Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 600 Sissi Learning Boxing

Chapter 600 Sissi Learning Boxing
I don't know if the egg fried rice is delicious, or for other reasons...

The little guy really ate two bowls, An Qing was very happy.

The An family all had their share, and little Irene ate the most. She ate a big bowl in the kitchen. Ling Yun let her in on purpose, fearing that she would scare everyone if she ate again when she went out.


Little Irene, who went out again, still ate four or five bowls, and Mr. An's jaw straightened in shock.

Her stomach hasn't changed yet, and Ling Yun is also drunk, so she can only lie for her, saying that she has a big appetite, and she has a problem since she was a child. The little guy tells some small stories from time to time to divert their attention, otherwise some Ling Yun will have a headache.

Still blame that egg!

The fried rice is so fragrant, little Irene can't bear it.

Tonight's little guy insisted on sleeping with Ling Yun and little Ailin, so An Qing was left alone in the empty room.

Late night
The devil is not peaceful!
The An family has always had a deadly enemy in the capital city, the Song family!
This Song family is a real wealthy family, they can compete with the Ling family in the capital, they have a lot of money, they can't do it in Huaxia without money.

This time, they planned to make trouble on An Jiansheng's birthday!

The so-called making troubles is justifiably seizing the Anjia, which is regarded as a crime of collaborating with the enemy, isn't it?

Pull all the people in the Anjia into prison, and it will be over once and for all.

The Song family is having a meeting right now, discussing how to make arrangements for tomorrow.

There are three heroes in the Song family!
Song Haojie, Song Shijie, Song Xiujie!
This is the younger generation of their Song family, the most outstanding young man, Song Shijie joined the army in his early years, at the age of 28, and is now a high-level cadre of the Dragon Group, one level higher than the previous Long Xingtian.

Song Xiujie?
Secretly, he has the final say in the entire underground world of the magic capital. No one has ever seen him as a gangster, but they listen to him if he is a gangster. Therefore, the senior leaders of the dragon group have nothing to do about it, and there is no evidence. How to catch him?
Tomorrow, he is the CEO of Wanjie Group. At the age of 26, he is worth tens of billions. He is the prince charming in the hearts of all the women in Shanghai.

Such an excellent Song family, why can't they settle down for decades?
This is an agreement signed by the ancestors of the Song family and the An family in the previous life. If the Song family can grow so big, credit comes first!

But this year is due, and before Song Shijie confessed that An Xiaoxiao was rejected, this makes An's wings even more difficult.

Being in-laws with An's family was enough to give them An's family face, but they didn't know how to flatter them.

An Guomin's company was out of supply, and at least half of them were behind the scenes of the Song family.

Nothing in the night

next day!

The little guy got impatient from being touched by his ears, and didn't even open his eyes!

He murmured and hummed: "Bad old man!" Then he turned over and sucked his little finger to continue sleeping.

An Qing looked smug, and said with a smile: "Be obedient and admit defeat, you can see that she has completely forgotten the promise she made last night."

Ling Yun didn't take it seriously, but said: "Qiqian, you got up, what did you say last night? You said you got up to practice boxing with your father?"

The little guy rubbed his eyes, remembering what he said last night, but she still didn't want to get up, but Ling Yun could only yawn, half-closed her eyes, and said on her face that I still want to sleep!

An Qing shrugged, it was only the first day, she was not in a hurry, anyway, Ling Yun was doomed.

Little Irene got up early to play games, this child really refuses to admit defeat, games abused her thousands of times, she treats games like first love.

Seeing Ling Yun taking Sissy out so early, little Irene followed sensitively.


Little Irene stopped playing games for the time being, this set of boxing skills is very advanced, she could see it, so she learned it very seriously beside her!

An Qing came down dumbfounded, what's going on?

How can I teach my daughter to box?

Why didn't she know that Ling Yun knew kung fu?Isn't it all brute force when beating Li Qingmin?
After explaining, An Qing nodded happily. It was Ling Yun who fooled her, saying that it was inherited from her ancestors, which was very awesome, but An Qing foolishly believed it, as long as she knew it was good for Qianqian, she would not refuse.

She doesn't need her to teach, she will definitely be happy, and she firmly believes that the little guy is 3 minutes hot!
Little Irene has already learned the first move. She hits it over and over again, and the more she fights, the more excited she gets. According to her memory of inheriting the dragon clan, this set of boxing skills must be a god-level boxing technique!
With the addition of true energy, relying on her distraction stage cultivation, it would not be a problem to kill the old monster Dujie with one punch, secretly thinking that her brother Taishenjun is indeed the most powerful.

The little guy couldn't do it anymore, he just swung a few punches, and he was tired.

Ling Yun smiled wryly, she really can't bear it!Fortunately, he is awesome enough!
"Sissy, you can't become a strong person, give up, look at little Irene." Ling Yun threatened her, pointing at little Irene who was constantly practicing moves.

At this moment, little Irene was very serious, dripping with sweat, and she didn't care to wipe it off.

The little guy lowered his head, as if he wanted to prove to Ling Yun that she also imitated little Irene.

It took her half an hour to memorize the first move, which was a bit difficult for a beginner, after all, it was her first contact.

An Qing made milk powder for her, feeling a little bit sorry for her who was struggling to practice.

When little Irene saw the milk powder, she immediately laughed and drank it. She remembered it all, as long as she was bored, it would be enough to type it a few times, and then she could learn the second trick.

The little guy stopped, but couldn't get Ling Yun's praise. She wanted to cry a little. She worked very hard, but still couldn't meet her father's request?

An Qing felt distressed, and said a lot of good things, all of which were to praise her for being smart and cute, and the little guy forgot about those unhappy things for the time being.

When An Qing asked Ling Yun, why are you so strict?
Ling Yun pretended to be meaningful and said that it was because he wanted to train a girl fighting champion, but he was secretly laughing.

He doesn't pay attention to any champions. The evolution of this magical fist has cost him a lot of merit points, as well as his soul. Now he wants to smoke a few cigarettes of Cultivating Soul.

"Papa, I'm done!" The little guy ran over excitedly, with an extremely excited smile on his face. This time, her father should praise her.

Ling Yun nodded fiercely, expressing that it was still ideal, and he should relax a bit.

Let the little guy hit it a few more times!
During the whole process, Mr. An, An Jianye, An Shize, and An Xiaoxiao watched the two little guys punching non-stop.

Every heart is complicated!
Mr. An kept shaking his head slightly with an expression of not being able to see through the boxing technique.

An Jianye was different. He knew that Ling Yun possessed incredible power, so he thought that although this boxing technique was impenetrable, it must be an advanced boxing technique.

So he secretly memorized the moves and the way, he didn't know that he couldn't learn it without doing it, see?Immediately he will forget all about it!

An Shize is smart enough, and he is not afraid of being laughed at by others. He knows Ling Yun's identity, so can the things he teaches be simple?
What's more, it was taught to Sissy, it must be unusual, he just learned it, so he just didn't ask.

(End of this chapter)

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