Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 810 smooth

Chapter 810 smooth
A gloomy light flashed through Lightning's eyes, and he popularized the rules of the current God Realm to the one-eyed one.

latest news!
There are two or three ways to go to the God Realm.

The first one is to have an invitation letter, which has always been an old rule.

The second is that you can go to the God Realm every seven days without an invitation letter and without any restrictions.


To go to the God Realm, one must obey the arrangement, that is, to be followed by the leader, in other words, to follow the organization.

You can't eat, drink and play at will, and you must quit the God Realm after staying for seven days.

This regulation was agreed by the little guy. There are a lot of complaints about doing business in the God Realm, and the traffic in the God Realm is small, so it must be changed.

So they jointly put forward this suggestion on the playbook. When the little guy and Ling Yun reviewed the playbook, she ticked it off.

Regarding Ling Yun's decision, Dong Shenzun nodded unconditionally, so after seeing the hook at that time, Dong Shenzun immediately arranged, but he didn't know that it was the little guy who hooked it.

However, this regulation is very good. I have tried it once, and the effect is good, which will promote the development of the God Realm.

The third is to circulate the fairy fruit of the God Realm. Simply put, the God Realm also needs to buy some items from other places to supply the residents of the God Realm.

This type of person is authorized, not restricted by the gate of the gods, and can enter and exit at any time.

The third method is what Nissan and the others chose.

Buy that kind of person, get into the item box, and enter the God Realm smoothly.

One-eyed has never been to the God Realm, so there are so many questions.

After understanding at this moment, he decisively chose the second one.

His one eye?

You must find a way, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be recognized without entering the God Realm.

In the Twelve Domains, the killer can completely hide his identity, and no one will meddle in other people's business, but it is different when performing tasks.

Spirit world!

Although it was late at night, piles of papers fell from the sky, which still attracted many people.

After reading the content, everyone reacted in various ways. Some raised their hands to applaud, but they almost didn't clap their feet.

Some worries, what are you worried about?Their spirit stones are not enough.

Some didn't respond at all, and it's none of their business. This kind of people just don't have money, want to get in?Also not eligible.

Some clapped their hands and applauded, the God Realm is thriving, and they are proud to be members of the God Realm.

Some were annoyed, such as the Shengshi Auction, isn't this obviously going to make things difficult for them?
The so-called cutting off people's money is like killing their parents. Can you not be angry?But they wanted to see what good things the so-called Auction Building under the Moon established by Taishenjun could come up with.

next day!

At the beginning of dawn in the east, the golden morning light sprinkled the earth, everything revived, and it was a new day.

Early in the morning, Emperor Guapi came, smiling all over his face.

Ling Yun asked: "What's the matter? You're laughing so cheaply? Did you find a treasure when you went out?"

Emperor Guapi rolled his eyes and replied: "Last night, I asked my subordinates to notify the giants in the Twelve Domains overnight. Many of them expressed interest and asked me what good things I have."

"Then you told the truth?"

"No, I'm not stupid. I only said a few things, and they immediately asked me for a crystal card." Emperor Guapi's expression filled his face.It looks even more cheap.

Crystal card!
This was imitated by Emperor Guapi referring to the invitation order of the Shengshi Auction.

Those who have a crystal card can enter the city under the moon.

If there is no threshold and anyone can come, wouldn't it be overcrowded?
Last night, Emperor Guapi was the first to send crystal cards to well-known figures in the God Realm.

For example, every family in the Holy Land has a registered crystal card, which shows their identity, not to mention, the crystal cartoon body is sparkling, and the melon skin emperor's craftsmanship is not bad.

Then I went to the various city lords in the God Realm, as well as those from Shenfeng, those generals, gods, and gods, all received them one after another, whether they came to participate or not, and gave them enough face.

Famous casual cultivators in the God Realm, such as Aurora Empress, Stick King Immortal Emperor, etc., all received them.

Every big family in the God Realm has one.

The same is true for the Twelve Domains, but they are issued in limited quantities. Under the concept of money, of course, priority is given to their own people.

God, domain master, all major forces have them, such as the Star Palace, the entire force will only be given a card by their palace master, there are not many, without exception.

As for the ones that have not been received, it is not that the Guapi Emperor looks down on people, but that there are too many influences, and I don't remember, such as the Ice Palace, which few people know about this influence, so there must be no one.

Another example is the recent rise of the Vulcan Sect. Emperor Guapi only knows about business. He hasn't heard of it yet, so there is no such thing.

The casual cultivators in the Twelve Domains finally arrived, those casual cultivators?The Guapi Emperor must have never heard of many of them. He gave more than 100 crystal cards to his subordinates and let them choose at will.

Those with a background must be given priority. If a casual cultivator is famous but doesn't have many spirit stones in his storage ring, invite him to eat shit?
In a word, occupying the latrine and not shitting is a waste!

Adding up the two sides, he issued a total of [-] crystal cards, and each card allowed one person.

If all come, there will be more than 1000 people, less than 2000 people.

The Guapi Emperor intends to gather more than 2000 people, and the remaining crystals?


He has a business mind, and he sells a crystal card for 30 yuan, which is neither expensive nor cheap, so he can make a fortune.

This is the grapevine!

Only leave the back door to the God Realm.

It was not so early in the morning, and a bunch of people were looking for him everywhere, and some of them had already paid 50 yuan for a top-quality spirit stone. Emperor Guapi came to the shrine to avoid the limelight.

An Qing wanted to visit Yuexia City, so she asked Ling Yun to set up a portal in the shrine.

After the Guapi Emperor saw it, the corner of his mouth twitched, other people's formation masters could not compare with this perverted emperor.

A teleportation array and a snap of the fingers.

Just like not wanting money.

Emperor Guapi didn't know that these teleportation arrays were all made in advance by him, and they were only activated just now.

The little guy had already set his sights on An Qing, knowing that she was going to the lower realm, he immediately pestered her and never left her.

The helpless An Qing can also take the four of them to Yuexia City.

Ling Yun won't go!

Because Emperor Guapi heard about Liuxian Palace, he insisted on dragging him to have a drink with Qianye, as before, Guapi would do this whenever he had something to do.

Where is Ling Yun going?
Embarrassed to death.

So he refused again and again, and said that he didn't have time, and he was going to work at Shenfeng, so he must clock in on time, right?

The angry melon skin emperor is about to vomit blood, on time?Check in?The more I heard this, the more awkward I became.

If Lingyun doesn't go, Emperor Guapi will also go, no matter what, he also got to know Qianye, caring is always necessary, in fact, he secretly loves Qianye in his heart.

These Ling Yuns all know that the intricate love triangle really makes people speechless.

He also sympathizes with the melon skin emperor, one Luohua is intentional, and the other is ruthless.

Emperor Guapi knew that Ling Yun was responsible for Liuxian Palace's affairs, so surprisingly he didn't ask the latter why he hurt Qianye so badly.

The three of them usually get together occasionally to drink, and they know the bottom line more or less, if it doesn't touch the bottom line.

he thinks!

Ling Yun would not fight.

(End of this chapter)

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