Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 596 Resolved

Chapter 596 Resolved
Are they human or ghosts?
"I don't believe it!" Fake Gongji shook his head and tried again, but the result was still the same!
For the third time, little Irene held the knife and smiled: "Sister, the baby caught it, promise, here it is!"

After finishing speaking, he abruptly snatched the knife from the fake Gongji and handed it to the little guy, but the little guy was dumbfounded, is this knife still a knife?
They were all pinched into a ball by little Irene, and the latter stuck out her little tongue, as if to say, what the baby didn't want was that the knife was too weak!
The fake Gongji couldn't accept it, so he just sat down on the ground, dreaming, right?
Even An Jianye on the side swallowed hard.


Where did the little pervert come from, to pick up swords with bare hands?
Still grabbing the knife into an iron ball?And does his great-granddaughter feel hot when holding it?

"Aha?" The little guy covered his mouth and smiled, pointing at the fake Gongji and said, "Shame, I peed my pants!"


Fake Miyaji really freaked out!

Little Irene clapped her hands and jumped up excitedly: "The baby is scared!" As if no one else knew!
Fake Miyagi was in so much pain that he didn't even know what was going on here. From the corner of his eyes, he saw that the two of them were still alive, and the antidote he had just taken was useless. He shouted, "What are you doing?" His tone was almost yelling , he couldn't stand the pain.

"I...I want to go home, it's not true!" Fake Miyaji started to cry, couldn't stand up, so he crawled towards the door with his hands.

He saw that little Irene bit the knife, swallowed it, and stared at him after eating. He didn't want to be eaten.

This guy thinks too much, so little Irene doesn't want to eat him,'s so dirty, it hates it to death, besides, she doesn't even eat people, okay?

The little guy touched her head and said, "You can't eat it, I promise you!" He gave her a peach

The latter took the peach and sat down to eat it happily.

"Papa?" The little guy saw the figure, and when he turned around, he saw Ling Yun smiling at her.

"Why are you running here!" Ling Yun knelt down and scratched the tip of her nose.

"Papa, who is he?" He pointed to An Jianye on the ground!
An Jianye's mouth twitched, she really didn't remember?
Now one is poisoned, the other is hell, the crisis is resolved, An Jianye heaves a sigh of relief, and someone else is coming.

Ling Yun said: "She is your second grandpa, don't you remember?"

The little guy said lightly: "Oh!"

Then he patted An Jianye's head: "Second grandpa, it doesn't hurt!"

An Jianye lay on the ground and forced out an ugly smile helplessly.

after a while

An Jianye had a bloody expression on his face. What happened to him made him feel horrified!
After Sissy touched his wound, he healed and he was in great spirits.

"I... old man..." An Jianye stood up, looked at the little guy with a shocked face, and his eyes were very complicated. What kind of ability is this?
"Brother, set fire to him, he is a pervert, tricking the baby into eating candy!" Little Irene was complaining in a childish voice after eating the peaches.

"Burn him? It's too cheap for him." Ling Yun looked at the fake Gongji and shook his head, with a smile on his lips.

Fake Gongji looked back at Ling Yun's smile, and immediately trembled all over, feeling his scalp go numb.

The little guy didn't know what Ling Yun was going to do, so he just watched.

And Ling Yun looked at the fake Gongji, and said in a deep voice: "Come here!"


Fake Gongji's pupils were dilated, as if he had changed into a different person.


The two little ones became curious and touched their heads together, why didn't they run away?Still so obedient?
An Jianye swallowed, is this an illusion?

"Destroy Miao Midang!" Ling Yun ordered coldly, while Fake Gongji's eyes were red, and he hit his head heavily!
The fake Miyagi rolling on the ground is the same, he was captured by Ling Yun, and the order given to him is the same, although they don't expect them to destroy Miao Midang, but it's okay to make trouble, the most important thing is to let them kill each other.


Ling Yun waved his hand, and the two fake Miyagi walked out, stunned An Jianye. It turned out that the most powerful person was in front of him, and he slapped him in the face.

The last time I saw it, I thought it was a bronze that was waiting to grow up. Who would have thought that he is the king, and he is just a trumpet out of boredom!

Beibei was not there, the little guys didn't dare to play much, and they couldn't think of any good ideas, so they didn't make a sound. If Beibei was there, they would definitely blow them up.

"Let's pretend it never happened." Ling Yun turned to An Jianye and smiled.

Seeing Ling Yun's harmless smile, An Jianye trembled in his heart, and replied, "Understood...Understood!"

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly, is he scary?
"Just treat me as an ordinary junior, don't panic, I don't eat people!"

"Okay, old must keep it a secret." An Jianye wiped off his sweat and replied, feeling the pressure all over his body.

The little guy said: "Second grandpa, my papa doesn't eat people."

An Jianye forced a smile and nodded at her. He still has something to discuss with his elder brother An Jiansheng.

And Ling Yun also had something to tell An Qing, so the two left the yard with their own concerns.

Before leaving, Ling Yun told them not to wander around, but they probably forgot when they nodded at the same time!

An Jianye's yard is very beautiful. He usually grows some precious flowers and plants, and also raises a box of bees.

There are small trees and birds chirping in the courtyard, and the two little guys are catching bees.

Good guy!
If you are brave enough, you are not afraid of being stung.

Little Irene grabbed it with her bare hands, she is physically strong and not afraid.

The little guy is different, the artifact skirt will definitely not raise the protective cover!
This is not!

Learn how little Irene pretends to be with her bare hands!
Those who were stung cried!

Little Irene also didn't know what to do, looking at Sissy's swollen little hand, she looked stupid!
The sixth protector floated out and healed her. This injury?

The six guardians can do it by blowing a breath and using up some soul power. The little guy looked at the little hand that had returned to normal, and laughed.

Looking at those bees, she curled her lips, but she didn't dare to freeze them, they would die if they were frozen, and she couldn't play with them even if she caught them.

It's all up to little Irene to catch her to play, how to play?
The little guy has been thinking about it for a long time, just wanting them to dance!
Little Irene was also in high spirits. Will these super low-level monsters be obedient?

Qiqi made it difficult for the two of them. After asking the Six Guardians, he couldn't help it, it was too low-level, and they died instantly as soon as their spiritual consciousness communicated.

The little guy wants to use the blood dragon yuan, and the blood dragon yuan can do it, but the six guardians don't agree, she will definitely be scolded by Ling Yun for using the blood dragon yuan, and the blood dragon yuan is stronger than the consciousness, and the bee will definitely die when she releases it.

The little guy curled his lips, rummaged in his pocket, and took out the illustrated book!
Right now, I can only ask it, and the six protectors also nodded. The knowledge preserved in this illustrated book is very powerful, and there should be a way to solve this problem.

"Little illustrated book, get up!" the little guy yelled.

Little Irene saw it for the first time, and it was a baby at first glance, so she touched it with her little hands!

"What's wrong? Ha..." The illustrated book yawned deeply, and a lazy voice came from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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