Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 807

Chapter 807

The bullshit story is over.

The little guy is sitting on the crane, taking a nap slowly!
Ling Yun told the crane to fly faster...

Crane dare not follow...

This man is too scary, he deserves to be the Supreme Lord.


The little guy doesn't allow it, he insists on being like Ling Yun, saying that it feels good to be like this.

Ling Yun also felt good, very warm.

So according to her again, it was almost ten o'clock when we returned to the Jingu Palace.

An Qing didn't know what she was planning. A few women were together. The princess, Empress Hanyue, and Empress Linglong were all there.

Long Yanran and Beibei are still playing!

The little guy came over on tiptoe, feeling refreshed again.

Beibei and the others didn't pay attention...

I only heard Beibei say: "Auntie, do you dare to play games with me?"

She expressed dissatisfaction with the hide-and-seek just now, why is she always found.

So now I want to regain some confidence.

Long Yanran didn't want to play with her at first, but as soon as she rolled her eyes, she thought of treating her as an elder and giving way to her.

"Say it, just play a game."

Beibei was happy, and replied: "Hey, it's just a simple word game."

Long Yanran nodded!Little Irene, Ji Wuxue, and the spirit monkey are all waiting.


Beibei didn't hesitate, and immediately said the rules: "I say one, you say forget."

"I said two, you just intercede."

"I say three, but you say water."

"It's that simple."

Long Yanran thought for a while, and there was no such thing as a trap, so she nodded: "Old Bei, I understand."

Beibei laughed loudly: "One!"






"One by one"

"Wang Wang Wang Wang."

Looking back, Long Yanran sensed that something was wrong, she was furious and beat Beibei's head repeatedly.

"You've become more courageous, and you're playing tricks on me again."

Beibei covered her head and laughed loudly.

The little guy couldn't help it either, and laughed out loud, and it was only then that they discovered it.


Originally, she wanted to secretly tease her sister.

"Ha, my sister is back." Beibei was so happy that she danced.

Little Irene clapped her hands and kept jumping!
Ji Wuxue smiled happily, playing peek-a-boo just now, without Sissi, there was no point in laughing.

Long Yanran joked: "The little god is willing to come back? Tell me honestly, how many times have you cheated on your father?"

Speaking of Wangzai, the little guy's aggrieved eyes appeared.

After following all night, the pot was not seen, but it was still rewarding and tricked two cranes back.

Originally, Beibei and the others still felt abandoned, but seeing the little guy's expression, he was just giggling, needless to say, he definitely didn't have anything to drink.

Ling Yun came over and said, "I treat everyone equally, and I didn't give her Wangzi."

"Yeah, yum."

The little fellows all nodded, not doubting Ling Yun's words at all.

This made Long Yanran feel unbelievable.

Behind Ling Yun is the crane, and the little guys are all thoughtful.

After a while.

The little guy spoke childishly, and said coquettishly, "Sister, tell me a story, I want to hear it."

Little Irene: "Okay, okay, the baby likes it the most."

Ji Wuxue added: "Is there anything funny?"

Long Yanran also said, "It's going to be funny."

Lingyun's curiosity came, what story will Beibei have?

Could it be the kind that An Qing made up again?He was speechless.

Beibei thought for a while, and replied: "Okay." She still looked embarrassed!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!Secretly, Beibei, just pretend!

Beibei imitated the adult's tone, and said: "This story is called Wukong and Tathagata, little monkey brother, you have to listen carefully."

"My grandson said to Tathagata Buddha, Tathagata! I didn't turn out your palm last time, my old baby... Bah! My old grandson is not convinced."

"The Tathagata Buddha replied, come again if you don't accept it, Sun Houzi laughed and said, don't be so proud, do you dare to bet something?"

"The Tathagata replied, if you enter it, I will tell you the WiFi password of the Heavenly Court, and there will be no need for traffic when traveling westward."

Ling Yun: "..."

Long Yanran: "..."

Little One and Little Erin: "Aha!"

The corner of Ji Wuxue's mouth twitched!
Beibei continued to speak regardless of their reactions.

"Sun Houzi laughed loudly when he heard the words, and set off immediately. He somersaulted and came to the old place, the Bliss load-bearing wall. He didn't know that this place was the Tathagata's finger."

"Sun Houzi summed up the experience and lessons of previous convictions, so he stopped scribbling in front of places of interest."

"But I still couldn't help peeing, and then somersaulted, and returned to the Buddha, and shouted loudly, I will ask you if you are convinced if you come, and tell my old grandson the password."

"The Tathagata Buddha said leisurely, have you gotten angry recently? Look at what is in my hand? After speaking, stretch out your hand."

"Fuck you, Sun Monkey, did you pee on your hands too?"

Ling Yun: "Pfft..."

Long Yanran: "Puchi!"

The four little guys laughed together from ear to ear.

After laughing!
Beibei continued: "Those Buddhas around Tathagata all turned away from him in disgust. He said nervously and embarrassedly..."

Having said this, Beibei paused on purpose, looked into their eyes, then lowered her voice, and said in a childish voice, "The Tathagata Buddha said, Brothers, stay a while and listen to my explanation."

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing again, Beibei's imitation voice at the end was too funny.

"Laughing so loudly? What are you talking about?" An Qing came over and asked curiously.

Together with the princesses, she looked mysterious.

"Ma Ma, Sissy saw a big firebird just now..." The little guy excitedly pulled An Qing and wanted to hug her.


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, didn't he tell her that it was the divine beast Fire Phoenix?

Beibei replied: "Aunt An, you missed Beibei's storytelling." Then he was curious about the firebird in the little guy's mouth, and added: "What firebird?"

The little guy smiled and said to everyone: "It looks like little Irene, with fire feathers."

The princess knew it right away, and said, "That's the Fire Phoenix."

Little guy: "Yeah, yeah."

"What now? Turned into two cranes?" An Qing poo poo her.

The little guy was tickled by the kiss, and he laughed: "Beating to death by papa."

Ling Yun: "..."

Didn't he explain Feidao?

Really speechless!


Beibei, Little Irene and Ji Wuxue glared at Ling Yun resentfully.

Ling Yun rubbed his nose, interrupted their train of thought, and said, "It's getting late, you're tired, you guys go take a shower, An Qing still has a lot of stories to tell."

After saying this, An Qing's eyes twitched, her story was almost finished, and she forgot what she said last night.

The four little guys suddenly became energetic and asked to take a bath one after another.

Ji Wuxue likes to take a bath and play with bubbles, so I bought a bubble blower today, and it just happened to be used, and I had a lot of fun.

There are many things about Ling Yun!

Guapi came to him again, saying that it was a problem with the auction building, and asked Lingyun to build a city to welcome those who came to the auction.

Get another portal and teleport directly from the gate of the God Realm to the city, otherwise how would they enter the God Realm?
(End of this chapter)

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