Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 803 The Subconscious Mind

Chapter 803 The Subconscious Mind

The beasts in the tree array did not dare to move, not because they were afraid of the fire phoenix, but because they sensed that Ling Yun was approaching.

At the same time, its heart was excited, just like a puppy seeing its owner.

The little guy is not afraid of the fire phoenix, and said in a childish voice, "It's so beautiful."

The fire phoenix ignored the little guy, opened his mouth directly, and spewed fire towards the ground.

The little guy has a big mouth, so a cow?

Bigger than little Irene's pillar of fire!
A pillar of flame burst out from the mouth of the fire phoenix and shot straight at Liuxian Palace.

Not surprisingly, Liuxian Palace will definitely cease to exist, and even Mrs. Fu and many other elders shook their heads in despair.

She is very clear.

Qianye's move has the power to destroy everything.

Mrs. Xueying sat slumped on the ground, Shangguan Xiu was slim, Tang Ru smiled slightly, Elder Mei and Elder Jiu closed their eyes in despair, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

Almost everyone closed their eyes, and when the flames gushed out, their beautiful eyes trembled.


so awkward!
The little guy laughed, and with one hand, he iced the flames of Chiba's main body, the fire phoenix, into pillars.

If it wasn't for Qianye's quick reaction to cut off the flame, she would be an ice phoenix now.

The icicle fell instantly, and everyone opened their eyes in disbelief at the same time.

Immediately dodge the falling ice cubes, what's going on in your mind!

Shangguanxiu was overjoyed, there was only one person who could do it!

Lord God!

How could she have forgotten that Taishen Jun was running this way, she was speechless, she had to run to a place that could be reached with one breath.

The little guy stood on the crane's back, laughed and clapped his hands excitedly.

The fire phoenix is ​​stupid...

The crane trembled slightly, how could the baby girl on its back be so powerful?Missed it.

The corner of Xi Shenzun's mouth twitched, he had just discovered that there was a terrifying fluctuation here, and he did not expect the situation to be so dire.

Ling Yun has arrived!
He stared at Qianye coldly, and the latter also looked over, but nothing unusual was seen in his eyes.

The little guy laughed and made a face at Ling Yun: "Papa is so slow."

Ling Yun didn't speak, his eyes became colder and colder, and a golden energy ball was directly formed in the palm of his hand under anger.

The fire phoenix screamed, and wanted to run when it spread its wings, feeling terrified in its heart.

Everyone trembled...

Xi Shenzun didn't know why, nor did he know why the emperor was so angry.

As soon as she flew up, Ling Yun gritted his teeth and threw down the energy ball fiercely.

Huo Fenghuang let out a mournful cry, excruciatingly painful, and flames burned all over his body immediately.

The little guy jumped in fright and didn't dare to look at it, so he quickly covered his eyes.

Ling Yun frowned, a little surprised that he could still move?

Huo Fenghuang turned his head and spit fire at Ling Yun. The flame was dozens of times stronger than the one just now, and it also carried lightning.

This made Ling Yun even more furious!
Immediately, he closed his eyes and suspended there quietly, blending with the sky and the ground, as if it was that piece of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Ling Yun opened his eyes.

In an instant, the sun, the moon and the stars disappeared in his eyes, and the long river of time ended in his eyes. The black sky seemed to be falling from the sky, as if to welcome him back.

Wherever he stands, there is nothingness.

This is what Xi Shenzun saw. It seems real but not real. He is trembling. This look?
How familiar he is!
Wasn't that the one when the Taishen Lord was awakened by accident in the Nine Nether Abyss?


Ling Yun's overall aura has changed, he seems to be a god.

Everyone in Liuxian Palace?
Celestial soldiers?

Everything has been dominated by Ling Yun, including this world.

At this time, the crowd was almost unable to breathe due to the huge breath, and most of the surrounding area began to fall.

Tian Dao didn't dare to breathe, a look could kill the existence of its will.

The little guy seemed to know that her father was angry, so he yelled weakly: "Papa?"

It was the first time the little guy saw such a terrifying Ling Yun, and it would be a lie if he said he was not afraid, and he had never been so afraid before.

Xi Shenzun backed away on the spot, frightened him so stupid that he couldn't get close to Taishenjun?


He was bleeding without warning!

I feel that if I don't stay away from Ling Yun, he will be wiped out.

The little guy cried, and called out again: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?"

I hope Ling Yun can reply with a word...

But Ling Yun didn't seem to hear it, and looked at the fire phoenix spewing flames, his eyes converged!
The body and flames of the fire phoenix immediately began to scatter, piece by piece, like glass shards.

The flames are all shattered, crushed by absolute power.

"Woo hoo, papa?"

The little guy is crying louder and louder!

With a sound, Ling Yun's heart was deeply touched, and he immediately came back to his senses. Most of the aura in his body disappeared, and the power to overwhelm everyone no longer existed.

He also knocked out the remaining power in the fire phoenix's body.

Qianye lost consciousness a long time ago, and now she has turned back into a human and fell into Liuxian Palace.

Ling Yun came to the little guy, hugged her gently, and said with a smile: "Ha, Sissy is crying again."

The little guy hugged Ling Yun tightly, sniffed, and said in a crying voice: "Papa."

"Okay, okay, why are you so timid. Am I not here?"

He himself was speechless, he couldn't control his emotions just now, and even touched the second god form.

Thinking back to the feeling just now, every inch of skin in my body is full of strength, it seems that I can still be in the third form...

Just dare not mess around.

Moreover, Ling Yun was sure that he was a little confused just now, it must be the moment when the ancient memory was revived.


Isn't the memory sealed?Will there be a subconscious?
Just now, as long as he pinches the void, the God Realm will disappear, which is truly terrifying.

If so, what happens to the demon's second form?Ling Yun didn't dare to think about it, and he never opened it.

Having tried that kind of power just now, Ling Yun feels that his current power is scum!
If others know his inner thoughts, I don't know if he will be angry or die.

The power of the Taishang Lord is almost invincible, and he still thinks he is a scum?
After coaxing for a long time, the little guy finally burst into laughter.

The people below were scared out of their wits, and now they simply don't believe that Taishen Lord would be so gentle.

Who will tell them that they are really too godly just now?
Why do they feel that it is over, and the God Realm is also over!
Xi Shenzun took a big breath, the rest of his life after the catastrophe, he was still giggling.

The heavenly soldiers are all outside the tree formation, so far away, but none of them are not seriously injured. The formation is like air, and it is used as a decoration.

Tuofu, a female disciple of Liuxian Palace, is so far away from the heavenly soldiers, and is protected by the formation of Xishenzun, otherwise she will die.

It was true that even a trace of aura from Ling Yun's body would seriously hurt them.

Xi Shenzun, who was wiping off his sweat, came over and said to Ling Yun, "Dijun, can you not be scary next time."

Ling Yun replied indifferently: "I'm sorry, next time the Emperor will be more modest."

It's not because of his daughter, the little guy is his heart and soul, it was an accident just now.

The corner of Xi Shenzun's mouth twitched!
Looking at the appalling land below, he knew that the so-called sense of propriety meant that there was no propriety and indiscriminate attacks.

(I'm a little speechless. I posted three chapters, but I only saw two chapters after reading this. I guess there is one chapter for review.)

(End of this chapter)

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