Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 599

Chapter 599
An Qing glared at Ling Yun angrily!

One of her granddaughters gave her grandfather a jar of wine?
She must have been laughed at, so she shook her head decisively!

"How about? Give him a pill?" Ling Yun thought again.

An Qing was overjoyed, feeling fresh: "What kind of medicine?"

The little guy pouted, most of the pills would cause diarrhea in her mind, so she dismissed them.

"The kind your mother ate!"

" too?" An Qing exclaimed, her mouth was covered by her hand, her face full of disbelief.

Gongsun Qingneng is so young, she said that she took a elixir, but An Qing didn't ask how it came about afterwards, and now Ling Yun actually hinted that he had it.

Can it not shock her?
The little guy remembered something, and immediately said suddenly: "It's Papa's!"

Ling Yun's face turned dark again, is she going to cheat her father?
Seeing the shape of Ling Yun's mouth, the little guy immediately changed his mouth: "There are papas too, and they are black!"

An Qing burst out laughing!
After Ling Yun fumbled around in Qianqian's bag, a pill bottle came out.

Ling Yun explained that the little guy believed what was put in before.

An Qing held the elixir carefully as if she had found a treasure, and asked again: "But that's it? It's so simple, I want to find a way to package it beautifully." She said with a sweet smile on her face.

The little guy remembered the business and said, "Ma Ma? Do you want to go out to play?"

An Qing was tired, and she didn't take a nap today, so she said, "I won't go, I'll go tomorrow if I have time!"

"Bad papa!" The little guy curled his lips, stared at Ling Yun, and even climbed onto the bed and rode Ling Yun. After a while, she acted like a baby: "Papa, Sissy loves you."

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What's wrong?"


An Qing sat on the edge of the bed, touched her back, and said, "Did you come up with this idea all night?"

The little guy didn't speak, his little thoughts were exposed, his face turned red, and he just lay on top of Lingyun to prevent An Qing from seeing him.

Ling Yun told them that he would make fried rice with eggs after a while.

There is a monster egg in the space, it's like a bird, it tastes good and is nutritious, the little guy doesn't even know that it's all arranged by Ling Yun, he doesn't know the blessing in the blessing.

Once the little guy was happy, he didn't intend to let Ling Yun go, and lay on him quietly. This feeling was very happy, and she liked it very much. She even pulled An Qing to give her half of her chest as a pillow.

after a while

An Qing had something to go to find An Guomin, but the little guy was still lying on his stomach and asked, "Papa, why am I different from little Irene?"

"Huh?" Ling Yun didn't know why!
After listening to the little guy's description, he probably understood, which meant that she, like little Irene, could catch bees and knives with her bare hands!
Ling Yun's forehead is not enough!
Is she going to be a violent woman?
The little guy continued, she wants to learn to be like Mrs. Ghost, gentle and able to fight!
Generally speaking, it is cultivation!

Ling Yun didn't need her to say, she had already arranged it for her, cultivation?

Cultivation is impossible, even in a lifetime!
As his daughter, how could she need to practice?
When the blood dragon element continues to nourish her body, she can inherit most of Ling Yun's power when the supreme body becomes complete. How can she bear such a powerful force without a good body?
Where do you need to practice?Where is the need to eat red power beads so painful?

He has a Supreme Demon Lotus in his hand, and Ling Yun is going to give it to the little guy as her talisman. At that time, even if she does not give her strength, the Supreme Demon Lotus and Blood Dragon Yuan will continue to be provided to her.

Right now, I can't tell the little guy, so seeing Ling Yun in a daze, the little guy said aggrievedly: "Qi Qian is very hardworking."

After Ling Yun thought for a moment, a smile appeared on his face: "Qi Qian, cultivation is very hard." Ling Yun did not lie to her about this.

"Qi Qian is not afraid!" The little guy hid in Ling Yun's arms without knowing it.

"Really? You can't sleep in late every day, you have to get up with Dad on time."

"Then... let's get up!" The little guy said with a nonchalant face, as if he was joking.

At this point Ling Yun smiled wryly, did he say it so easily?
Can last for a few days?
"Is Sissy serious?"


"Okay, from tomorrow, you and Dad will get up, and Dad will teach you boxing!"

The so-called punching refers to some low-level martial arts in Ling Yun's opinion, such-and-such boxing techniques.

However, Ling Yun intends to sum up this kind of boxing tonight, and evolve it into a boxing that has some effect on Qianqian's supreme divine body!

God fist!

This is the name of the awesome boxing method that Ling Yun planned to use.

The little guy happily poked Ling Yun's forehead, and laughed heartily, humming and dancing while lying on the bed.

Ling Yun smiled wryly again, so excited and happy?Tomorrow you will know what suffering is, but it's time not to spoil her, give her divine power!
After An Qing came back, seeing such a happy little guy, she asked Ling Yun curiously.

But Ling Yun brought up what happened just now, and An Qing immediately laughed, flicked her forehead, and bluntly said that she was hot for 3 minutes.

get up early?

If she can persist for three days, she will lose?

Ling Yun also knew that it was difficult for the little guy to persevere, but in order to cheer up the little guy, he even made a bet with An Qing!

As long as the little guy can wake up early with Ling Yun for more than three days, An Qing will admit defeat and agree to Ling Yun on one condition.

On the other hand, if it is less than three days, Ling Yun has to promise An Qing a condition.

Ling Yunyu told the little guy earnestly, let her be more competitive, but not let him lose. The little guy laughed, and it felt like fun. The time she wakes up every day determines the outcome between her parents, and she feels that she is the best. .

I still jumped up for a while, practicing jumping on the bed all the time!

An Qing said angrily, "Stop! You can't bribe her!"

"I'm sure I won't play tricks!" Ling Yun patted his chest to assure, he definitely wouldn't be able to do this, because he also wanted to know where the little guy's limit was!
The little guy was sweating all over, An Qing couldn't help but hug her down, she couldn't let her dance, and at the same time, it hurt her morale, saying that it's good for kids to sleep in!
The first point is to sleep more, it will grow up quickly, the little guy was stunned immediately, An Qing was secretly proud, looking at Ling Yun as if he was a sure winner.

Sissy doesn't sleep in?The sow will climb the tree, An Qing shook her head in her heart, the winner and the loser have already been determined during the betting, but the premise is that Ling Yun will not cheat.

The little guy scratched his head, stunned, and kept thinking about a question. Her mother said that sleeping in can help her grow up faster?That little Irene is earlier than her every day, and she hasn't taken a nap yet, so how did she grow up so fast?
After she figured it out, she rolled her eyes at An Qing, what about lying to the children?

If you want to grow up quickly, the TV is right, eat more, eh!

When her father makes fried rice with eggs, she plans to eat two bowls. She will definitely grow up quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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