Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 590

Chapter 590
The women on An Qing's side were chatting and laughing, playing with the two little guys from time to time!
And the guys over at Ling Yun laughed loudly, letting go of their laughter completely!

With Qin Lan's arrival, everyone is here tonight!

And as soon as she arrived, she grabbed the two little guys and kissed them madly!

The little guy has no objection, little Irene quit, she still wants to eat meat skewers, so I can't let her kiss!
After An Qing's decision...

"Cousin, cousin let you perform a show!"

"No, Sissy wants to see it!"

Lin Yueyan spoke to the innocent Ling Yun on behalf of them.

For a moment, Ling Yun became the focus!
Even the little guy said: "Perform!"

Little Eileen is curious again, what are you going to do?

"Shall we let Sissy dance for a while?" Ling Yun suggested!

An Qing immediately hugged the little guy and replied: "No, you perform, she dances!" Then she turned to Sissy: "How about it?"

Ling Yun was looking at the little guy, waiting for her to express her opinion, Qianqian looked around, curled her lips and nodded.

Unable to shake everyone, Ling Yun got up and went back to the villa, and came out again with an extra electric guitar in his hand!

I saw him sitting on the lawn in front of the gate, facing them all, gently plucking a few strings, and singing in a deep voice.

When you're old and gray and sleepy
When you're old and can't walk, you're dozing by the fire, remembering your youth...

After singing an affectionate song, everyone applauded and had endless aftertaste.

Ling Yun talked about the youth and oldness that traveled through time, and thought of Lin Qiuyan, so he chose to sing this song, although she is not here at the moment.

After An Qing finished listening, she went to Gongsun Qing, put her arms around her neck from behind, and then put her arms around An Guomin again!
It's all Ling Yun's fault, he ruined the good atmosphere!

In order to get everyone out of this sadness, Ling Yun yelled at Little Piggy to come down and dance with the little guy.

The whole front yard was full of laughter, especially the little piggy, everyone looked like a jerk!

The little guy and little Irene also worked very hard, sweating from jumping, and little Irene just imitated and played around.

After that, the little guy started bragging, telling them stories, bragging about the magic of Bi Mercury, Ling Yun shook his head, and continued chatting with Ling Yuyang and the others.

Gao Yunjie became slightly drunk, so he whispered to Ling Yun: "Brother Ling Yun, there is something... can I ask you?"

"what's up?"

Gao Yunjie thought he was very quiet, but they all heard him.

The few around Ling Yun are all masters of Blue Star, how can the wind and grass escape the ears?

Gao Yunjie simply said it out!
Ling Yun didn't express his opinion, but smiled meaningfully!
"Damn it, what are you asking the islanders for?" Ling Yuyang muttered in dissatisfaction. He hated the islanders the most. Whenever he heard what they said, he felt like hitting someone.

Gao Yunjie smiled bitterly: "What can I do!" After speaking, he took a sip of beer.

He didn't know any big-name foreign professional racing drivers, so he listened to the islanders introduced by his younger brother to solve his urgent needs.

Ling Yuyang rolled his eyes at him, thinking that his driving skills were good, and said, "When? I want to gamble with the islanders!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he heard this, my dear!

You are black now!
You are said to be a dead person by the world, how dare you show your face openly?

Gao Yunjie didn't rush, and chuckled lightly: "Tonight!"

"Damn it, then you're still drinking beer here?" Ye Fei couldn't help complaining, did he care?Jiangbei car god?
"It's not time yet!" Gao Yunjie scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then he asked: "Brother Lingyun? How are you doing? Go kill them!"

Ling Yun didn't really want to go, just when he shook his head, Ling Yuyang patted him on the shoulder: "Haha, it's such a happy decision, let's go bet with him!"

Ling Yun's forehead went black, was he drunk or Ling Yuyang drunk?
He didn't say go, did he?
Decide on a yarn, what to be excited about!
Gao Yunjie was very excited, as long as Ling Yun went, he would definitely not get used to those arrogant and domineering rivals!
Did Ling Yuyang hear it wrong? Gao Yunjie didn't say that he wanted to compete with the islanders, he invited them!
It seems that he is incapable of drinking!

Immediately, Gao Yunjie started calling, he got it done, and his voice was still loud, no!The two little guys could clearly hear them playing.

Ye Fei started to eat without any hesitation, the food here is all good stuff, after absorbing it, it is estimated that he can break through a small stage again.

On a rare occasion, An Qing didn't say anything, and the two little guys looked at each other, their eyes rolling in desperation.

Liu Qingcheng murmured a few words to the girls, maybe they would go too, so why not take them?Go secretly too, it feels exciting!

The little guy happily asked: "Auntie, I'm going too!"

"The baby is going too!"

Liu Qingcheng flicked the foreheads of the two of them, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You guys have to sleep, get up early tomorrow to play, you can't learn from us!"

The little guy didn't understand: "Huh?"

"We are night owls!" Lin Yueyan replied.

Little Irene's eyes were clear, she nodded directly and said: "We are also night owls!" Although she doesn't understand, but in order to be able to play, she also learns!

"Puchi" Jiang Ning squeezed her, and said with a smile: "You are too young to understand, stay at home obediently, and when you grow up, you can go and play!"

Little Irene quit, but still shook her head: "Baby asked my brother to take me there, baby doesn't need to sleep!" After speaking, she muttered with her little mouth.

The little guy hugged his thigh, feeling that little Irene was awesome, hugged her and said, "Little Irene, let's go together!"


The two little guys looked at each other and smiled tacitly!
Liu Qingcheng and the others shook their heads, is it possible?It's so late, Ling Yun definitely disagrees!

An Qing thought about it, she hoped that Ling Yun would take her there, but she also wanted the little guy not to follow and sleep at home, she also likes the feeling of racing!
Seeing the excited look of the little guy, she couldn't bear it anymore, she was conflicted!
Everyone had their own concerns, and at the same time, fireworks were set off on the opposite side of Linjiang, instantly lighting up the sky!
I saw the fireworks going straight into the sky and gradually stretching out, forming countless red, yellow, and green flowers. The brilliant and eye-catching fireworks kept blooming in the sky, setting off the original black sky. Colorful and picturesque.

The little guy jumped up excitedly and looked at Ling Yun, who was stunned.

He didn't do it!

The child believed that Ling Yun did it, and ran over to kiss him!

It felt like the fireworks were set off for a group of them. Their eyes gathered in the sky from all directions, and gathered on the fireworks.

Little Irene is the most excited, the martial arts collision looks much better, what is the sky showing?The little head kept thinking, but the round eyes never left the fireworks.

so pretty?

If you learn it, go back and perform for her queen mother!
(End of this chapter)

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