Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 804 I'm speechless

Chapter 804 I'm speechless

Liuxian Palace is basically in ruins.

tree array?

Does it still exist?

The criss-crossing, mighty and undulating ravines, under the reflection of the moonlight, stunned the eyes of the God Venerable Xi.

That ferocious beast, like a docile kitten, has no temper.

The little guy sat quietly on Ling Yun's shoulder, humming a song.

"twinkle Twinkle Little Star……"

"Papa, there was a very beautiful bird just now, similar to little Irene, but it disappeared."

"That's a divine beast, a fire phoenix, not a bird." Ling Yun explained speechlessly: "It ran away."

Qianye should be thankful that he didn't hit the little guy, otherwise he would be wiped out.

"Huh?" The little guy was extremely surprised, and said in a childish voice, "Is it a divine beast?"

The eyes are gloomy, no wonder they are so big, they can breathe fire, and they are beautiful, but unfortunately, being scared away by her father, the little guy is a little unhappy, and wants to catch him back and make him a little pet.

Ling Yun gave her a sip: "What's so strange, if she doesn't run away, Dad will definitely kill her." His eyes flickered with an uncertain look.

The little guy immediately shouted anxiously: "No, no, you can't beat him to death."

The little head was shaking like a rattle.

Ling Yun sighed in his heart, Qianye was not dead yet, it was just an accident.


Mrs. Fu hugged Qianye, crying.

"Qianye, Qianye, wake up."

While speaking, she transferred her true energy to Palace Master Qianye.

She knew Qianye couldn't save her, but she still didn't give up.

What she said before was so righteous, but after this happened, she couldn't accept it, and her heart was pierced.

"Master, master..." Shangguanxiu was tearful, shaking Qianye's body with jade hands.

"Old Ancestor, let her go with peace of mind." Madame Xueying smiled wryly, she was also unwilling to accept it, but facts are facts.


What did she think of.

An angry look flashed across his eyes, and he gritted his teeth at Mrs. Fu and said, "Old Ancestor, this must have something to do with the cat riot in Xuanwu City."

Recalling Qianye's state when she was enchanted, she was sure that the two were inseparable.

"What Xuanwu City? What cat riot?" Mrs. Fu's eyes were cold, and she was a little intimidating to others.

Mrs. Xueying said it in public again, they clenched their fists, angry, angry!
Everything is manipulated by someone behind the scenes, and Chiba is the victim?How unacceptable.

Ling Yun also heard it, and the corner of his mouth twitched, it seemed that it was true.

No wonder Qianye looked at him so strangely...

Embarrassment, so is it justifiable?Ling Yun showed a deeply sorry attitude.

Xi Shenzun came down, sighed and said: "I have told you before, this matter is no small matter, if you don't listen to persuasion, who can be blamed if something goes wrong?"

He put one hand on Qianye's wrist, and then sighed deeper, and he also looked towards Ling Yun and the little guy.

It means that the Taishen Lord may have a solution, but he doesn't know if he will make a move. After all, he was the one who seriously injured Qianye.

The terrifying aura of Liuxian Palace just now has alarmed the entire God Realm.

Many gossip monks flew over, but after their spiritual sense noticed Ling Yun, they didn't dare to come again.

There are quite a few people from Shenfeng, Liuxian Palace, some of their relatives and friends are there.

For example, Bei Shenzun, he was the first to arrive, and when he saw Tang Ru, his face turned red.

"Little Ru..."

The latter ignored him.

Ling Yun was leisurely and contented, and walked down unhurriedly, the little guy kept staring at Qianye.

Shangguanxiu directly knelt down: "My lord, my master just went mad and lost his mind. I hope you can save her life with your noble hand."

"I... I... no matter how much the price is, I'm willing, even if it's my life."

Speaking of this, Shangguanxiu kowtowed, tears streaming down his face, making people feel pity.

"My lord, I have never been humble in my old body. This time, I have the cheek to beg you for Qianye even if others make fun of me." Mrs. Fu released Qianye to Elder Mei and knelt down like Shangguanxiu.

Continued: "As long as the emperor speaks, what kind of old man needs to do his best, whether it is spiritual stones, fairy medicines, or heaven and earth medicines."

She is trying to impress Ling Yun with these things.

Tang Ru didn't speak, but instead talked about Bei Shenzun, who had sharp eyes and guessed eight or nine points.

Suspecting that Qianye hurt the little princess, causing the emperor to be angry, he knew something was wrong with the aura just now.

Many female disciples of Liuxian Palace who came over also knelt down, Ling Yun was displeased, is this moral kidnapping?

The scene was very touching, the little guy rubbed his eyes: "Papa, so pitiful."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, poor?
Chiba is indeed a poor person, hey!
The little guy knows it all, this woman is so familiar, isn't she the one who chased her just now?

"Papa, touch her head quickly." The little guy said softly.

Ling Yun was startled, a little dumbfounded.

Did his daughter not allow Chiba to die?
"Why?" Ling Yun asked back.

Listening to these dialogues, everyone was overjoyed, there should be hope.

Especially Bei Shenzun, who was trying to pay attention, thinking about putting a few top-quality spirit stones in the lucky bag to impress the little princess.

It's just that he didn't dare to say it to Ling Yun's face.

Before Ling Yun could respond, Qianye vomited blood again in a coma. The little guy panicked and shouted eagerly: "Papa, did you beat her? She died, Ma Ma said, it's not a good man to beat a woman."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

How did she remember this?Really speechless.

There was a flash of light in the distance.

Dong Shenzun leisurely came in front of everyone, and things were also guesswork.

But he didn't want Qianye to die, so he boldly said: "Dijun, just save all living beings and save her. King Shura is so cruel and you didn't kill him. Qianye is still a woman who admires you."

"Are you so cruel?"

Dong Shenzun said calmly.

When the empress and the little princess did not show up, the God Realm hoped that Qianye would become the empress, a talented and good son, and the object of everyone's discussion after dinner.

The little guy puffed his cheeks and continued to act like a baby: "Papa, I love you the most."


The little guy blinked his beautiful eyes, kissed her father, and rubbed it on the latter's face.

Ling Yun smiled, the innocence of the little guy moved him, and he felt instantly happy, just like eating honey.


Ling Yun said calmly.

A elixir appeared in his hand, and the very heavy elixir fragrance wafted out of his nostrils.

Dong Shenzun and the others secretly thought, is it another heaven-defying pill?When will they have one!
A elixir can't completely heal Qianye's serious injury, Ling Yun's strength is not just for nothing.

So Ling Yun asked the little guy to touch Qianye's head, and try the little guy's divine power by the way.


She also has divine power, she is so cute, she naturally gained a lot of fans of the gods and fairies, but she has very little divine power in her body.

Divine power is inexplicable, and Beibei is also popular.

why not.

Ling Yun was also at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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