Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 593 Returning to the Demon City

Chapter 593 Returning to the Demon City (Third)
An Qing is funny, see if she can bear it?
Hurry up, An Qing yawns naturally, and the little guy also looks sleepy!

"Ling Yun, let's go to work together tomorrow, let parents watch them for a day!"

Ling Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he knew that An Qing was telling the little guy specially, so he nodded cooperatively and agreed!
"Mama, hello to you..."

While saying that, she stood up and hugged An Qing!
An Qing pretended to be disgusted, and said angrily: "Whoever wants to be with you, I will be with your father!"

The little guy smiled, squinted his eyes, but didn't laugh out loud: "Hi with you... Boo!"

"Sister, hello baby!" Little Irene said in a baby voice.

Seeing that An Qing was also smiling, the little guy got down to business: "Ma Ma, let's go to work together!"

"I don't want you to go!" An Qing flatly refused, feeling happy in her heart!
mock up!

Still can't cure you?
"No, Mama, I can sing!"

"Our company has signed a few new contracts, little child star, we don't need you and Beibei anymore!"

"Hmph!" The little guy curled his lips and said at the same time: "I'm not going!"

This time, An Qing was surprised, even Ling Yun was guessing, what was going on in the little guy's mind?

Wouldn't it be a deliberate retreat to advance?
An Qing thinks this way, Ling Yun is different, she knows a lot of things, she can play without her company, it's just boring!

We've already arrived at the villa, but the little guy still doesn't show any other signs, An Qing is a little uneasy, is she really willing to stay in the villa?Their arrangements for tomorrow are not like this!

The little guy took little Irene to sleep, and really put An Qing aside, it's all right now!
It would have been nice if I had just compromised, at least I knew what my daughter was thinking, this is good, even Ling Yun doesn't want to see her!
in the room

An Qing lay on the bed and said, "What do you think is wrong with my daughter?"

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you find it strange? She clearly wanted to be with us just now, but suddenly she didn't want to!"

"It's normal, change your mind!"

"No, according to her character, it's impossible!"

"Sleep, get up early tomorrow!" Ling Yun didn't bother to explain, he couldn't figure it out anyway!
What is the little guy thinking?
Figured it out, Yuexia Entertainment Company is not fun, going out with Ling Yun and An Qing is better than playing with little Irene in the villa, you can also secretly listen to ghosts telling stories, and you can look up illustrations!

next morning

The little guy saw An Qing when he opened his eyes, and asked curiously, "Ma Ma?"

"Little lazy pig, get up!"

The little guy looked around, but there was no sign of little Irene at all, and then he yawned deeply!

After a wash!

An Qing said: "Sissi is at home today!" She said while watching her reaction!

To An Qing's surprise, the little guy nodded, and there was no more to say!
An Qing stopped guessing, and asked directly: "What is Qianqian doing at home?"


One word left An Qing speechless!

An Qing sighed and stopped teasing her, and told her later.

It was past ten o'clock, and the little guy scratched his head, not understanding, why didn't her parents go to work?
In order to guess Qianqian's mind, An Qing secretly took Ling Yun's mobile phone, because this mobile phone is basically played by little guys!
The photos are shocking!

An Qing was jealous when she saw Mrs. Ghost's photo!
The little guy didn't know when he brought his face closer, but An Qing didn't notice it either!

"This is Yan Mama!" The little guy introduced!
Ling Yun, who was watching cartoons with little Irene, has big eyes, what's the matter?
"Where is she?" An Qing asked with a smile.

And the little guy was about to speak, but when he heard Ling Yun cough twice, the little guy immediately shook his head!

Even so, An Qing could tell that there must be something she didn't know.

Ling Yun and little Irene communicated with each other with their spiritual senses!

A while
Little Irene also came over: "Huh? It's the baby's mother!"

An Qing put her arms around little Irene and asked, "Where was this filmed?" She patted her head as she spoke.

"On the tree!"

"Huh?" An Qing frowned!
The photo was clearly taken on a giant sword, so why is it a tree?

Ling Yun replied at the same time: "My P's!"

The little guy scratched his head, he didn't understand, why couldn't he talk about her beauty?

An Qing recalled that the photos Sissy showed her before were also photos of P, so there is no doubt about it, but it always feels like their father and daughter have a secret.

Ling Yun secretly heaved a sigh of relief, there is no danger, it seems that it is necessary for An Qing to know his identity slowly, and let her slowly accept the fact that there is more than Blue Star in this world.

Had lunch!

Ling Yun and An Qing were still in the villa, while An Qing was in the room, with the door locked behind her and she didn't know what to do!
Although the little guy was curious, he didn't seem to be knocking on the door to go in!
As for Ling Yun, he closed his eyes and rested his mind. As for An Guomin and Gongsun Qing, they were at the Long Xingtian Villa. The little guy was not curious, and he heard the sound of grinding machines.

Little Irene is amazing, playing games and watching cartoons at the same time, I don't know if I can remember it!
The little guy looked up at the second floor, then looked outside, then looked at little Irene, and finally chose to sleep in Ling Yun's arms!
In a daze, she was woken up, it was Ling Yun who woke her up!
It turns out that they are going to Shanghai today!

To the little guy's surprise, An Qing packed their father and daughter's luggage, and little Irene also took some clothes.

The group of people closed the door of the villa and set off for the airport. The little guy didn't forget to put the little piggy in her bag before leaving.

An Qing was speechless, wouldn't she have to go through any checks at the airport?

never mind!

we'll talk about it then…

When they arrived at the airport, An Xiaoxiao was already waiting, and her tone was a bit dissatisfied. When she saw An Guomin and Gongsun Qing, she still greeted them warmly, except that she didn't give Ling Yun any face.

After getting on the plane, to An Qing's surprise, the pet piglet was not found!

As soon as the magic capital arrives!
The little guy became excited, and took little Irene to point to the surrounding buildings, because it was the first time that little Irene saw tall buildings during the day!
The car is An's special car, led by Feng Lao, who is responsible for picking up An Guomin and the others!

After tossing and turning for half an hour

An's home arrived, and the little guy was the first to get off the car again. He ran in with short legs and left everyone behind in an instant!

"Aha, uncle? Sissy is here!" After finishing speaking, he walked in.

Little Irene chased after her, but was hugged by An Qing, and they couldn't both run away.

An Shize had heard that his sister and brother-in-law were coming, so he had been waiting at the door for an indefinitely long time!

"Sister, brother-in-law!"

"En!" Ling Yun replied lightly, and casually stepped in.

An Qing froze for a moment, did her brother accept it?

Didn't you say before that you wouldn't call Ling Yun even if you were beaten to death, brother-in-law?
What about the backbone?

An Min's face turned dark, his son didn't see him?

(End of this chapter)

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