Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 595 Poison Elixir

Chapter 595 Poison Elixir

Word down!

The fake Gongji took out a small knife, ready to give An Jianye a happy one.

It's all arranged, Miao Midang's disguise skills are good, they can completely replace An Jianye with another person, their current appearance is the real Miyagi's grandson, otherwise it is impossible to deceive An Jianye Karma, I waited until tomorrow, hehe...

Even if the matter is revealed, others will find out about Bangzi Guogong's family and will not suspect Miao Midang!

"Sister, they are so fierce!" The little guy pointed at the fake Gongji who showed his evil nature, and said in a flat tone.

Little Irene curled her lips and replied indifferently: "Baby can do it too!"

The sudden two voices startled the fake Miyaji and the fake Miyagi first, then turned their heads to look, and heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out to be two children!

It's ok!
Just solve it together, the missing two children will not affect the overall situation!

An Jianye also saw it, his eyeballs were almost protruding, why is Qianqian here?


Hey, what a crime!
"You guys, let them go, just knock them out, they are still children, I beg you."

Seeing their indifference, An Jianye continued: "You have children too, so you can bear it?"

"Don't worry about what he said, do it!" Fake Miyagi kicked again, and An Jianye cried out in pain, "Cissy, run!"

The little guy can run?
She was watching a show in a daze, only to realize that she knew the one lying on the ground...

She forgot what it was called.

He even ran over, lay down on the ground and touched An Jianye's head, and said in a milky voice, "Grandpa, it's so miserable!"

Fake Miyagi and the others were dumbfounded, why don't they run away?Are you still here to die?

What silly cute little kids, they love it!
An Jianye's face turned dark, he was worried and blamed himself, this kid can't understand, right?

Fake Miyaji's eyes slanted, and the knife pointed at Qianqian's heart, intending to end the knife...

The fake Miyagi on the other side grabbed him and said, "Use poison, it's not good for you to use a knife like this, she will scream in pain, and there will be blood!"

The little guy replied in a childish voice: "Stupid, Sissy can scream!" After speaking, he raised his eyes and stared, as if looking at a fool.


When Fake Gongji heard that it made sense, he took out a pill that looked like a elixir from his bosom.

"Little friend, uncle will give you a candy!"

The little guy's face turned dark when he saw the similar pill.

How about lying to the children?
Hearing the words of the six protectors, the little guy took out a elixir from his pocket, which was twice the size of the fake Gongji's!

The milky voice said, "Sisi, Sissi, this candy is big and sweet!"

Fake Miyaji and the others were taken aback, took it from the pocket?They are not dazzled, the pockets are mediocre!
Little Irene drooled when she saw the so-called "sugar" in fake Gongji's hand, this kid is really bold.

"Is it really candy?" She said while licking her mouth, her round eyes showing longing.

Will it be sweeter than a lollipop?

Fake Gongji stopped thinking about the little guy's problem, and continued to fool little Irene: "Really, how could uncle lie to such a cute kid like you?"

Little Irene looked innocent, and ate the "sugar" given to her by the fake Gongji!
Little Erin has a variety of expressions.

Bitter is not bitter, but it's not sweet either. What about the sugar that was agreed upon?
Seeing that little Irene ate it, Miyaji laughed heartily, but he didn't smile on his face, so he suppressed it.

This time I got one, what a fool!

Fake Miyagi looked the little guy up and down, but found nothing wrong at all.

The elixir in the little guy's hand exudes a strong medicinal fragrance.

Fake Miyagi thought to himself, could it be a real pill?
"Little friend, where did this thing come from?" Fake Miyagi asked curiously. At this moment, he took Sissi's elixir and sniffed it in his nose, and his face immediately beamed with joy.

"Aha, on...on the Mountain...well, the sixth grandpa said, I can't tell you that there are calabash babies there!" the little guy said in a childish voice.

Grandpa Six?
Fake Miyagi and Fake Miyaji secretly startled, could they be the seniors of Yaowanggu?
After thinking for a long time, he shook his head again, thinking that it was impossible, how could the people of Yaowanggu deal with the An family.

"Little friend, did your sixth grandfather tell you what is the use of this elixir?"

"Yes, the sixth grandpa said, you can be invulnerable to a hundred poisons..."

The little guy listened to the tricks of the six protectors, and said a lot in a daze!
The two fake Miyagi who heard it were very pleasantly surprised.

"Little friend, is there any more?" Fake Gongji asked, he didn't get it, and he was very unwilling!

"Cissy, don't give it to him!" An Jianye on the ground didn't know why, so he thought it was true. As soon as he said this, he was kicked hard by the fake Gongji.

The little guy shook his head resolutely, and said: "No more, Grandpa Six said, there's only one candy, and said it's for Sissy."

Fake Gongji sighed repeatedly when he heard the words, such heaven-defying pills must be rare, one would be good, and fake Miyagi immediately swallowed that pill to prevent fake Gongji from worrying about it!

The fake Miyagi didn't expect that the fake Miyagi was guarding against him, and he was a little annoyed, but he didn't show it, but stared at the dazed little Irene!

Why didn't the poison occur?

"Kid? Kid?" Fake Gongji tried to call a few times!

"Cheating the kids? It's not sweet!" Little Irene gasped angrily, and she looked very funny.


How could it be all right?
It's obviously poison for her. Could it be that this child is invulnerable to all poisons?


With a scream, Fake Miyagi fell to the ground in pain, rolling over and over, the pain!
"What's the matter?" Fake Gongji's face suddenly changed, he was helpless except to ask.

"Kill them, hurry up!" The painful fake Miyagi managed to squeeze out a sentence, but it made An Jianye, who was happy just now, despair again.

Seeing the blackness appear on the fake Miyagi's face, he couldn't calm down anymore, this is poisoning!


Deceit, they didn't poison one, but let them poison one, aggrieved!
The little guy blinked, the plot is wrong, didn't he cover his butt and run to the toilet?
Standing there stupidly scratching his head, a bewildered expression filled his face.

Little Irene exclaimed angrily: "Bad and lewd!"

The kid finally found out that she wasn't eating candy, and they wanted to kill them?
"Ha, ha!" Little Irene sprayed a few mouthfuls on the fake Gongji, with a dumbfounded expression, and she forgot not to breathe fire!

The fake Miyagi was still rolling around on the ground, and even found a chance to swallow their Miao Midang's antidote.

It is definitely useless!
Fake Gongji couldn't figure out what this little Irene was going to do, so he blew at him?
"Little friend, let's go!" These words were said to little Irene, but the knife stabbed at Sissy!

For the first stab, there is a shield invisible to the naked eye to protect the little guy, and the little guy thinks it's fun, so he reaches out to touch the knife in the air!
Fake Gongji looked like a ghost, with fine sweat streaming down his face, it was ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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