Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 829 Demon Moon Queen

Chapter 829 Demon Moon Queen
Many city lords of the God Realm sighed again and again!
The Tai Xuan Jing is not something they can have!

The representative of the Catmull League is an old man. He is asking for instructions on the situation here and waiting for a decision from above.

The old man's hair is half black and half white, as is his beard. His face is full of complexion, and his body is full of true energy.

His status in the Catmull League is quite high, and he is also well-known in the Twelve Domains.

Song Yi is his real name, very few people call him by his real name, most of them call him Yi Yi Zhenjun!
The representative of the ghost school is their true disciple, Huang Daofei!
He is also reporting these situations to his master.

Box 899!

The little guy pointed to the Taixuan Sutra, and asked in a childish voice, "What is that stuff?"

Shangguanxiu said: "Don't you know?" Some doubts in his heart, this exercise?The little princess doesn't understand?
The little guy shook his head decisively!
Bei Shenzun rolled his eyes: "Can she understand?"

Tang Ru said, "Maybe our little princess doesn't like it."

The little guy said: "I don't like it."

With an awesome expression, everyone in the private room was amused by her and laughed.

The little guy narrowed his eyes, said goodbye to them, and left the box.

Xinyue was worried, so she immediately followed her out, but the little guy was nowhere to be seen.

The little guy has already reached the ninth floor, and originally wanted to go to the top floor to find her father.

Just arrived in an instant!

She heard the sound of Sisiqin, which was very pleasant and had a kind of classical beauty.

The place where the voice originated was Box 901, right next to her.

The little guy tiptoed, like a thief, lying at the door of the room, his big bright eyes were gloomy, listening to the melody quietly.

All three people in the room knew that someone was eavesdropping outside.

The sound of the piano outside seems to be absent, but it is clear and pleasant here. This kind of non-disturbing playing method is unique.

The player playing the piano is a woman, with a red gauze covering her face and a black coat covering her whole body, only revealing two charming eyes, the whole person looks a bit gloomy.

Next to it is an old woman, she is the one who just made a deal with An Qing.

On the other side is a handsome and evil man, with his eyes closed, red sand dotted between his brows, and he is listening to the sound of the piano with all his body and mind.

The woman suddenly raised her head, paused in her hands, and the beautiful piano sound stopped abruptly.

After a crisp piano sound was plucked!

The door of the room opened and closed instantly without warning, and the little guy couldn't stop himself from falling into a shit-eating posture.

It's wrong to eavesdrop, the little guy got up, scratched his head, thinking how he was discovered, so embarrassing.

The room is filled with a serious atmosphere!
"Aha!" The little guy suddenly smiled: "Hello everyone, Sissy is just passing by, aha."

The woman's very pleasant voice: "The daughter of the Supreme God?"

The man squinted his eyes halfway, looking up and down at the little guy.

The old woman smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this kid is quite courageous, not afraid of life."

The little guy blinked his beautiful eyes, he was really not afraid.

"Leave her alone and move on."

The woman continues to play the piano!

The man closed his eyes again.

The little one sits on the floor and listens quietly...

The song is over!
The man said: "My cousin's piano skills are getting better and better."

"Can't you hear it?" the woman asked in surprise.

The man replied: "I heard it."

The little guy said in a childish voice, "I heard that too."


The woman smiled and stood up, walked straight to the little guy, and hugged her up.

The little guy's expression was a bit bad. She refused just now, but she couldn't break free.

"Son, save yourself, just you? You can't escape my grasp." The woman smiled lightly.

The little guy curls his lips, and he will bully the kids...

The old woman's forehead was sweating, and she reminded: "Your Majesty, don't mess around."

The woman and the man also noticed that the divine consciousness of the Supreme God is here, and it is very terrifying.

They smiled at it!
The woman said: "What's the matter, can't you hug me?"

The little guy sniffed the woman's clothes: "It smells so good."

"Oh, don't inhale too much of this fragrance, it's poisonous." The woman nodded cautiously on the tip of the little guy's nose.

"Poisonous?" The man's face darkened upon hearing this.

"Okay, let me let you down, go back by yourself, if you don't leave, we won't be able to talk properly." The woman shook her head and said, then put the little guy down.

The little guy is here, and the consciousness of the Supreme God is there, so aren't they being spied on?
The little guy nodded, and ran out bouncingly, Ling Yun's consciousness also disappeared.

The woman looked at the back of the little guy leaving, smiled, then returned to the piano and continued to play the piano.

The man said: "Cousin, you are the master of the domain, so why doesn't the Supreme God give you face like that?"

After the woman plucked the strings a few times, she frowned slightly: "You are still God, didn't he lose face when we were together?"

The old lady on one side is speechless...

The woman is the domain master of the virgin star field, the queen of Yaoyue, who is proficient in the art of playing the piano. The sound of the piano kills people invisible, and was killed by Ling Yun in the battle of destroying the world.

Some people were controlled by her piano sound, and some were lost in the piano sound for a lifetime, and some committed suicide when they heard the piano sound, which was very terrifying.

Men are the seven strings of God in the five heavens!
He is the cousin of Queen Yaoyue, with six elder brothers under him and three younger brothers above him!

The position of God was passed on to him by his grandfather, not to say that he is the strongest in his family, but fortunately their family is very harmonious and never fights among themselves.

The piano sound stopped!
"Dance music!"

"Clap clap clap!"

"A fly in the ointment, the lack of cousin dancing."

Qixian praised gently, secretly thinking that his cousin's song has reached the point of proficiency.

Queen Yaoyue: "Spoof!"

Qixian embarrassment...

The old woman thought hard for a moment, and asked puzzledly: "Your Majesty, why did you choose to roll the animal skin to the empress?"

"That's right, cousin, did you have a fever a few days ago, did you have a fever?" Qi Xian frowned slightly, and joked.

The old woman continued: "According to what His Majesty said before, the Magic Mountain has formations, so it is possible to cooperate with Mo Liancheng. Hasn't he been pursuing His Majesty?"

"This buddy Mo Liancheng is very nice, my cousin's vision is too bad." Qi Xian touched his handsome face and smiled: "Could it be that my cousin has taken a fancy to me? Do I follow? Or do I follow? Or do I follow?" ?”

"You? Little cousin, you are still far behind." Yaoyue Queen shook her head: "Mo Liancheng? You are a hypocrite, is it not arrogant? I don't believe that no one can break the magic mountain formation except him. "

"So you put everything in the God Realm?" Qi Xian said: "And... Cousin... What's wrong with me? Open your eyes and talk nonsense!"

"What do you mean by overpowering everything? This is called entertainment. Sometimes life is too boring, and occasionally you need some stimulation." Queen Yaoyue replied with her beautiful eyes trembling.

The old woman seems to understand...

(End of this chapter)

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