Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 598 Discussion

Chapter 598 Discussion
An Qing didn't dare to hug her, and even took a few steps back, Hai Dongqing glared at her intelligently.

"Cissy, let go of it!" An Qing said in a frightened voice.

The little guy shook his head!

I can't let it go, it will fly away, and little Irene's ass will be beaten in vain.

Immediately after pinching Haidongqing's neck, the bird was freed from its claws!
The little bird flew to the little guy's head and started chirping, thanking her for saving her life. The happy little guy even forgot that Ling Yun wanted to spank her.

An Qing didn't dare to go forward, and wanted the little guy to let the dangerous Hai Dongqing go, so she shouted: "Ling Yun, Ling Yun!"

Ling Yun didn't come, but An Xiaoxiao came after hearing the sound. An Qing's voice was full of urgency, and she thought something was wrong!
"Sissy, tell auntie? Where did you catch it?"

An Xiaoxiao's attitude is completely opposite to An Qing's. This is Haidongqing, who was held in Qianqian's hands aggrievedly like this!

"Auntie, help me catch it!" Then he ran to An Xiaoxiao, handed Hai Dongqing to her, and added, "Don't let it fly."

"Don't worry, my aunt likes this kind of animals the most." An Xiaoxiao said truthfully, looking at Hai Dongqing with bright eyes.

let go?

It doesn't exist, how many people want to catch one but can't, now she has one in her hand, how can she let it go, this time some are showing off.

"Ma Ma, give me a hug!" The little guy looked back and found that Ling Yun was still coming, so he rushed to grab An Qing.

after a while

Little Irene ran out aggrieved. After seeing Sissy, she laughed and said, "Brother is going to beat you up!"

Hearing the words, the little guy held An Qing tightly and yelled, "Ma Ma, I'm sleepy." He rubbed his eyes as he spoke, for fear that An Qing might not believe it.

I didn't take a nap today, can I not be sleepy?An Qing carried her back to the living room, and planned to put her in the room to sleep.

Right in the living room, Ling Yun came out from the toilet and asked, "Did you call me just now?"

An Qing nodded, there is no need now, Hai Dongqing was caught by her sister to play.

The little guy patted his chest and said, "Mama, I'm sleepy!"

"Understood!" An Qing replied angrily.

Ling Yun demanded with a dark face: "Let me hug you, please sit down."

The little guy quit immediately: "No, I want a hug!"

"Well, don't give him a hug!" An Qing laughed, and carried her directly to the second floor.

The little guy proudly turned his head and made a face at Ling Yun, but the latter couldn't laugh or cry, this daughter is getting smarter, and she also knows that An Qing's amulet is easy to use.

Little Ailin didn't want to sleep, she wanted to watch TV, so she had to tell Ling Yun.

But Ling Yun didn't want to turn on the TV, it was too noisy, Mr. An and the others still had discussions and gossip about what happened just now.

So Ling Yun downloaded a few children's games and let little Irene sit on the sofa and have fun. They are all mental games, and it is relatively difficult to pass the level.

Little Irene played a few games, but she was very unconvinced when she lost, so she took up the game immediately.

at night
Mr. An specially arranged for a first-class chef to cook a table of sumptuous food and wine. It was delicious. The whole family gathered together today. He was really happy in his heart. He was refreshed on happy occasions. He looked a few years younger.

It was the first time Ling Yun saw An Qing's second uncle, a gentle and handsome uncle, very much like an ancient frail scholar!

An Qingmin smiled slightly, and had a good first impression of Ling Yun.

And the little guy was depressed and just woke up. Although he escaped being spanked, the food on the dinner table was not tasty.

Little Irene doesn't dislike it anymore, she can accept whether it tastes good or not, just ask her sister for a fruit later.

An Qing asked curiously: "Cissy, what's the matter, just two bites tonight?"

The little guy shook his head and said, "I'm full."

Angrily, he ran down with his mouth puffed out, watching little Irene play the game.

An Qing probably figured it out, she doesn't like to eat these dishes, Mr. An was puzzled, why did she only eat a few mouthfuls of such delicious dishes?It's fine if the kid is like this, his son An Guomin's appetite is not normal.

An Xiaoxiao stared at Ling Yun resentfully, she purposely skipped lunch, just for the dishes Ling Yun cooked tonight, but he didn't cook, she was so angry that her teeth itch, but there was nothing she could do.

An Shize complied with the little guy's request and turned on the TV. As a result, he played games with the two little guys, using the big screen.

Ling Yun was watching them play games on the sofa, and he would play a game from time to time, because his skills were so unnatural, the little guy angrily refused to let him play.

"Papa, go play with Mama!" said the little guy.

"No, I want to play games too."

"No, Papa is too powerful..." The little guy shook his head, just not letting him play.

Ling Yun said with a smile: "Okay, I'll go out with your mother." After speaking, he walked to the second floor.

The little guy pretended not to care, and when Ling Yun disappeared, she immediately tiptoed up to the second floor.

in the room

An Qing was tidying up the room when Ling Yun kissed her on the cheek out of the blue, then didn't say much, and stretched directly on the bed, looking extremely comfortable.

Taking advantage of the two of them alone in the room, An Qing asked Ling Yun, "Grandpa's birthday, I haven't prepared a gift yet, what kind of gift do you want to give?"

Ling Yun asked: "Individually? Or together?"

"I...I..." An Qing lowered her head, a little entangled in this question.

"If it's a person, as a granddaughter, we have to see what he usually likes!"

"I know this, but I have given it away in previous years, so it doesn't make much sense to give it away again!"

"Then tell me, what does he like?"

"Grandpa has a lot of hobbies, playing chess, drinking tea, collecting, drinking, and some flowers and plants."

"Very common!" Ling Yun replied lightly.

It seems that you can't start with these aspects, and many people will bump into gifts.

"Why don't we give gifts together?" Ling Yun thought about it and gave a big gift.

An Qing shook her head, she didn't agree very much, after all, the two of them have a bad name, and they can't make it public tomorrow.

If someone asked curiously, what gift did Miss An's family give the old man?

Isn't that embarrassing?

The little guy had overheard it outside the door, and opened the door carefully, thinking he hadn't been found.

"Sissy, what are you doing here?"

"Aha?" The little guy was embarrassed, and the one who scratched his head was really cute.

"Mama, I also have a gift for my grandpa."

An Qing shook her head, thinking to herself that she was giving diamonds, right?

It's a little inappropriate to send these for a birthday, isn't it?

The little guy shook his head, saying that it wasn't a diamond, and kept secret to An Qing.

Ling Yun said lightly: "Then let's give each one away, our daughter will help us decide."

"Aha!" The little guy thought it was Ling Yun who praised her, so he was very happy.

"Little baby, help mommy out of ideas, what do you want to give your grandpa?"

The little guy pointed at Ling Yun!

Ling Yun said: "How about? Just give me a jar of bar!"

Although someone will definitely give it to him at the birthday banquet tomorrow, he really couldn't think of it.

(End of this chapter)

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