Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 591 Racing

Chapter 591 Car Race (Part [-])
The fireworks lasted for five or six minutes, and the women and the two little guys couldn't get enough of it.

As soon as little Irene saw it, she felt wronged and said, "Why isn't it there?"

Liu Qingcheng smiled and said: "It's too late, it will disturb others to rest!"

Little Irene was still muttering, and it was written all over her face that the baby was not happy!
In the end, helpless Liu Qingcheng turned on the mobile phone and played the fireworks for her to watch. Unexpectedly, the effect was so good, and little Irene watched the fireworks all the time afterwards.

After a night of laughing and laughing, the preparation is over!
The little guy has made a plan, act cute, act like a baby, and pester Ling Yun!

But Ling Yun didn't say anything, and took An Qing away!
Except for An Guomin, Gongsun Qing, and Qin Lan, everyone followed to watch the game, but Ling Yun didn't say whether he would participate or not.


This is where Gao Yunjie and the others agreed to compete. Tangshan is in Jiangbei City. The mountain is very steep and the road up the mountain is very difficult. This is not because there are no big roads, or the road conditions in the mainland are very poor.

But this Tangshan is too steep, and the mountain is extremely complicated. The road can be called nine bends and eighteen bends, with seven or eighty degree detours. Generally, novice drivers who have just started the road are not even afraid Go here by car, especially the downhill road.

And at this time Tangshan is full of fog, even experts can't explain it, it can be said to be very dangerous!

On the top of Tangshan Mountain, Gao Yunjie's younger brother Playing Car Club and their deadly rival, Liehe Train Company, have arrived!

There is also a car dealership, called Tuhao Automobile dealership, who also wants to participate. After all, the name is the title of Jiangbei car god, who wouldn't want it?

Their local tyrant car dealership is really local tyrants, they are basically a group of wealthy second generations who have enough to eat and have nothing to do!

Even Kojiro from the island country that Gao Yunjie invited to compete also showed up early!
Liu Teng, the representative of the strong train company, is a dark-skinned young man. At this moment, he sneered: "Where is your useless Gao Yunjie? Could it be that you can't afford to lose?"

"Bah! You can't afford to lose!" Gao Yunjie, the red-haired boy, said with a bad face.

"Haha, this is the helper you invited? It's scary!" Liu Teng pretended that I was terrified, and I didn't deserve a beating!
Genjiro was annoyed, but he also knew that this was Huaxia, not their island country!
And the person invited by Liehe is the German professional racing driver, Jack!

The red-haired boy heard about it, and couldn't help but frowned. At the same time, he looked at the time and wondered why Gao Yunjie wasn't here yet?
Boom boom boom, bursts of piercing engine sound!
Ling Yun and the others have arrived!A group of five or six cars.

The little guy got out of the car and exclaimed: "There are so many people!"

Gao Yunjie stepped forward to understand the situation, blushing: "Liu Teng, you came quite early!"

The tone is quite drunk!

Liu Teng frowned, who are the people behind Gao Yunjie?
"Brother Jie, did you invite him?" the red-haired boy asked.

"Of course, nothing will go wrong this time!" Gao Yunjie said proudly!

Liu Teng smiled lightly, glanced at Ling Yun and the others, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Gao Yunjie is not bad, where did you get the cheerleaders?"

fuck you!

Gao Yunjie complained fiercely!

How can there be so many beautiful cheerleaders?
Ling Yuyang saw Genjiro in Daoguo's costume, his eyes seemed to be on fire, but thanks to Liu Qingcheng who stopped him, this guy seemed to be drinking too much, and wanted to beat up the Daoguo people violently.

Gao Yunjie hadn't spoken to Generlang yet, but he said, "Young Master Gao, I'm sorry, I can't help you participate in the competition!"

Gao Yunjie didn't expect this to be the case at all. Although he planned to make it clear to Genjiro that he was no longer needed, his face was displeased when he brushed his face, and then he frowned: "Why?"

"Why? Your price is too low!" Genjiro shook his head and laughed!

"Haha!" Wang Qing, the representative of the local tyrant's car dealership, walked over and said with a smile, "If you don't have money, you can hire them like others?"

"Wang Qing, you are going too far!" Gao Yunjie scolded angrily.

"It's because the money is too much. It's none of my business. If you want to blame it, you guys are the poor!" Wang Qing replied leisurely, and greeted Geng Erlang warmly!

Liu Teng on the other side also began to gloat. He was going to win this ten-million-dollar game, but Gao Yunjie still lost after all calculations.

Gao Yunjie was so angry that the red-haired boy repeatedly comforted him!
That's fine, anyway, I don't need this islander, he hates the islander now, damn it!
They are all money turtles who see money with eyes open, and who see the wind to make the rudder! !
Lin Yueyan gathered around to join in the fun, and there were also a few younger sisters beside her, probably still in junior high school, and she was speechless, An Qing was stunned, she didn't expect the racing car to be like this!

Xu Le communicated with Gao Yunjie and the others. Anyone who has a car can sign up to participate, and the top three will get rewards!
Little ones sign up too!The car boy who was in charge of recording was laughing to death!

Immediately, she turned her head and said aggrievedly: "I helped Papa!"

Che Zai nodded, and after asking about the license plate number, he planned to write it down. The little guy didn't understand, so he pointed to Ling Yun's Bentley!

She went with Ling Yuyang, and Ling Yuyang simply wanted Ling Yun to participate, so he would not stop him.

The little guy returned to Ling Yun with a smile, and said in a childish voice, "Papa, can Qianqian compete?"

Little Irene was in high spirits, and she also had a look of anticipation on her face.

Ling Yun scratched the tip of her nose and said with a smile, "That car of yours is not suitable!"

"Ah!" The little guy suddenly became unhappy, thinking that she would have a share.

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, what was going on in her mind?

Then he comforted her and patted her head, "Did you sign up for Dad?"

"Papa, how do you know?" The little guy blushed, not daring to raise his head, and his little fingers were circling.

An Qing laughed and said, "He's the worm in your stomach!"

The little guy shook his head in disbelief, he was only caught by Ling Yun last night, how could there be any more!


Just guessing, she thought.

After that, several cars drove up one after another, all wanting the title of Jiangbei Che Shen.

Liu Teng asked with a smile, "Gao Yunjie, where is your representative?"

As he spoke, he pointed to Jack himself, meaning that this was his representative.

Gao Yunjie also pointed to Ling Yun, and said, "It's him, remember to pay if you lose!"

So much confidence?
Who is that handsome guy, is he also a professional racing driver?
Liu Teng stroked his beard and thought about it!

Gao Yunjie walked over and said to Ling Yun, "Brother Ling Yun, please, it doesn't matter if you get No.1 or not, at least don't lose to that German guy!"

Ling Yun nodded!
Not the first?

What is he here for?

An Qing was a little worried, her heart was fluctuating, she wanted to see Ling Yun's performance, but she didn't want Ling Yun to participate. The road ahead of the competition was full of fog, she was afraid!
The little guy asked Ling Yun beforehand, can he get in the car?

Ling Yun said she had no objection, An Qing quit, it was too dangerous, she wanted Ling Yun to quit!

(End of this chapter)

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