, but Ling Yun didn't seem to care anymore, he said in his heart!

Make an exception tonight!

The little guy really didn't make a sound, she just doesn't know what Ling Yun drinks, she can't smell alcohol, the sky is dark, and the cans are still new high-end beer, what a fart!

"Brother Lingyun, I understand quite well, let me say a few more words!" Song Song joked.

Ling Yun was happy, and grunted again: "As the saying goes, if you want to be a lovebird in the sky, you have to eat barbecue on the ground."

Lin Yueyan smiled while cleaning the table: "Stinky cousin, what a mess!"

Ling Yun was also not modest, and continued: "When is the spring, autumn and moon? In the past, we used to eat barbecue. If there is love in the sky, the sky will be old. The right way in the world is to eat barbecue!"


The little guy sounded like a rhyme, so he jumped up and applauded. As for little Irene, her mouth was full of fruits, with a peach in her right hand and a watermelon in her arms with her left hand, sitting on the lawn.

Even An Qing was surprised this time, Ling Yun is so eloquent?
I heard that he was a sullen guy in college, and when he thought of his humor when he was with Ling Yun, An Qing unconsciously smiled.

Lin Yueyan's gossip mentality came, and she asked Ling Yun curiously: "Cousin, is this how you tricked your cousin?"

An Qing's face flushed, "Xiao Nizi, what are you talking about?"

"How can you say you're cheating? You took the bait obediently!" Ling Yun started bragging, but An Qing shyly came over and twisted his waist.

For a while, several people burst into laughter when they saw this.

"Brother, didn't you say that you need Brother Lingyun for something?" Gao Feifei glared at Gao Yunjie angrily. She really wanted to get rid of him, but did she eat it again?
"Sister, I have something to say later, I'm busy, um... delicious..." Gao Yunjie took a large piece of watermelon and gnawed on it. Seeing Gao Feifei's angry look, he said again: "Cough cough, sister, I'm thirsty , I don’t know where the water is!”

Gao Feifei gave him a blank look and thought she was a fool?Silly and sweet?

When the little guy heard Gao Yunjie asking for water, he scratched his head and walked over and asked, "Do you want water? Qianqian will help you pretend!"

Liu Qingcheng started the fire to burn charcoal, and her whole body trembled when she heard the little guy's words!

water?Toilet water again?
Gao Yunjie swallowed and was about to reply when Liu Qingcheng stopped and said, "Qiqian, don't mess around!"

The little guy curled his lips in dissatisfaction. She didn't want to go yet, so she sat on the ground with little Irene, waiting for food.

"Sister...this! Delicious!"

Hearing what little Irene said in a childish voice, the little guy looked at her and laughed, and said: "You can't eat outside, eat red ones!"

Little Irene ate the whole watermelon like this, even the rind!
Liu Qingcheng looked at the two of them, a little annoyed that Lingyun didn't take care of them!
He walked over angrily, pulled Ling Yun's hair, stared and said: "The charcoal is red, why don't you roast it quickly, do you want to masturbate?"

"Ahem, right away!" Ling Yun choked on the beer, and thought to himself, why hasn't Xu Le arrived yet?
He baked so much by himself?

Thinking about his soft hands, he is still being stared at, and he can't cheat!

What about flying at night?
Usually when I hear about this, I am more anxious than anyone else. Why did I not arrive for so long?

Grilling and drinking alone is lonely, but luckily Gao Yunjie came over to help with the barbecue while eating.

Liu Qingcheng stretched her body, finally liberated, and then played with the two little guys.

"Irene, you can't eat this!" Liu Qingcheng pointed at the watermelon rind and said, is she really Blue Star's child?
Why is it like eating watermelon for the first time?
Little Irene nodded, and started to dig out the watermelon flesh, making the corner of Liu Qingcheng's mouth twitch!
"Aha, that's it!" The little guy brought a sliced ​​watermelon and gnawed it in small bites, looking like a lady of every family, let little Irene learn from it!

(End of this chapter)

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