Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 597 The Dragon Incident

Chapter 597 The Dragon Incident

Little Irene's mouth opened wide, and she didn't know whether she was nervous or shocked, but her forehead was sweating.

The little guy didn't see little Irene's expression, but asked, "Sissy wants to make the bees dance!"

The illustrated book is silent!

The little guy patted the picture book and said: "Dance, be obedient!" His tone was almost commanding, and he even raised his voice.

The illustrated book said in a speechless voice: "I'm just about to check the information, don't worry!"


The little guy pouts, telling you not to speak!

Looking at little Irene, the little guy stood up and wiped her sweat, and little Irene asked, "How can it talk? Is it a monster?"

Little Irene's knowledge is still limited. I don't even know that there will be an illustrated book with book spirits in the Twelve Realms, the Book Spirit Talos of the Devil's Forbidden Book. Almost no one knows its existence, let alone little Irene. .

The little guy laughed and replied, "No, it's a friend!"

Little Irene is no longer like just now, but is very curious about this illustrated book.

after a while

The illustrated book spoke again, first let the little guy practice affinity, with affinity, those bees will be obedient, and second, catch the queen bee!

The little guy shook his head in frustration, she didn't understand, her brows were wrinkled, and her face was full of unhappiness.

The little guy is not happy anymore, and the illustrated book is no longer kept private, and there is a third type!

That's the sound of everything!
Once she has mastered it, she can hear any monster's language.


Sounds awesome, isn't it the same as affinity?
The illustrated book explains that this is different from affinity, which is difficult to cultivate acquired and must be done on your own, while the voice of all things is different, as if it is a skill.

After the description in the illustrated book, it also alludes to Ling Yun!
The little guy rolled his eyes, and finally shook his head in frustration.

The illustrated book sighed and said, "I can help you!"

This illustrated book has the ability to listen to the voice of all things, but it can't be given to the little guy, it can only order the little bee!

Meaning it does the translation!
The little guy nodded happily, and began to direct the little bee.

The ten bees caught by little Irene formed a row and danced in an orderly manner!

How can there be no little piggy, shouting: "Little piggy!"

This clever low-level monster joyfully ran to the little guy's feet, even arching.

Little Irene's stomach ached from laughing, and the little piggy was the leader, followed by ten little bees, dancing!

The little guy secretly sighed that she was smart, and took a mobile phone to record the video.

A little bird on the tree was chirping, probably amused by the scene, this bird is very beautiful.

The little guy has been paying attention to it for a long time.

Something that made her nervous happened, that little bird was captured by a sea jellyfish!
The little guy hurriedly tugged at little Irene, pointed to the sky and said, ""

Little Irene looked up at the sky, pouting, a low-level flying monster?

what happened?
What a fuss!

"Quick...catch it, don't let it fly..." The little guy was anxious and uncertain!
Little Irene finally heard it clearly, and she was overjoyed: "My sister wants to make it dance? Yes, yes!"

The little guy has a black forehead...

Catch to dance?She wanted to catch that sea dongqing and let her father roast it, but she also caught such a cute bird?

"I want to fly too!" The little guy suddenly said a word, then shrugged helplessly, the artifact skirt couldn't fly so fast, and was stamping on the spot in a hurry.

The little piggy pointed at the sky, making four uh uh uh uh, baring its teeth and claws.

If it seems to mean that it can fly, you must catch it for you!

Little Irene looked around and transformed instantly!

"Dragon...Dragon...Dragon...?" The little guy opened his mouth wide, a standard O shape, and his little index finger pointed at little Irene's dragon body!

It was a white dragon, about two meters long, after all, it was a young dragon.

"Sister, come up quickly, the baby is going to fly!"

"Aha!" The little guy sat up and hugged little Irene's dragon body tightly!

Immediately, little Irene soared into the sky, chasing after Hai Dongqing, and the people near An's house saw a shadow on the ground, and when they looked up, they were scared to death!
Do legendary dragons really exist?Many people watched this scene, and a child could be vaguely seen on the dragon's back.

"Aha, hurry up." The little guy couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and kept waving his little hands forward.

"Hmph, I caught you."


Little Irene carried Sissy on her back, and flew side by side with Hai Dongqing. Hai Dongqing was so frightened that the eagle's hair went numb, and he almost didn't have the courage to fly away.

The second little guy grabbed Haidongqing's head with his hands and squeezed its neck.

A servant of the An family became flustered, rushed in immediately, and reported hesitantly: "Old Patriarch, Second Master, Long... Long..."

Ling Yun took a low sip of boiling water, said sorry, his face darkened, and went to the toilet. The subtle changes on Ling Yun's face could not escape An Jiansheng's eyes, and this matter has something to do with Ling Yun?
Hearing this, everyone in the living room ran out and looked up at the sky together!

Little Irene flew far away, and they could only see a vague dragon shadow from a distance, which still gave them a shock.

After Ling Yun entered the toilet, he immediately flashed to the sky, looking at the two little guys who were playing hip-hop, Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, did it have to be this way for fun?

Little Irene and Sissy both saw Ling Yun, they were afraid that Ling Yun would be angry, so they didn't speak, and showed an attitude of doing something wrong.

Ling Yun grabbed the two of them instantly, holding one in each hand, and little Irene immediately turned back into a human body.

"Not fun?"

"Yeah!" The two little guys actually nodded in unison!
With them, Ling Yun returned to An Jianye's courtyard, Ling Yun didn't speak a word...

The little guy said: "Papa, this big bad bird has caught this cute little bird!" He raised the Haidongqing he was holding with his little hands!

Just because of this?
You're so courageous, you dare to transform into a flying sky and chase after him?
No matter what the reason is, Ling Yun can't be used to it!

First, I mentioned little Irene, and slapped her butt a few times.

Little Irene just endured it!

The little guy took Hai Dongqing and hit him hard, and the little short legs ran away immediately, thinking that it would be fine if he ran to her mother.

Everyone in the living room looked at the so-called dragon shadow that appeared for no reason, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

An Qing was just curious, since she came out, she went to see what the little guy was doing!
"Ma Ma, Ma Ma!" The little guy was so happy when he saw An Qing, at this moment, she felt that An Qing was the best mother.

Seeing the little guy calling her so excitedly, An Qing felt very sweet in her heart, and then she saw Haidongqing in her hand?

A look of astonishment...

"Sissy, let go of it, it's very dangerous!" An Qing's whole body is not good, why is her daughter so courageous?Still caught Costin?
The little guy doesn't care, let An Qing hug her first, she doesn't want to be spanked, she is panting, carrying such a big Costin, her hands are sore and numb, Costin can't afford it The intention of rebellion has not recovered from what he just experienced.

Little Irene was about to be beaten into tears, and there was a wow sound.

(End of this chapter)

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