Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 839 Showdown 1

Chapter 839 Showdown 1
Ling Yun, who was full of murderous aura, made Qi Xian tremble.

You are God.

His strength is about the same as Dugu Yidao, the former is completely hereditary, and his strength is not as good as his brothers.

Fang Cai also spent a lot of true energy, facing such a strong Ling Yun, he didn't dare to make a move at all.

At this moment, they are clones, and Ling Yun is also a phantom of the soul.

Queen Yaoyue calmed down, her heart ached, and she saw a trace of blood at the corner of Qi Xian's mouth, even if the latter wiped it, she would still be noticed.

She knew very well that Qi Xian couldn't hold on to her cousin, even if she faced the Taishang Lord, she would not be sure to take him down.

Qixian will only get in the way here!

In Yaoyue Nuguang's eyes, Ling Yun is crazy.

All the big moves came out.

That giant golden cloud in the sky?Um?Should be gold.

Isn't the black vortex next to it just God's punishment? In the vortex, there are still shocking scenes of lightning and thunder.

and also!

This thick and turbid murderous aura, the divine flames on the surrounding shore, and the earth thorns that suddenly appeared on the island!
Isn't this just to kill them?

To be so perverted, with so many powerful moves, did he take a forbidden pill?


Qixian's face gradually turned pale, and the entire island still has formations!

This is the battle of the trapped beasts.

He didn't want his clone to die so aggrieved in a bloody case caused by pinching his face.

Queen Yaoyue is anxious to communicate with Qixian!

"Cousin, he is too strong, he seems to have planned and prepared."

With so many big moves in front of her, the Yaoyue Queen couldn't believe that Ling Yun did it all at once.

"I know, what should I do now? The Lord God won't listen to our explanation."

Qi Xian began to feel anxious, he could have an accident, but his cousin couldn't, isn't it his responsibility to protect women!

"There is a trap here, but I have a solution. I can only send you out. You have to go back to the lower moon city to find the little one and bring her here." Queen Yaoyue said with determination.

If there is any way to stop Taishangjun, she thought!Only his daughter is younger.

"But...cousin, are you here alone? Can you hold me back? How about I stay here and go by yourself!"

"No, you can't stop him!" Queen Yaoyue shook her head!
Seven strings?

He was instantly killed in one round!After all, so many big moves are waiting for orders.

"Let's fight, it's just a clone anyway."

"No, the avatar is dead, the strength is greatly reduced, and the position of the domain lord must be shaken. Besides, the mother-in-law is the real body, I can't keep her here alone."


"It's nothing to worry about, don't whine!"


Queen Yaoyue took out a zither, which was called Lady's zither!

This lady's piano is not an ancient artifact, the lady's piano!
It is imitated, and its appearance is exactly the same as the ancient artifact, the Lady's Piano.

Although it is an imitation, it is also an artifact, and its power is also incredible.

A zither sound resounded, and the seven strings were pulled away by a hole in the void!

"Cousin...wait for me!"

Ling Yun was careless, frowned, and reacted immediately...

Just as she was about to make a move, Queen Yaoyue played another piano sound.

Ling Yun was shaken back!


He laughed!
I touched my left hand and it hurt!
"An artifact? Can it still be like this? By the way, is the qin in your hand an ancient artifact, the lady's qin?" A picture appeared in Ling Yun's mind.

"Almost!" Yaoyue Queen didn't intend to explain, and started to play the tune.

Ling Yun smiled lightly, the tune was quite nice, and he closed his eyes and listened to it.

Queen Yaoyue secretly thought, drag it down a little longer!

The sound of the nine-fold piano shakes the world!
The soil thorns on the ground were instantly broken by the Yaoyue Queen, and the remaining power was still rushing towards Ling Yun.

A war moves the sky!

The terrifying sound of the zither swept across the surroundings, passing across the endless sea, creating turbulent waves, and water jets gushed out one after another, straight into the sky.

"Three thousand dews, three thousand elephants!"

Queen Yaoyue played quickly, and the power to destroy the world was born.

Ling Yun retreated again and again!

His soul phantom was wounded.

With a tremor, the ten directions moved, light flowed for thousands of miles, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the island began to fall apart, all of which were the masterpieces of Queen Yaoyue.

"See what you are capable of!" Ling Yun said indifferently.

Queen Yaoyue said: "The little girl has no skills, but the Supreme God, can you live well?"

Under the terrible rhythm!
Ling Yun couldn't move half a step forward, and couldn't get close to Queen Yaoyue at all.

"Comparison of martial arts? Interesting! But it's just rubbish, and I'm defeated." Ling Yun raised his eyebrows lightly.


Queen Yaoyue was at a loss, when did she lose to him?

A fight in the auction house?

Didn't we only fight for two rounds?No one wins.

Incoherent?Lord Tai is really crazy!
The Qixian Qi outside the God Realm is vomiting blood!

He can't enter Moon City anymore.

The reason is that there is no crystal card, so I can't get in.

Portal unresponsive, no human service, repeated warnings.


At this moment, he wished he could slap himself to death.

When the crystal was stuck in the auction house, he was angry and crushed it, and said that he would never come back again.

Come on!
Qixian grabbed her hair decadently, it was messy.

"You have played enough, and the emperor is tired of listening."

Ling Yun didn't want to get close to Queen Yaoyue at all, as long as he wanted to, a set of movements could appear in front of her in an instant.

When Queen Yaoyue heard Ling Yun's confident words, she was secretly anxious, if she procrastinated a little longer, her cousin should find Xiao Budian, right?

Don't wait for her to react again!
The divine punishment from the sky descended, and the Yaoyue Queen had nowhere to escape, so she stood guarding the old woman.

The golden group burst into dazzling brilliance, stinging people's eyes, and they couldn't open their eyes at all.

The divine flames began to slowly spread towards her, with all-swallowing hostility, all the creatures on the island were wiped out.

Yaoyuenu gritted her teeth, layers of fairy mist appeared around her body: "Hold me!!"

In an instant!
Trembling all around, the void burst, tearing, tearing.

The vast and infinite power seems to spread to the nine heavens and ten places, across the four seas and the eight wildernesses.

The island, which was originally a mess, became dilapidated again.

Empress Yaoyue gradually despaired, her beautiful eyes filled with hatred, and she muttered: "You are such a stingy man."

In the nick of time!
She used everything she could, just to resist Ling Yun's attack.

She usually puts on the armor she dislikes, and the attribute of protecting the lord of the lady piano is also activated.

After Ling Yun's big move was released...

The surroundings were quiet, and the muddy dust covered the world for a long time.

After half a sound!
The sea breeze blew past, bringing with it a smell of burnt blood. It was a creature of the endless sea, and it was dead.

There was not a single cloud in the sky, only a palpitating grayish-yellow, and then the sky began to clear again.

There was a suffocating smell of death in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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