Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 806

Chapter 806

Mrs. Fu is in a hurry! !
I thought to myself, Qianye, Qianye, take the fire ganoderma.

Mrs. Xueying was similar, both worried about Qianye.

"If you don't recover your cultivation base, how can you revive Liuxian Palace? You won't take revenge on your parents?" Ling Yun directly stuffed the fire ganoderma into her arms.

Then he turned around, took the little guy and left.

Qianye's eyes were clouded with tears, but she was happy in her heart, at least the emperor still remembered that she was carrying a blood feud.

The memories of when she went mad, she has long since slowly remembered.

She just tried not to show it, for fear that she would miss out with Ling Yun, and not even have the chance to be friends.

It wasn't until she watched Ling Yun disappear that she looked back and lowered her head in thought for a long time.

Mrs. Fu saw everything in her eyes, sighed and said: "Qianye, revenge is important, children love each other, let's talk about it later, but..."

After a pause, she continued: "However, it is impossible for you and the emperor. As someone who has experienced it, his eyes look at you without any distracting thoughts."

Chiba burst into tears...

I don't know how long it took, she calmed down, wiped away her tears, and said, "Mother Fu, is fate so unfair to me? I have been waiting for him for 8000 years."

Mrs. Fu is the ancestor of Liuxian Palace and Qianye's guardian.

Chiba belongs to the monster clan, the fire phoenix clan!

She was instructed by her parents when they were dying, and adopted Qianye, who was still a child at that time, for millions of years.

Millions of years ago, the monster clan was in chaos, and the Fire Phoenix clan was brutally hunted down.

The fire phoenix clan desperately fled, and it has survived until now. Among the monster clan, the fire phoenix has been removed, and some of those who escaped just barely survived.

Mrs. Fu said, Qianye Fire Phoenix, the monster clan is in chaos.

This is what Qianye's parents said when they were dying. It was just a mystery. No one knew what the reason for the chaos of the Yaozu was.

Old Madam Fu only knew that the Demon King who ruled the demon world, and the vertical-eyed Demon King under him, was the real culprit who killed Qianye's parents.

Things are not that simple. The black hand behind the scenes should be the Demon Emperor. The important task of revitalizing Liuxian Palace has not been completed. The Demon Emperor is too powerful. Old Madam Fu and Qianye were not in a hurry to take revenge before they had absolute strength.

Old Madam Fu was silent when she heard the words, she knew that Chiba's heart must be in pain at this moment.

If you are not strong, I am afraid that you will have no face to meet the Supreme God in the future.

On the way back to the shrine!
Ling Yun and the little guy went back on a crane, and the little guy was asking Ling Yun some weird questions along the way.

for example!

Who is Chiba?

What is the relationship between her father and her?
And why fire Ganoderma lucidum?
Did that beautiful phoenix really fly away?She was still beaten to death by her father.

She also said that she misses Lin Qiuyan, Gongsun Qing, Little Piggy, and Han Xiaoai...

Ask Ling Yun when to go back!
There were piles of headaches, and the first few questions Ling Yun flicked at her again.

When to go back?
Ling Yun really didn't have this plan.It's not up to him at this moment, everything depends on An Qing's will.

The little guy listened to these things as gossip, and in the end he pestered Ling Yun to tell stories.

Ling Yun directly said that he was tired, but if he didn't say anything, the little guy's eyes turned gloomy!

"Papa won't tell? Qianqian said, you must listen." The little guy's tone was strong, as if Ling Yun could not refuse.

Ling Yun replied with a smile: "Okay, then I will listen to the story told by Qianqian."

The little guy laughed, and told stories in a milky voice...

"Sun Houzi exploded Wuzhi Mountain, and two broken mountains fell in front of Grandpa Yugong's house."

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched slightly...don't interrupt, just continue listening.

Go on, little guy!
"Grandpa Yugong moved the mountain away, and a snake spirit and a big scorpion spirit popped out. Fortunately, Grandpa Yugong planted seven gourd seeds and produced seven gourd babies."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Some can breathe fire, some can spray water, and they wiped out the scorpion and snake spirits."

"But. The gourd baby is also afraid of the goblin's revenge." At this point, the little guy couldn't help but laugh.

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines: "..."

"Seven gourd babies immigrated and settled overseas in a group, because..."


"Because of his lack of height, he is regarded as a dwarf."

"It so happened that there was a princess in the United States who was persecuted by the evil queen and fled into the dwarf's room."

The little guy waved his fist and pursed his mouth, looking a little angry.

"However, she was fed poisoned apples by the evil queen and fell asleep."

"The remaining half of the apple was picked up by an old man. He is Grandpa Jobs."

"Aha, Papa, isn't Qianqian's story nice?" The little guy showed his charming little canine teeth, just waiting for Ling Yun to praise her.

What's the matter!

Ling Yun died speechless...

"Okay!" Ling Yun forced out a word!

The little guy was full of joy, laughing all the time, under a bright moon, she was laughing, he was watching, the breeze was not restless, and the moonlight was just right.

Ling Yun couldn't complain, he thought it was over.

not yet!
The little guy continued: "Papa, Sissy tells you, the moon is just that luminous sphere." He pointed at the crooked bright moon with his little finger.

Ling Yun nodded, expressing his understanding: "Yes. And then."

"Didn't you say that there is a Sleeping Beauty up there, that second senior brother Bajie likes that one." The little guy said in a childish voice, his beautiful eyes gleaming with fascination.

Ling Yun hit [-] points in his heart: "..."

"She not only raised a cute bunny, but also raised an ear, which was given to Sleeping Beauty by the black cat sheriff." The little guy said seriously.

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, and his heart was more than [-] crit: "And then."

"Then one ear fell off secretly, no, it fell off, it fell off so high, so I lost my memory, it and Tom knew each other, and it was Jerry."

"The two of them have always had conflicts. If they are not good, they will fight on the top of the Forbidden City."

"Finally, they reconciled and sang Little Apple together, so hi."


Ling Yun almost vomited blood!
"This is yours? Sissy, hurry up and tell Dad, who taught you?" Ling Yun didn't believe she would!

This question!
The little guy was so childish, he betrayed An Qing without hesitation.

"It's Mama, she tells good stories now, she understands much better than Papa, yet Mama found out that one ear is Jerry's secret, Papa doesn't know."

That's right.

It was An Qing who made it up. Every time the little guy took a bath, he asked to tell a story. An Qing was tired. She used to know that the little guy was disgusting.

At that time, An Qing's brain had an idea, and she made up a set of stories.

This is not!

What the little guy just said was An Qing's masterpiece.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, this bitch who cheated on her daughter, it will make her unable to get out of bed for three days when she goes back, and it is useless to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Can it be taught like this?
At least don't be so ridiculous!

Anyway, the little ones are very happy, and now An Qing tells them stories every day when they take a bath, and the latter feels very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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