Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 819 The Auction Begins

Chapter 819 The Auction Begins

Everyone also knows what Empress Linglong means!
The Yantian Sword Emperor at the back said seriously: "Don't worry, people will not offend me, and I will not offend others."

"Amitabha, I am here for all living beings." Monk Shura smiled sincerely.

Master Zhenghe pinched the Buddha beads: "I believe in the presiding officer's words, come to the auction, don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble."

More than ten minutes later!
Basically, everyone was seated, and everyone was a little excited. Those who didn't get a box could only be on the first floor.

The little guys are not so peaceful on the top floor, they are clamoring to follow An Qing.

An Qing was speechless, they were only on the next floor, and it wasn't very far away, so they were just like followers.

Fortunately, Ling Yun was not pestered!

"Hi everyone, I am the chief deacon of this auction and also the narrator." Empress Linglong spoke leisurely, breaking the silence.

"Girl, is the one on your list really true?" The Alliance of Gods asked with a smile on his face in shock.

His question is also everyone's question. With so many amazing artifacts, it has to make people suspicious.

Empress Linglong replied: "Don't worry, everyone, if it's fake, the properties of each piece are clearly recorded. If you find that you don't have these properties, we will pay you 10 times the price at the next month's auction. "

"it is good!"

Ji Wushuang spoke first, and then applauded herself!


He was the only one applauding blindly there, causing everyone's contemptuous eyes to strike again.

With the appearance of the list, everyone was astonished in their hearts. The God Realm hides so much, and there are so many good things.

Many people are contacting the outside world…

Because I didn't know there were so many good things before, even though there were enough spirit stones, I had to ask if I needed anything else.

I am speechless to the Lord Taishen in my heart, can't I just make a list?Do you have to pretend to be mysterious?
"Everyone be quiet, the auction starts now, puppet!"

As soon as Empress Linglong finished speaking, everyone was a little confused, so why didn't someone lift the puppet up?

A beam of light appeared directly above her, and a puppet slowly fell from the beam of light.

Such a peculiar way of appearing on the stage immediately caused everyone to be in an uproar.

"Auction ten top-quality spirit stones at a low price, and start bidding."

"Ten dollars?"

"too expensive."

"I'm sorry."



After 3 minutes, apart from some whispering voices, no one bid.

Empress Linglong has a bad complexion...

Emperor Guapi and Xin Zhao are drunk, if they know that no one cares about the's time to sober up.

Ji Wushuang poohed: "A bunch of poor ghosts!" Then he felt a little embarrassed, because he was also poor, and he was planning to repay Ling Yun's debt by saving money.

The Sagittarius Emperor shook his head, he is rich, but he doesn't want to bid, so why would he want that chicken rib?
Empress Linglong's head lit up and she said: "This puppet, you can consider taking it for the younger generations. It's a good amulet. Usually, you spend more than a few spirit stones, right?"

These words slightly shook some people, such as Shang Murong Chong.

"I will give out ten top-grade spirit stones."

Empress Linglong let out a sigh of relief, and finally someone called for the price.

The Ghost Emperor thought for a while, and then said, "15 yuan top quality spirit stone."

He intends to buy it back for the ghost puppet to study. If it is successfully researched, it can greatly strengthen the strength of Ghost Island.

Murong Chong said again: "20 yuan!"

"Twenty dollars."

"30 yuan!"

"Twenty dollars."



Guihuang and Murong Chong kept shouting, neither of them would admit defeat.

The corner of Ji Wushuang's mouth twitched!
Shouting piece by piece?

When do I have to shout?
Immediately, he raised the price and shouted: "50 yuan top quality spirit stone."

Murong Chong frowned slightly, and looked at box 710 where Ji Wushuang was.

The ghost emperor's eyes were bright, as if he was thinking about whether it was worth it, 50 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, neither too much nor too little.

Everyone has an attitude of watching a show, they are not in a hurry, time?Most worthless.

Ji Wushuang secretly swallowed her saliva, why hasn't anyone asked for a price yet?He just messed around, but he didn't have the money to buy a puppet.

After thinking twice, the Ghost Emperor said, "51 yuan."

Ji Wushuang wiped the sweat from his forehead, scaring him to death, and he will never do such a stupid thing in the future.

This time Murong Chong stopped shouting.

"Daddy, buy it." Xinyue said coquettishly.

"Sister, what's the use of this broken puppet?" Xinhuang was puzzled, she didn't want her father to really obey her sister's words and take a picture of it.

Xinyue said: "It's made by the Supreme God!"

Surprised, Murong Chong hurriedly asked, "Really? How do you know?"

Xinhuang was also stunned!
Xin Yue pointed to the floating puppet and said, "Your observation skills are too poor, there is a sign on the puppet's stomach."


Xinhuang rubbed her eyes, and after taking a closer look, she really saw it. It was a very inconspicuous place, and the sign was a floating palace, black.

Xinyue said again: "This black palace is the Jingu Palace. I saw it on the data tower of Liuxian Palace. Only the Supreme Lord can use this sign."

"The other thing is that you don't even know it. This is the symbol on the emperor's order."

Shang Murong Chong took a breath of air, and it really came from the hands of the Supreme God. The 50 yuan top-grade spirit stone is just too cheap.


After figuring it out, Murong Chong immediately shouted...

The Ghost Emperor originally thought that he could get it smoothly, but in the end there was an accident.

"No. 340, do you need to bid?" Empress Linglong raised her eyes and asked.

Murong Chong didn't reply to her words...


She's not happy, is this causing trouble?Whoever is inside him!


"Sorry, I was in a daze!" Murong Chong was called back to his senses by his daughters: "100 yuan."

"100 yuan?"

Everyone secretly speculated, is this puppet so valuable?Is there anything tricky in it.

Murong Chong is notoriously stingy in the Holy Land, and at this moment a puppet shouted 100 yuan, and now Nan Wuwentian frowned, wondering over and over again what Murong Chong was doing?
Shangguan Yun also frowned, not relaxing for a long time.

Empress Linglong shouted: "100 yuan, is there anyone else who wants to bid?"

The Ghost Emperor shook his head, he had a plan in his mind, now that the auction is not available, there should be some to sell after the end, right?


He was wrong, Ling Yun planned that all the puppets would be auctioned and not sold!

"Congratulations to the distinguished guests in box 340, you earned this puppet, and we will have a special person in charge come to your box to handle the formalities later."

As an insider, Empress Linglong also wants one.

Murong Chong calmed down his excitement. He felt that he had made a lot of money, and he could show off when he returned to the family. Thinking about it, he was a little excited.

Not to mention the two sisters Xinyue and Xinhuang, they only cost 100 yuan for top-quality spirit stones.

Not to mention anything else, as soon as you go out and point out this palace sign, 1000 yuan of top-quality spirit stones will be demanded by someone.

(Weakly add more...)
(End of this chapter)

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