Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 825 1 sword beheading

Chapter 825 kill with one sword
Just now, Xiejun Langya used his strongest blow to hit Taishenjun, which almost consumed his whole body's true energy.

Ask yourself!

No matter what the Taishenjun said, he also resisted head-on, and he should be injured at least a little. This way, there will be enough time for him to escape.

While stepping in the air, swallowing the pill.

Everyone was watching quietly, no one spoke, and no one made a move.

Box 999!

An Qing frowned, and asked Lu Yao, "Who is he?"

"After returning to the emperor, it's just a casual cultivator. Don't worry, he can't escape." Lu Yao replied, the guards here are heavily guarded, not to mention the presence of the Supreme God, the god is also there.

Long Jiani said: "The jumping clown, let him be used as an example to others."

An Qing smiled and nodded...

Above the city under the moon, thick black clouds collapsed layer by layer, and everyone felt that their breathing became stagnant.

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly one second ago, but now it was covered with dark clouds and the sky was dim, and the pressure above the head made the scalp tingle.

This is a catastrophe!

The black clouds accumulated thicker and thicker, and gradually swirled like a vortex, and dense thunder and lightning tumbling and wandering among the black clouds.

The middle of the black cloud vortex was facing the auction building below.

These robbery clouds!

As soon as he found Ling Yun here, he scattered in desperation, and Lei didn't dare to let one go.

Everything was so weird, and everyone was stunned.

Ling Yun waved away the thick smoke, his face was calm, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Interesting, an ant-like existence, dare to take a gamble?"

When Langya Xiejun looked back, he was facing Ling Yunhei's terrifying eyes, he trembled with fright, turned into a cloud of black air, and wanted to run away!

When passing the beam of light, he also tried to take away the Nirvana sword.

Ling Yun directly raised the Nirvana sword, and cut through the black air with one sword!
Langya Xiejun was not reconciled, and fell onto the center stage, right next to Empress Linglong.


Langya Xiejun's body was shattered into pieces, completely bloodless, it can be seen that Nirvana Sword is really as terrifying as described.

At this moment, Ling Yun's face turned black!
He hasn't asked about the map yet?

What should I do, it seems that I can only find the memory of Lord Langya in the fragments, hey!Careless.


He told Rex to clean the center table and save the debris.

Everyone swallowed hard, is this the power of Nirvana Sword?It's terrible, and of course it also has the effect of Taishenjun's swordsmanship.

Looking at Ling Yun with a calm face, standing on the fence of 812, everyone knew that he did it, and they were all shocked.

The shock was not Ling Yun's swordsmanship, but his killing people with one sword in public, although they didn't know why.

With Ling Yun's move, the auction price was pushed up to another level.

Emperor Guapi said: "Don't give me a chance to perform."

"Let's go, go to box 780." Ji Wushuang smiled slightly.

Immortal Emperor Taiyi was taken aback, wasn't it a catastrophe just now?
What's going on?I really can't figure it out.

Empress Linglong continued: "Someone just raised the price to [-], let's continue now."

"One thousand and sixteen!"

"Seventeen thousand!"


Boom boom boom!
The room in box 780 was knocked by Ling Yun!

Su Min turned pale with shock: "What about Father?"

"Don't be afraid, Taishenjun won't mess around, calm down." Martial Ancestor Shenhuang calmly replied.

"Please come in."

Seeing that Ling Yun was not the only one, the Martial Ancestor God Emperor frowned slightly and asked, "I don't know why the Great God invited the little girl to the top floor?"

Xin Zhao dare not look...

Ji Wushuang joked: "Brother Xin is still Brother Chu, ha, from now on I will call you Brother Xin Chu."

The melon skin emperor laughed without saying a word!
Mrs. Ghost and Qianye both understood these meanings, covering their mouths and not daring to laugh out loud.

Ling Yun replied: "My brother, the emperor, loves your daughter and wants to know more about it."

His eyes looked at Xin Zhao, with a half-smile.

Su Min heard that her neck was red, extending to her ears.

The Emperor Martial Ancestor replied softly: "Oh? He has a pretty face."

Only then did everyone know the purpose of Ling Yun's invitation to the woman in Box 780, and it turned out that she was Xin Zhao's favorite object.

"How?" Ling Yun smiled, showing charming dimples on the cheeks, but unfortunately he was wearing an ice mask and no one saw it.

"Min'er, what do you mean?" Martial Ancestor God Emperor turned to ask his daughter.

Su Min lowered her head, dying of shame!
"The daughter is all arranged by the father."

Martial Ancestor God Emperor said: "Since you don't object, go ahead and find you if you have photographed something for your father."

"Yes!" Su Min said submissively.

Zhao Xin was overjoyed!
Hearing this, Ling Yun walked out of the room and went back to the top floor.

Xin Zhao foolishly followed along with Su Min, and slowly started talking, after a few words, he became much calmer, and he was quite good at picking up girls, which made Su Min laugh all the way.

for example!

Xin Zhao said to Su Min affectionately: "Do you know what I used to like to watch the most?"

The latter asked: "What are you looking at?"

Xin Zhao said affectionately: "I used to like to watch the sea, but now I like to watch the sea with you."

Su Min was elated!

Ji Wushuang walked in front, listening to Xin Zhao's dialogue, secretly thinking that there is still such a showy operation?learned.

Xin Zhao has learned a lot of chick-picking skills from Blue Star TV and movies, and he can handle this Su Min girl with ease!

little girl?
In fact, Su Min is more than 2000 years old, but she has always stayed in Jiuchongtian and hardly goes out, so she looks shy and innocent.

The asking price of the Nirvana Sword has reached 5000 yuan for top-quality spirit stones, and its popularity has always been very high.

Room 950!
Dong Shenzun said anxiously: "Hey, it's a step late, the five-star knife has already been photographed, what is Lao Bei doing?"

Zhongshen Zun said: "It is probably in the box of Liuxian Palace."

Early this morning, Dong Shenzun and the others handed over this task to Bei Shenzun, and they went to gather spirit stones.

Just when the Nirvana Sword was being auctioned off just now, they arrived late. The box was drawn by the North God Venerable, but when they came here, they couldn't see where the others were.

I even heard that the five-star knife had been taken away, and I was so angry that I beat my chest and stamped my feet.

You shouldn't have let Beishenzun come, let Mengluo Tianzun come.

Xi Shenzun sighed, and said: "The emperor shouldn't be auctioning those artifacts, can't we buy them?"

Bai Shenzun said sadly: "We understand what the emperor is paying attention to."

"Get rich, let's calculate how much we can shoot?" Dong Shenzun walked back and forth.

"Don't dangle around, your eyes are hurting, I'm checking." The God of Wealth took out a golden abacus and moved it quickly.

After the calculation, he was a little speechless!
According to the current bidding price of the Nirvana Sword, the 18 top-quality spirit stones they raised before are not enough to bid for so many.

The corner of Dong Shenzun's mouth twitched!
I'm so angry, what's the rule?The Lingshi must be paid face to face, no credit will be accepted.

Stinky melon skin!
Dong Shenzun cursed him to make his chicken smaller.

(End of this chapter)

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