Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 828 Taixuan Jing

Chapter 828 Taixuan Jing

He is also the devil that Putuo Temple focuses on arresting, and some people even say that he is the apprentice of Hades...

Ling Yun didn't know him at all.

But Putuo Temple has nothing to do with him, because Diya is too powerful, and if there is a battle, both sides will lose too much, which is not worthwhile.

The magic scorpion star field is too big, Di Ya has many subordinates, and all of them are determined, not afraid of life and death.

Master Xuankong also gave hints, and he didn't dare to force him, for fear that Diya would go crazy.

Room 222!

Mo Liancheng, the master of the Tianping star field, is a master of formations. He thinks he is proficient in all major formations, and even has research on ancient formations.

He has no interest in all this, what artifact?Gongfa?Elixir?It's all rubbish!

Only the formation is the kingly way, a killing formation can kill hundreds of immortal emperors.

A trap can lock a late-stage immortal emperor, such as a god, forever.

Handsome is handsome!
Dressed in black, with deep eyes, slender hair, and a fair complexion like a girl, she is a fresh meat in Blue Star.

He hardly knows how to do it himself, it is always done by his subordinates, otherwise it is a formation.

Room 333!

In this private room is an old woman with a cane, and a young girl next to her.

The old woman is not the one who traded with An Qing just now, this one has a childlike face and white hair, like a child elder.

She is the Lord of the Aquarius Star Region, Dongfang Changqing!The immortal emperors of the Twelve Realms all called her the Eastern Granny.

That girl is her junior, and can also be regarded as her successor, Dongfang Rumeng!

She has a kind face, but don't be fooled by her appearance, her methods are very vicious.

"Rumeng, sit down, don't worry, the things we are going to auction are probably coming later." Dongfang old lady said.

Dongfang Rumeng nodded, sat down, and poured a glass of water for the old woman.

The richest star field in the twelve domains is the Scorpio star field.

The domain owner is thousands of thousand, richer than the god of wealth, and holds a vein of top-quality spiritual stones in his hand.

His appearance is similar to that of Sagittarius Emperor, and he is also a middle-aged man. His appearance is not bad, not too bad, not too good.

He extremely dislikes the number of his box, because it sounds very unlucky, 444!

So he didn't open the auction, because he was afraid that the Linglong empress below would suddenly say, congratulations to box 444...

Even if he was interested in artifacts and exercises, because of this unlucky number, he insisted on not opening his mouth, and his patience was beyond anyone's control.


The most important thing he lacks is the divine weapon, the technique!

A bunch at home!
They were all bought with money.

Basically every star field has its own industry, which is closely related to some big forces.

For example, Tianmen, the League of Gods, and the Catmull League all have financial transactions, and they are still their distinguished guests.

Most guards!
Every time he goes out, he brings hundreds of immortal emperor guards with him.

Wearing a suit is even more incredible. The neck is strung with spirit jade, goggles, wrist guards, shoes, armor, and several sets of transformation armor, each with different attributes.

Nothing he wears is worthless, and his own strength is even better. He is used to being lazy. When encountering assassinations or troubles, he doesn't need to take action, and a group of guards rush to do it.

At this moment, he was sipping tea elegantly on the table, listening to the discussion about this exercise book outside, these teas were all high-end products, the same as the ones in Ling Yun's hands.

Anyway, he came here for nothing, why don't you drink tea?Do you just go back like this?

Both strength and money are available!
Therefore, there are also a lot of people trained under Wan Sanqian.

His wives and concubines are as many as the emperor's palace, and there are groups of children.

Generally, if someone he likes tells his identity, the latter will immediately take the bait.

Generally, he will communicate with his family, and being rich is self-willed.

Empress Linglong clapped her hands to signal everyone to be quiet!

"Everyone has seen that the technique is god-level, and it's called the Taixuan Sutra!"

"Practice Taixuan Jing, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy will be doubled."

"I'm here to say solemnly, this Taixuan Sutra can be said to be very heaven-defying. After practicing it, two dantians can be opened in your body!"

"That's right, you heard it right, and I said it right, it can open up two, it's so heaven-defying!"

After Empress Linglong finished speaking!
There was a commotion in the auction house, it was more than against the sky, it was so powerful!

What is the concept of two dantians?
Shangguan Yun shouted: "The old man must take it down."

The Taurus Emperor was also full of excitement: "I also want two dantians."

The local tycoon Wansanqian in box 444 is struggling, should he take it?

Box 333!

Dongfang Rumeng said: "Old Ancestor, what do you think?"

"If you don't shoot, how can there be such a good thing?" The old lady Dongfang shook her head.

She knew very well in her heart that to practice Taixuan Jing, she had to practice again. Wouldn't that abolish her previous cultivation?
Just to have two dantians?
Are you stupid?
However, it is still possible to take photos for the juniors who have just started to choose exercises.

Hearing this, Dongfang Rumeng no longer asked why, anyway, she obeyed whatever her ancestors said.

Di Ya in box 106 frowned, he really couldn't figure out why Ling Yun wanted to put this and heaven-defying skills up for auction?

The eldest Sun Wuji, the fourth heavenly master in box 151, was even more excited. It was simply a custom-made exercise for him. He could practice it completely, even if he had to do it all over again?
What is he afraid of?
He is a magician, and if he practices Taixuan Jing now, his power will not be abolished.

Murong Chong in Box 340 excitedly said again: "I see, it's that black palace again. Could it be that this exercise was practiced by Taishenjun? Otherwise, how could he be so strong? Big moves one by one!"

Xinhuang said: "Daddy, shoot!"

Murong Chong nodded, and then he will shoot the Taixuan Sutra with all his strength, and Nitian Pill will not shoot.

Zhan Huangben in box 99 kept smiling, which was very meaningful, maybe he had the same idea as Murong Chong.

You Yue in box 310 was thinking deeply!

Her younger brother Xiahou Yanyan said: "Sister, why don't we also film the Taixuan Sutra?"

"No, no matter how much it is against the sky, it's useless? It's not suitable for us, my father explained it, we just shoot the against the sky pill." You Yue shook her head.

"It's a pity!" Xia Houyan slumped his shoulders, then walked to the side of the guardrail, looking down.

Yantian Sword Emperor looked at him dismissively, humming coldly in his mouth, obviously still angry because he couldn't take pictures of Nirvana sword just now.

Nan Wuwentian clutched his chest, feeling a bit overwhelmed, there are so many good things, but he just doesn't have a spirit stone!
What made him even more annoyed was that he couldn't pay on credit yet, and he scolded the eighteenth generation of Guapi Emperor's ancestors all over his heart.

In the Yachongtian of box 910, Zhu Renmo put his arms around the woman beside him and said, "Aifei, do you want to shoot or not?"

Wang Mei said: "Farewell, it's not good to spend money indiscriminately."

"Haha, you still understand me."

"For exercises, we don't need them anymore."

Mo Liancheng from room 222 cast a contemptuous glance, and said in his heart, tasteless!

What about the two dantians?

Can't compare to his formation!
(End of this chapter)

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