Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 818

Chapter 818
Ling Yun laughed so loudly here, the people inside only saw the smiles of their family!

Mrs. Ghost feels bad...

Not to mention Chiba...

Long Jiani was fine, she was just envious, she was still young, only in her 20s, not much older than Long Yanran.

Emperor Guapi said, "Don't look at it, it will only make you sad, Qianye? How about thinking about me?" His eyes kept winking at Qianye next to him.

Chiba shook her head lightly...

Xin Zhao was speechless: "Wipe your drool, how can you be as virtuous as a chick!"


Ji Wuxue was furious, she beat Xin Zhao on the head, and said in a childish voice, "Who are you calling?"

"No... I didn't call you... I... I..." As soon as Xin Zhao opened his mouth, Ji Wuxue slapped him, and finally he shut up, and the former let him go.

Beibei laughed and clapped, lest the world would not be chaotic.

Ling Yun's voice came suddenly: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, eat quickly and get ready to start."

The little guy nodded, and said in a childish voice, "Yeah, I want to eat the most, so I can definitely grow up."

What An Qing wanted was this effect, secretly said that Ling Yun really had a way to coax the little guy.

It's already 11:30, Guapi Dadi is still drinking with Zhao Xin, he probably doesn't plan to pay attention to the auction, in a word, he can rest assured that An Qing is here.

Xin Zhao came here, not for an auction, Long Jiani insisted on coming.

The former brought her here after thinking about it, and he stayed at Zhao's house and was always urged to marry by Zhao's mother.

Being stared at by the little guy, Ling Yun dared not drink with them.

Qianye smiled: "Such a rare opportunity? Why don't you drink?"

"Big friends don't have human rights." Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, pointing at the little guy in An Qing's arms.

Qianye laughed and pinched the little guy's face: "What's your idea? Take care of your father."

The little guy laughed: "Well, don't drink alcohol, it stinks."

An Qing said speechlessly: "You're bragging again, right? You've been eating a bowl of rice for so long? Do you still want to grow up?"

The little guy curled his lips and ignored An Qing.

Beibei and the others had already finished eating, and they were looking down.


The crowd is surging!

Just waiting for the opening of the auction building, and the shopkeepers around were very happy. In just three hours on the first day, they had earned several times the usual amount of spirit stones.

This month's down town is really powerful, 20 yuan of top-quality spirit stones is not a loss in January!

"Get ready, I'll take a good seat."

"Wait for me, the old man also wants to go in immediately and witness this auction building."

"Haha, strength speaks!"

"Are you crazy, dare to make trouble in Yuexia City?"

"Bah, I'm just talking, I want to live more."

"Smart decision."

"I won't talk to you anymore, someone from the auction building came out."

There were different opinions at the entrance of the auction building, and the scene was noisy.

The person who came out was Divine Guard Rex!

He summed up his lines: "Congratulations to the bosses from the Twelve Realms and the God Realm to the Moondown City. I believe many people have heard of it. Yes, the Moondown Auction Building was built by the Supreme God."

There was a commotion among the crowd, and they began to discuss again, some whispering.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. I'm Captain Rex of the Divine Guard. I will take action on anyone who causes trouble during the auction."

After Rex finished speaking, he half-closed his eyes and showed a slight momentum, which could scare some people.

For example, the young master brought by a certain family, the task is to auction, it doesn't matter who you send.

Another example, those who have money but no strength...they are crystal cards bought from Emperor Guapi.

The ghost emperor's face is not good, because Mrs. Ghost is gone: "Come on, hurry up."

His voice was very loud. He heard that Mrs. Ghost had entered the auction building with her two children, so he was anxious to go in and have a look.

Yantian Sword Emperor's eyes flashed with a gloomy look: "The Ghost Emperor is still so irritable."

"This old man has always been like this." The Ghost Emperor will never forget that the alliance between the Three Heavens and the Pisces Emperor will not give Yantian Sword Emperor a good look.

Monk Shura took a step forward: "Listen to the little monk..."

"Get out, bald donkey..." The Ghost Emperor pushed him away, nagging, annoying to death.

Monk Shura is fine!

His old subordinate looked directly at the ghost emperor with an angry face.

"Amitabha, the benefactor is too hostile, it's better to let the little monk..."

Before he finished speaking, the Ghost Emperor left him in one step!
With Rex's permission, the auction building officially entered the venue, and the Ghost Emperor didn't have the time to talk nonsense with them.

"Is this lottery a private room?" A certain person looked at the lottery he had just drawn in his hand and asked in a daze.

Rex answered truthfully: "Yes, for the sake of equality for all, our empress came up with this idea."

Why didn't he think of this rule!
Hear it!

Everyone didn't ask any more questions, and walked in after drawing a sign, and a bunch of people behind them urged their lives.

The ghost emperor looked at the luxury and exquisite decoration inside, and felt bitter. Why is the auction house on his ghost island so rubbish?

The garbage was there before, but now it's gone.

"Tsk tsk, the Taishang Lord is really generous."

"This decoration is worth tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones."

"I guess more than that."

"Yo yo, there are fairies."

"It looks good, should it belong to Shenfeng?"

Everyone sighed and pointed at the Empress Linglong on the stage. The key point was that she had changed into a professional woman's attire.

"Everyone! Follow the steps quickly, the auction will start immediately, the auction will start immediately." Empress Linglong smiled and was very polite to everyone.

Ji Wushuang who came from behind yelled, "Okay, Sister Fairy has orders, so don't dare to disobey."

Everyone looked at him with contempt, what a sycophant.

"Girl, let me ask, is No. 401 the first room on the fourth floor?" The Sagittarius Emperor asked the Linglong Empress on the stage.

Empress Linglong smiled and nodded!
A dozen or so people from the Holy Land, represented by Nan Wuwentian, came.

Shangguan Xiu's uncle, Shangguan Yun, also came. This man has a ruthless face, a little bit bad, and his strength can be regarded as the number one person in the Holy Land.

The Murong family is the father of Murong Xinyue and Murong Xinhuang. Murong Chong is a man of integrity, and his two daughters follow him a little bit.

Ji Wushuang was about to go upstairs, and he drew Room 710: "Why did Pisces turn into a turtle?"

The Pisces Emperor's men made the first cut, and the prawns were a little angry when he heard that. Why did Ji Wushuang have any objections to their Pisces Starfield?
"Ji Wushuang, are you still a baby?" Da Xia also mocked, and then went upstairs.

Ji Wushuang smiled and said: "The clown, the people from Guidao are also there, these Pisces should be afraid of death."

These words!
Empress Linglong listened to everything without missing a word, she was still the same, and reminded with a smile: "I suggest you don't cause trouble here, otherwise you...hehe!"

She suddenly stopped talking, and smiled meaningfully, still covering her mouth, and everyone stopped to appreciate it one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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