Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 808 Building a City

Chapter 808 Building a City
Ling Yun thought about it, and he really should do this.

There are all types of people who come to the auction, so it's better to separate them.

It's all planned to build a city dedicated to auction buildings, which will be completely blocked.

There are two entrances!
One is a monk from the twelve domains who came in from the gate of the gods.

One is a native of the God Realm, they can also come in.

This city will not exist, it needs to be fabricated by Ling Yun out of thin air.

Guapi can do this, but he is lazy and doesn't want to work hard, it's too expensive for him, and it's time-consuming for him.

Ling Yun looked up at the sky, and slowly raised his hands, as if embracing the whole world.

After a while.

He just stretched out his hand in the void, and waved it lightly a few times as if there was nothing there, making Emperor Guapi confused.

Have a good while!

Emperor Guapi couldn't help but ask.

"Dijun, let's go open a city earlier."

Ling Yun remained silent!

After a while, Guapi asked again impatiently.

"Dijun, for our plan to make a fortune..."

"Okay, so much nonsense, didn't the emperor just open it up." Ling Yun gave him a blank look.

"Impossible, you're kidding me." Emperor Guapi shook his head, as if a ghost would believe you.

"If you don't believe me, take a look with your spiritual sense, it's in the woods below the shrine." Ling Yun replied with a smile.

Emperor Guapi was dubious at first, and then broke into a cold sweat from fright.

To hell!

There really is a city in that forest.


It's too perverted, how can it take two or three days to open up a city, you are just waving your hands now, and Emperor Guapi found out that the gap is too big.


As soon as Ling Yun waved his hand, the forest below began to change, and the red land gradually deformed, slowly forming a tall wall.

There is also a tower in the center, twelve stories high, which petrifies immediately after it is formed, and is extremely strong.

Two tall giants stood on both sides of the tower, guarding them like living souls.

Red clay figurines also began to appear on the tall wall, and there were some houses around, which were also petrified, looking very beautiful.

"Dijun, you are so awesome, you can change your name." Guapi Dadi laughed and teased.

Why did Ling Yun sound so awkward, rolled his eyes at him a few times, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Don't want to sleep tonight, the emperor's work is done, and it's up to you."


"Immediately announce to the outside world that the Yue Xia Auction Building will be established, and that the Emperor will be here tomorrow morning. The Twelve Regions basically know about it."

Emperor Guapi: "..."

"The new city opened up is called Yuexia City. Arrange some luxurious decorations to enter it. Don't ask me for money, no."

While speaking, Ling Yun looked into the eyes of Emperor Guapi, and interrupted quickly.

The melon skin emperor instantly turned into a bitter face, and all the excitement just now turned into a sense of powerlessness.


He turned excited again.

Because Ling Yun gave him an auction list, he was shocked when he saw it.

Immediately thinking, how much will you earn in an auction?


It's faster than donkey rolling to get money.

Why did he listen to the emperor's words at the beginning and play the donkey roll?

No wonder Shengshi Auction and other auction houses are so strong overall. It turns out that everyone is so fucking rich.

And the list Dijun gave him...

Five artifacts are knives, swords, hammers, armor, and a pair of shoes.

Pills, healing, detoxification, demon breaking, body quenching, these are all auctioned at the imperial level, and there are also hair growth pills refined by the Pill King.

What caught his attention the most was a elixir of supreme level. According to the introduction, no matter how serious the injury was, as long as he was not dead, he would immediately recover to his peak after swallowing it.

This is awesome!
At the supreme level, the Twelve Realms are only the Supreme God Lord, and those who claim to be Dan Shenzong have to stand aside.


Unless it was injured in Ling Yun's hands, this elixir is really just like the introduction, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can bring the dead back to life.

For this elixir, Ling Yun gave an awesome name, Nitian Pill!
People know it just by hearing the name, it's really against the sky...

Emperor Guapi has a pill that Ling Yun gave him at noon today, it is supreme level, it is not so heaven-defying, and it will definitely be taken out for auction.

The rest are rare treasures, elixirs, materials...

See the material?

The corner of Guapi Emperor's mouth twitched violently.

I scolded Ling Yun in my heart.


Dijun is really a trap, some of those materials were collected by him before.

Thinking back to the hardships he had to collect the materials a few days ago, he felt miserable, and he spent a lot of spiritual stones, and now they are auctioning them, what a shame.

In the end, all the emperor's orders were put up for auction?

Emperor Guapi thought to himself, how much do you want Lingshi?
There are also martial arts and skills!
I could see him vomiting blood.

Martial arts are all god-level, so is the kung fu, he is numb, what good things are in the hands of the emperor?
There are puppets too!
Does anyone want the one he bought today?
A long list…

Emperor Guapi didn't look at it at all, so as not to really vomit blood.


He went to work, the staff of the auction house, Ling Yun planned to ask An Qing to arrange it, a dignified empress can't be idle.

Ling Yun stretched, a little tired!
After the bath, the little guy was right behind him, sneaky again.

Just now, her spiritual sense sensed Ling Yun talking and laughing with Emperor Guapi, wondering where she was going to play.

So... the little follower, you can't lack her.

Ling Yun was going to sleep, but he didn't go...

"Huh? Why aren't you asleep yet?" Ling Yun turned his head and was startled!
The little guy is naughty!
Still invisible, how could he escape Ling Yun's eyes.

"Aha, how did Papa find out?"

The little guy doesn't know, so it's okay to get caught with this trick before, but now she feels that she has the strength to be awesome.

"Because you are my daughter." Ling Yun replied with a smile.

"Aha, it's not fun." The little guy immediately released his invisibility and ran over immediately. He wanted to hug and hold him high at the first moment.

Played with Ling Yun for a while...

Beibei ran over angrily: "Handsome sorghum, roast them..."

I'm not done yet...

The two cranes behind caught up and pecked Beibei with their beaks!
The little guy immediately said: "No, no..."

Thinking back to sitting on the back of a crane and flying around, it was very cool, but there was no way, her car was gone.

Ling Yun asked curiously: "Why? Eating too much will make you fat."

Beibei said: "They are disobedient..."

The reason for being disobedient is that Beibei planned to take pictures with the cranes, but she found that she couldn't command them!

I have said cruel things, but I still ignore her!
Immediately, Beibei recalled Ling Yun's words, and added: "I didn't eat too much."

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, the cranes are high-spirited monsters and descendants of the Phoenix family, and they have their own ideas.

It is impossible to get close to Beibei and listen to her just because she is friendly.

The two cranes behind continued to peck Beibei, and the latter puffed up his cheeks angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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