Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 827 The Strongest Domain Master

Chapter 827 The Strongest Domain Master

An Qing spread out the old animal skin roll, with a look of astonishment on her face, on which were written three words, Psychedelic Mountain! !
What about the route?
Just three words?Are you kidding me?
The old woman coughed a few times and said, "Little girl, there is a big secret in this animal skin scroll."

After speaking!
The old woman disappeared strangely!

Beibei thought it was a performance, and said in a childlike voice, "It's amazing, it's amazing." She sensed it, the disappearing movement is amazing, at least it is god-level.

An Qing is in a bad mood!

Empress Hanyue said angrily: "Damn old woman, she must be in the auction house, I'll let the guards arrest her."

An Qing said: "No need, now I don't know what's going on with the animal skin roll, it's better not to make trouble."

She turned to Beibei and said, "When you see Sissy, give this to her and tell her there are treasures inside."

Beibei nodded excitedly, she never doubted it.

Long Yanran smiled lightly!
According to Sissy's thinking, she must look for her father, and she will know when the time comes.

The Nirvana Sword has been auctioned to [-] yuan, and now it is the contest between Yantian Sword Emperor and Dong Shenzun.

Empress Linglong standing on the center stage is undoubtedly the most excited.

In the end, Nirvana Sword Yidong God Venerable bid [-] top-grade spirit stones and won. He sat on the chair in pain, trembling with anger.

Also angry was Yantian Sword Emperor. Since he didn't have enough spiritual stones, he asked the maid and learned that he couldn't pay on credit, his face was livid with anger.

From the beam of light, the Nirvana Sword slowly floated towards the No. 950 box, it was so dazzling, and at the end it was red, leaving everyone in the eyes.

"Congratulations for getting into box 950, it's not easy."

Empress Linglong smiled, she found out that the person in the box was the god, and she also knew that they must be beating their chests and stamping their feet angrily at this moment.

"Ha ha"

Many private rooms burst into laughter.

"Next we will auction the fourth item. What is everyone looking forward to the most?" Empress Linglong said mysteriously.

"Anti-Heaven Pill!"

"Anti-Heaven Pill!"


Almost everyone was shouting about evil pills, and Empress Linglong was a little speechless. She personally felt that the magic weapon was better.

"Wrong, wrong, the fourth piece? Please look at the beam of light!"

Empress Linglong smiled mysteriously again!
In the beam of light, a book appeared faintly!

It's a skill!
Immediately someone recognized it!
"Is it really god level?"

"I don't know, the items in the auction should be authentic."

"Tsk tsk, Taishen Jun is so generous, is he short of spirit stones?"

Everyone spoke up.

Box 151!

Sun Wuji, the eldest son of the fourth heaven, his eyes lit up, and he finally waited, the skill?Must shoot!

Box 150!

The two elders of the Pill God Sect let out another long sigh, when will the pill be auctioned?Body quenching pill?Demon-breaking pill?

Box 99!

Zhan Huang Ben said to himself: "God-level exercises? Interesting!"

Box 780!

The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor's eyes were all brightened, and he immediately walked out of the room.

Room 310!
Nan Wu Wentian shook his head, there was no more Lingshi, hey, he sighed.

Room 850!
The Ghost Emperor was waiting eagerly, when suddenly he heard a knock on the door!
"who is it?"


"Come in, where are you going?" The Ghost Emperor said excitedly, and now he can auction with peace of mind.

"I'm sorry, I met some acquaintances and chatted for a few words!" Mrs. Ghost said!

The ghost emperor rolled his eyes, how many words?I believe you ghost, how long have you disappeared.

"You want to shoot the exercises?" Mrs. Ghost asked.

"You can't go back empty-handed, right?" Ghost Emperor said speechlessly, he missed everything he wanted to take because he didn't have a spirit stone on him.

Mrs. Ghost shrugged!

A box!
You Yue said: "I don't know if father is interested in god-level exercises?"

Xiahou Yanyan said: "Don't worry about him, let's take a picture first and then talk about it."

"If it's not expensive, it can be considered."

"The god-level martial arts usually auctioned at the Shengshi Auction, I remember eight or nine thousand top-quality spirit stones, but now they are exercises, probably around ten thousand." Xiahou Yanyan recalled as he straightened his hair.

"We're filming Nitian Pill, I guess it's useless, why don't we film exercises and other pills and go back?"

You Yue suggested speechlessly, according to the fierce auction bid just now, it doesn't take much thinking to know that the Ni Tian Pill must exceed [-].

Xiahou Yanyan nodded, agreeing, he would not be willing to take a pill with one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones.


The spirit stones on their siblings are only [-], use them with caution!
Box 201!

The Taurus King snorted: "What the hell, I don't even need to look at rubbish exercises, I can just think of them with my toes, can that thing of the Great God come up with good things?"

Box 891!

Mrs. Xueying said to Shangguanxiu: "Wait until the price is called, or you will be empty-handed."

Shangguanxiu asked puzzledly: "Cultivation method, our Liuxian Palace also has two god-level exercises, why shoot it?"

"One of the Taishenjun's exercises must be photographed!" Elder Tang Ru said at the same time.

Bei Shenzun is still here at the moment, and I don't know why he is still here.

"Little Ru, you guys lack skills, but I have them."

"No, let's go, Manager Dong is probably angry." Elder Tang Ru said.

Only then did Bei Shenzun realize that he was going to auction the artifact.


Just find an excuse.

Zhen Wudao, the lord of the Cancer Star Region in Box No. 100, looked at them coldly, without saying a word, his eyes were clouded, giving people the feeling of a villain.

He has a gentle and elegant appearance, waving a folding fan in his hand, looking like an extraterrestrial expert, like otherworldly fireworks.


That's right, Zhen Wudao seldom shows up, but anyone who fights with him knows his horror, and he can't see through the truth.

I heard that when he fights, there will be hundreds of clones, making it hard to guard against, just like gang fights.

Each avatar is equally powerful, with almost no weaknesses at all, and it is difficult to find his real avatar.

There was once a top assassin who was famous in the Twelve Realms assassinated him.

The most surprising thing is that he killed himself, no one knows what happened at that time, how did Zhen Wudao do it.

The box not far from him, 106!

There is also a man in the same state as him here!

He is the strongest domain master of the twelve domains, the magic scorpion star domain—Diya!
This person is full of evil spirits!

His eyes are blue, and he looks good when he smiles. He is also the object of admiration by many women, and he is very popular.

Snapped! !

Snapped! ! !
He applauded enthusiastically. Since he came here, he has never said a word, nor has he called for a price.

Why is he the strongest? In the past, he had competed with Zhen Wudao, and he won Zhen Wudao with one move!
His moves are ever-changing, invisible is better than visible, no sword is better than sword in hand, and there are quite a few three different fires in his hand.

Knows magic, martial arts, spells, and is said to be able to summon and form.

The Magic Scorpion Starfield he ruled is also the most stable, there is almost no struggle, he likes to be alone, not aggressive.

In the Magic Scorpion Starfield, his name is enough to frighten people, don't look at his appearance as a frail scholar.

Do not!
You are wrong.

He is more cruel and bloody than Ling Yun, whoever offends him will be slaughtered bloodily and there is no room for negotiation.

(End of this chapter)

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