Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 826 Animal Skin Scroll

Chapter 826 Animal Skin Scroll

This rule was set by the Guapi Emperor, and all people are treated equally, even the gods are no exception.

All auctions that are not aimed at paying off the Lingshi are hooligans.

Back on the top floor, Ling Yun saw An Qing, who must be jealous.

"It just so happens that you can roll the dice too, come and join me, they all join forces to deal with me, maybe it won't work."

"Okay, but I can't play for too long, you drink if you lose." An Qing nodded shyly.

Emperor Guapi joked: "Tsk tsk, are the husband and wife in the same heart?"

In box 899!
The little guy said in a childish voice, "This is a good baby."

She took out her mobile phone to take pictures and took pictures everywhere!
"Little princess, take a picture for me." Shangguanxiu said.

This mobile phone made them feel that it was a magical tool that could freeze portraits.

The little guy laughed, he was familiar with them.

Beibei is still in box 999, bragging with Long Jiani and talking about Journey to the West.

Ji Wuxue couldn't find Qianqian, so she stopped looking at all, a little sleepy, she went to bed.

Little Irene was playing a stand-alone mobile game, and the princess assisted Empress Hanyue to record the Lingshi.

Empress Linglong shouted: "8000 yuan, is there any more?"

She wasn't calm enough in her heart to shoot so high with a Nirvana sword.

In Nan Wuwen Tian's box at No. 310, he was wiping the five-star knife and muttering to himself: "I have the five-star knife, so I'll give the Nirvana sword to someone else."

No. 780 Martial Ancestor God Emperor sighed, it really exceeded the budget, and he could only apologize.

Yantian Sword Emperor shouted: "Forty thousand!"

There is no shortage of swords, but he can't bear to be photographed by others with such a powerful sword, and it is best for him to belong to the third heaven.

You Yue shrugged and asked, "Brother, there are not enough spirit stones!"

Xiahou Yanyan was dejected, very unwilling: "It's so annoying."

"What's bothering you? Didn't you see the Supreme God Lord? It doesn't matter about the sword or something." You Yue rolled his eyes at him and said.

Xiahou Yanyan smiled when he heard the words, it was indeed not a loss, this trip was worth it.

Box 950!

Dong Shenzun was so angry that he shouted as much as [-]!
The God of Fortune shouted to the outside: "Forty-one thousand."

Yantian Sword Emperor: "4."

Xi Shenzun is also angry, who the hell is this?Then shouting desperately?
Since Yantian Sword Emperor's voice was suppressed, none of them could hear it.

"Forty-five thousand!"

"fifty thousand!"

"Fifty thousand!"


When everyone heard such a high price, they swallowed hard.

You Yue chuckled and said, "Poverty limits my imagination."

Xiahou Yanyan rolled his eyes repeatedly: "You are a majestic first-level heavenly god, where is there a lack of spirit stones?"

You Yue sighed, missing everything.

Shangguan Yun stroked his beard, his eyes rolled wildly, and after a while, he said, "Sixty thousand!"

He has [-] top-grade spirit stones. As for the auction of others, the worst thing is to go back and borrow some from the donkey.

What the family asked him to auction was mainly Nitian Pills!
Murong Chong in room 340 suddenly excitedly said: "I see, I see!"

Xinhuang's face was filled with joy, and she happily asked, "Where is it?"

"It's right at the top of the hilt of the sword. You can only see it vaguely when it turns to this side. Your eyesight must be quick."

"Tsk tsk, daddy, hurry up and shout."

"But, aren't we auctioning off the pill?"

"What pills are not pills? An artifact of Nirvana sword is so high that the auction price is so high. Do you think you can get the Heaven-Defying Pill?" Xinhuang complained speechlessly.

Murong Chong thought about it, and it seemed quite reasonable.

"Sixty-one thousand!"

Everyone was in an uproar!
Dong Shenzun gritted his teeth: "Sixty-three thousand."

Yantian Sword Emperor: "Sixty-five thousand."

Shangguan said: "Sixty-six thousand."



Top floor!

An Qing was suddenly pulled up by Long Yanran, and said a few words mysteriously!

"I have something to do, so I won't accompany you." After speaking, she went downstairs with Long Yanran.

Mrs. Ghost also got up to say goodbye!

The ghost emperor should be very anxious, if he doesn't show up again, he will probably be scolded when he goes back.

When An Qing returned to box 999, she saw an old man wearing a bamboo hat, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"Little girl, what's the matter?" the old man said, the voice was female, it was an old woman.

Long Yanran replied: "This is the Empress, you just tell her what you want to say."

The old woman looked An Qing up and down, and after a while, she said, "I have a treasure map in my hand, can I exchange it for something?"

An Qing also went up and down a lot of this old woman, as if she wanted to see through her.

Treasure Map?
Beibei on one side stopped bragging, bah!Don't tell the story anymore, slowly come over and eavesdrop!
"What kind of treasure map is it? I also need to see if it's worth it, and what else do you need to exchange?" An Qing asked.

"What treasure map? I can't say that. I need you to gamble. I think it's worth it if it's worth it." The old woman replied calmly, keeping her eyes on An Qing without any panic.

can not say?
Beibei didn't want to do it, she said in a childish voice, "Grandma, are there any treasures in it? Are there any goblins?"

The old woman replied: "There are a lot of treasures, but I just can't get them."

Desperate to take it?
Long Jiani thought about it, and asked tentatively, "You won't give us the map of the Nine Nether Abyss, will you?"

The old woman has black lines all over her head!
Need the map of Nine Nether Abyss?

"I dare not deceive you, this is the treasure map, not the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Regions as you think."

An Qing frowned: "Oh? Then what do you need in exchange?"

"Hey..." The old woman smiled: "Twenty thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

"Twenty thousand?" Long Yanran was speechless, and shouted instinctively!
"Hey, you said [-] is [-]?" Long Jiani was displeased.

An Qing frowned slightly and said, "Do you think we are stupid?"

Beibei followed in a childish voice: "Stupid? Stupid?"

The old woman gave a chuckle, but no expression could be seen under the bamboo hat: "Stupid!"


Empress Hanyue on the side frowned, this person was clearly here to make trouble.

"Little girl, don't be angry, I'm just telling the truth." The old woman was still calm and calm, showing nothing.

Seeing them all getting a little angry, the old woman said again: "Aren't you stupid? If you're not stupid, you should agree to my terms. I still think I'm at a disadvantage."

What logic!

Long Yanran rolled her eyes repeatedly!

An Qing took another gamble, betting that the old woman did not deceive them.

"Okay, Hanyue, give her [-] top-grade spirit stones."

"Empress...this...this!" Hanyue was stunned!
"Go, it's only [-] top-grade spirit stones." An Qing replied.

It's all decided, what can Hanyue say?I can only do it obediently.

"That's right, that's right! The Lord Taishen really has money, you won't suffer, ha." The old woman took the storage ring, counted the number, and laughed.

The number was right, she nodded, and took out an old animal skin roll from her bosom.

(End of this chapter)

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