Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 811

Chapter 811
The only thing that Emperor Guapi can do is to heal the wound in Qianye's heart.

Chiba likes Dijun!

He knew it, and he was not stupid, every time Qianye looked at Ling Yun, his eyes were full of affection.

He also didn't envy Ling Yun, because love breeds hatred, as long as Ling Yun doesn't marry Qianye for a day, then he will have a chance.


He also could see that Ling Yun had no interest in Qianye, so he was the happiest when he heard that Ling Yun had an empress and a baby.

City under the moon!
This city that was suddenly created by Ling Yun in a few breaths, his idea is to classify it as a multi-space, which can accommodate more people.

Except for a teleportation array, Lingyun has not yet arranged the space to open up. This needs to go to Yuexia City to do it.

The God Realm has good financial resources, and there are many arks. There are teleportation arrays in every city, and almost all of them are connected, but the cost is expensive, and many people are reluctant.

So in the God Realm, you can fly with a sword, ride a pegasus, and ride a bird-like monster in the sky at any time.

These are relatively cost-effective, and of course some people like to watch the scenery, not to save money.

in town!

An Qing and her group were stunned when they came here. This city is even more beautiful than Qinglong City. The floor is covered with crystal tiles, and there are trees every three meters.

The tree is still in full bloom, An Qing really doesn't know how Ling Yun did it.

An Qing looked at the houses around the tall fence thoughtfully, and felt that these houses could be divided and rented out.

It will definitely make others steal their heads. Thinking about it this way, she felt inexplicably happy in her heart, really happy.

The little guy is not very happy, no one?
Let's go play!

No one said to play, okay?

An Qing explained to them speechlessly.

The little guy curled his lips, they're here anyway, so let's just play around.

Looking at the giant statue, Beibei suddenly had an idea, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

An ear-piercing voice startled An Qing, then she raised her eyes and was stunned.

Long Yanran didn't know why, so she thought it was an enemy, her legs trembled in fright, except in movies, she had never seen such a tall giant move in real life.

An Qing is on full alert...

I scolded Ling Yun in my heart, what's the matter?There are other creatures in this city, didn't they say he made them last night?

At this time, Beibei laughed loudly: "Don't be afraid, they are fine."

The little guy looked at the tall giant stupidly, and said in a childish voice, "Can it move?"

Little Irene nodded, "It's moving, it's moving."

Ji Wuxue said, "The uncle must be scaring us."

Ling Yun was also shot while lying down...

The giant did not move again, but its eyes were open, like a guard, as if waiting for some order.

An Qing breathed a sigh of relief, Long Yanran stared at Bei Bei, who was immediately aware of her guilty conscience.

"Ha, okay, Beibei is itchy, right?" Long Yanran couldn't help but get angry.

Babe run now!
"It's not me, moves by itself."

She ran and talked, not daring to turn her head.

How could the short legs run fast, and he didn't use his body skills, just like ordinary people, so he was caught by Long Yanran immediately.

"Let you be naughty and scare us."

Long Yanran slapped Beibei's butt, the latter didn't feel it, it was obedient.

Afraid of being discovered, the smart Beibei pretended to cry a few times.

"Woo... Aunt hit a child, violent girl."

An Qing chuckled, and she could see that Beibei's acting skills were revealed.

The little guy rolled his eyes, ran over and hugged Long Yanran, and said in a childish voice, "Aunt Long, don't be naughty, you keep beating my sister, ignore you."


An Qing couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this!

Long Yanran turned her head to the little guy and said, "Am I naughty?"

The little guy nodded seriously: "Yeah."

Little Irene followed suit: "Yeah."

"Qi Qian, be careful that I will beat you too?" Long Yanran threatened her.

If she hears it, she will be beaten too!
The little guy trembled all over, admitted his cowardice, and quickly distanced himself from Long Yanran, saying: "Sister, hold on, wait for my papa to come back."

Long Yanran laughed!

At this moment, she also realized that something was wrong, she hit her very lightly, why did Beibei cry so heartbreakingly?

Immediately became suspicious!

It was just pretending, Long Yanran was furious, and planned that when Ling Yun came, she would ask him for a set of methods to treat Beibei, lest they be disobedient and teach them a lesson.

After Beibei was released, she pouted and said, "Auntie, don't hit me, my mother has grown up."

An Qing smiled without saying a word, almost bursting into laughter.

Long Yanran laughed and said: "Old lady? I don't even dare to call myself that, how about you? Are you still shameless?"

Beibei grimaced: "Slightly slightly..."

An Qing asked, "Beibei, is it really a good thing you did?"

good thing?

Beibei laughed out loud, but couldn't understand what An Qing meant, and thought she was being praised, so she nodded: "Yes, they will be obedient."

An idea came to An Qing's mind, it should be the art of the five elements, but it doesn't look like it, the giant was there before.

"Tell me, how did you do it?" Long Yanran asked curiously.

Beibei ignored Long Yanran...

The little guy laughed, and immediately said, "I know, I know."

"I invite little girl Sissi to speak." An Qing said softly.

The little guy said: "With a whistling sound, it moved."

After she finished speaking, she blinked cutely, she was so awesome.

An Qing pretended to be angry, and pinched her face: "If you don't understand, pretend to understand."

The little guy pouted angrily, and slapped An Qing's hand away from pinching her face with his little hand: "No."

The little guy knows it!
Isn't it just like changing a dragon, the last step is to create a soul with a whoosh, and it can be obedient.

and so!
She felt that there was nothing wrong with her, but her mother and Aunt Long didn't understand anything.

Knowing that Beibei did it, An Qing and Long Yanran didn't have any worries before.

Looking around at the moment is like buying a house, you need to look carefully.

Bebe directs the giant, dance first!

The giant dancing was so beautiful, the laughter of the four little guys never disappeared.

If Ling Yun knew that he had to vomit blood again, the Five Elements Technique was used to fill the hole, and the Soul Forbidden Technique was performed by Beibei for dancing and entertainment.

An Qing and Long Yanran leave for a while, and feel relieved that they are here, and before leaving, tell them not to mess around, and don't run around.

The little guy nodded and said, "Don't worry, Ma Ma, I'm the most naughty." He blinked his eyes, feeling wrong, and said wrongly: "No, no, I'm not naughty, but I'm good."


"I really don't know if I should believe you." An Qing shook her head and laughed.

Little Eileen said: "Don't worry, auntie, the baby can watch over my sister, can you bring the queen?"

An Qing replied: "Well, little Irene must do her duty, your mother has gone to the library tower, and she is not free today."

Little Irene shrugged: "Okay."

Long Yanran didn't believe their words, but Ji Wuxue was an exception, she told the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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