Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 594 An Jiansheng

Chapter 594 An Jiansheng (fourth update)

An Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it anymore, didn't even see her?

"Cough, cough, cough..."

An Shize was about to follow Ling Yun and the others in, but when he heard a voice, he looked back!
His father, mother, and younger sister stared at him!
Why are you staring at him?

Feng Lao snickered...

"Ahem..." An Xiaoxiao coughed dryly again!

An Shize's moment of concern has come: "Little sister, go to the doctor if you have a cold!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled and followed Ling Yun's pace!
Leaving the few of them looking at each other in blank dismay, are they still An's family?
The little guy was running towards the living room. On the path outside the door, several servants were wondering why the little princess was here?

An Jiansheng, Mr. An is wearing a black old man's long sleeves at the door, basking in the sun in the afternoon, feeling the cool autumn wind blowing over his body.

The little guy stopped, looked at him with black eyes, and asked curiously, "Grandpa, why are you at Sissi's house?" The tone of the baby's voice was a little surprised.

Mr. An has heard about it a long time ago. An Qing has a eccentric daughter.

See you today, it's true!
This is all her home?
No, judging from the amount of rough stones An Min cut, that truckload is full of emeralds. How many billions are they worth?

So at that time, An Guomin joked that Grandpa just let you settle down in Shanghai!
This is not!

The children are serious!
Anyway, they are all a family, and the little guy doesn't mean that much, just curious.

Mr. An smiled and said, "Little friend, what's your name?"

Little guy: "My name is Sissy."

"Do you know what to call me?"



The little guy took a few steps back: "Bad old man!"

Mr. An's face turned dark. It's the first time they met, right?

How did he become a bad old man?

When I saw An Qing, I insisted on asking her how to teach children.

"I am your grandfather's father, what should your name be?"

The little guy looked at Mr. An dryly, and then said, "Oh? Grandpa's father is a bad old man?"

Mr. An is about to vomit blood. Who will tell him why he is a bad old man?

"No, guess again!" An amiable smile appeared on Mr. An's face, and the little guy saw him and thought he was very kind!

"Does grandpa have a father?" The little guy rubbed his forehead, she didn't know.Still whispering in his mouth: "Isn't grandpa's father dead?"

Mr. An's ears are sharp, and his heart is about to vomit blood.

At this time, Ling Yun and the others also arrived, An Qing stepped forward to hug the little guy, and said to Mr. An, "Grandpa, hello!"

Mr. An nodded with a smile, and looked Ling Yun up and down at the same time!

Ling Yun was looked at unnaturally, as if he had forgotten something, and immediately said: "Hi, old man!"

Mr. An nodded again, a little displeased that Ling Yun didn't call him grandpa, and the whole family was married, so what about Mr. An?

The little guy asked curiously: "Ma Ma, is this bad old man really your grandfather?"


An Shize was the first to laugh...

Mr. An's face turned even darker, and he was speechless for a long time.

An Qing gave the little guy a bit of a reproach, and explained: "Sissy, don't be so rude, he is your grandpa!"

Too grandpa?
Not like ah!
So the little guy retorted: "No, he's not too grandpa!"

Ling Yun explained speechlessly: "Qiqian, he is your great-grandfather!" Then he whispered in her ear: "You have two great-grandfathers!"

The little guy laughed, nodded and said to Mr. An, "Grandpa!"

Only then did Mr. An nod his head in relief, the sound was very sweet!
The family is completely reunited tonight.

"Don't stand still, come in!" Mr. An turned around and walked into the living room. The sun was shining outside. They had just got off the plane and were exhausted. They couldn't compare with him!

Little Irene looked around foolishly, settling down on the TV in the living room?

It was changed by An Shize and turned into a projection mode, so little Irene wanted to watch TV but couldn't watch it, and curled her mouth.

Sitting on the sofa, Mr. An looked at little Irene puzzled and asked, "Is she?"

After An Qing's explanation, Mr. An nodded and didn't ask any more questions!

Now the two little guys are sitting on the ground looking at their phones, no matter how they communicate!

An Guomin and the others who came in behind also joined the conversation.

Probably just asking about recent events, and focused on tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Mr. An's [-]th birthday!

This is the reason why Ling Yun's family came to Shanghai.

An Guomin proposed to go to the hotel to set up wine as in previous years, but Mr. An didn't quite agree. This time is different, it's the [-]th birthday, and many people have been invited, so it can't be compared with previous years!

An Guomin thought about it, but didn't know how to make a decision for a while, and he was going to the company again, so let the others discuss it!
As a half-outsider, Ling Yun was too embarrassed to interrupt, and he was basically silent throughout the whole process!

The little guy ran over happily, first acted like a baby, and then said to An Qing, "Ma Ma, let's go outside to play!"

An Qing looked at the direction she was pointing and was a little worried, but Ling Yun seemed to have nothing to do, so when she nodded, she asked Ling Yun to follow them.

Ling Yun couldn't wait, sitting here, being glared at by Mr. An all the time, did he do something wrong?

Don't stare at Ling Yun and An Qing?
Qianqian called him a bad old man, it must be taught by Ling Yun, he thought so in his heart, that's why he would stare at Ling Yun from time to time!


Ling Yun is innocent now!
Following the two little guys, Ling Yun came to another building. This building is a bit like an ancient style, most of which are made of wood, and there is an independent small yard.

There is still a faint sound of quarreling!
Ling Yun still recognized a voice, it was his father-in-law's second uncle, An Jianye!
"You guys are actually fake?" An Jianye covered his chest, unable to believe the facts in front of him!

Today, his long-time friends and his grandson came to visit together, and by the way, they will attend the birthday banquet of Mr. An tomorrow!

Miyagi is the name of his good friend, a native of Bangzi, and his name is Miyagi, a handsome man in his 30s!


He never expected that when the two of them were chatting happily just now, while he was not paying attention, the tea was poisoned, and his skill was temporarily sealed!
Immediately, he was trampled to the ground by Miyagi, kicking his chest non-stop, and heard that they were not speaking the Bangzi Mandarin, but the Chinese language!

"It was discovered by you, we did it on purpose, hehe!" Do you know the fake Miyagi?What kind of expression, now there are only three of them here?Who will come?
"What's your purpose?" An Jianye asked lying on the ground, his eyes full of carelessness!
"Replace you!" Fake Gongji said leisurely, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes!
"Who are you, report your names, and I will rest in peace when I die!"

"Remember, we are Miao Midang!"

Miao Midang!
An Jiansheng's pupils widened, as if he had thought of something, he smiled wryly in his heart, the debts from that year should be paid off, but his elder brother's family was only affected!
(End of this chapter)

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