Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 840 Showdown 2

Chapter 840 Showdown 2
Only the inch of land where the Yaoyue Queen lay was left on the entire island, surrounded by sea water and some floating carcasses of sea beasts.

Queen Yaoyue laughed!

They're alive...everything is fine!
At this moment, she is in a bit of a mess, her clothes are in tatters, and the lady's piano has been destroyed. For her, it's worth it!


Ling Yun was a little surprised.

The Queen Yaoyue was shocked, is the Taishang still there?


She twisted her body and sat up, and her face was immediately flushed with red.

"Stinky man,'t watch!!" Queen Yaoyue was ashamed and angry.

Her pretty face was flushed, her body was hot, and her face was covered by a layer of tulle. It's a pity that no one can see her shy posture.


He had already turned his back on her!

With his thick skin, he will definitely not blush!

Queen Yaoyue looked at Ling Yun like this, and her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up while thinking.

"Come on, let's go, let's go!"

Ling Yun was indeed quite calm: "Oh? The emperor will leave, but she..."

"No, I won't let you kill her." The Yaoyue Queen was in a hurry, and immediately hugged the old woman, angrily, like an angry female leopard.

"Can you stop it?" Ling Yun said calmly.

"If you dare to step forward, I will commit suicide immediately."


"You! Do you understand Lingxiang cherishing jade?"

"don't know."

"Don't turn your head, don't come over, I warn you, if you make a move, I'll...I'll take it off!" Yaoyue Empress said angrily, her face was flushed, she was really ashamed, she actually said this!

Ling Yun was stunned...

"You know, there is no need for the emperor to take her life at this moment."

"Hmph, my mother-in-law is dead, and I will never end with you. As long as I don't die, there will be one more heartbreaker in the Twelve Regions the next day."

Ling Yun shook his mind, is he crazy or is she crazy?
Is Queen Yaoyue shameless?
"Hey, how dare you?!" Ling Yun was displeased...

"you try?"

Queen Yaoyue's tone was not joking, but serious.

Flocks of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead......

Queen Yaoyue was secretly happy, and said again: "Dijun, you love the little one very much. If I say you have other children, will she make trouble?"

Ling Yun: "..."

If he was really slandered by the Yaoyue Queen, An Qing would definitely not be able to spare him, let alone the little guy.


Ling Yun caressed his forehead, not daring to imagine!
"You go!"

Queen Yaoyue almost laughed: "It's you who go, why don't you want to stay...?"


The face is flushed!

"I miss you dead head, if you dare to talk nonsense, this emperor will crush your star field." Ling Yun threatened fiercely, his eyes exuded a murderous intent.

Queen Yaoyue pursed her lips, and changed her clothes in front of Ling Yun's back without haste!
"Don't you have a pill? Give me one!"

Don't want money?

Ling Yun complained speechlessly!


"Impossible, you have so many that you put them up for auction."


"You! What a stingy man. I really don't understand how you can have a baby with you if you are so stingy."

"I want you to manage."

"It's okay if you don't give it. You have to tell me how to save your mother-in-law, right?"

Ling Yun: "..."

Letting them go is considered very kind, but how can we save the old woman?
"Don't tell me? I'll talk to Xiaobudian tomorrow..."

"Wait, I guess I'm afraid of you." Ling Yun's eyes twitched violently: "But... I don't want to have a next time, and you owe me a favor."

Queen Yaoyue let out a breath, and said pleasantly: "There will be no next time!" She rolled her eyes for favors or something.

Ling Yun nodded!
Take back the power in the body of the mutilated old woman!

Empress Yaoyue was stunned for a while. At this moment, she wanted Ling Yun to look back at her, but she didn't want him to look back. She was conflicted in her heart, and her head drooped unknowingly.


Queen Yaoyue raised her eyes again, but Ling Yun could no longer be seen.

"Cough cough..."

The old woman woke up after tossing and turning, and what she saw was the endless sky.My head is foggy, a little dizzy!

Excessive bleeding!

definitely dizzy...

"Grandma, you're awake, that's great."

Queen Yaoyue's eyes were red, and she was crying like a little girl.

The old woman stood up and looked around, stunned!
"Your...Your Majesty! What...what happened?" The corner of the old woman's mouth trembled.

Queen Yaoyue shook her head: "It's nothing, let's go home."

"Where is the Seventh Young Master?" The old woman knew very well that Queen Yaoyue didn't want to talk about it.


Queen Yaoyue was speechless, what happened to her cousin?I haven't come back yet!
"Cousin, you died so badly!"

Qixian's sad voice came from afar.

Queen Yaoyue's face turned black, why did she die so well?

It's death, it's also a death clone, okay?


"Cousin? Why are you alright?" Qixian finally saw Queen Yaoyue and the old woman on an inch of land in the vast crowd.

"What do you think?" Queen Yaoyue walked over and twisted Qixian's ear severely, causing the latter to yell in pain.

"It's great to let's okay! Let go...cousin, I was wrong!"

"Aren't you a little bit?"

"Forget it, I can't even get in." Qi Xian was embarrassed...

After hearing what happened!

Queen Yaoyue sent seven strings flying with one kick!
"My old lady made you pull so hard back then! You crushed all the crystal cards, see if you can do it."

Qixian's screams can be heard from far away!
City under the moon!
After Yaoyue Empress left, Di Ya also left quietly.

How many eyes are staring at the three of them.

The careful ghost lady noticed, but she just regarded them as her suitors, or peeping at her.

"Do it?"

"Wait, there is a situation."

"Let's talk about it later, first observe secretly."

The three Asuras, each with a sentence, just wanted to make a move, but unexpectedly there was an old man beside the little guy.

Asura people!
Several of King Shura's former subordinates went into the auction house to persuade Monk Shura to return.

The one with sharp eyesight is Shura Warlord Hei Yan!
On his left, wearing a white coat, he is a bit more energetic, that is a bone!

The one on the right is called Snake Laughing, and his appearance is full of evil spirits.

Among the three of them, Hei Yan is the strongest, followed by Snake Laugh, and Bone is the lowest!
The remaining eight generals of Asura thought it was the fault of the Supreme God, otherwise King Shura would not have been ordained as a monk.

so little guy...


Definitely be targeted!
King Shura is the group that invaded Ghost Island, and they are about to disband now!
Do not!
It should be said that it has been scattered into a pan of sand, the Shura Corps went their separate ways, and some of the generals of the Eighth War were already looking for another way out.

And the Shura that the old man tortoise was talking about back then is not dead!

That Shura is not King Shura!
Shura is a very capable subordinate of the Great Demon King, his nickname is Shura, and he is also a member of the Demon Race who petrified the old turtle tens of thousands of years ago.

And King Shura's real age is only a few thousand years old, the gap between the two is too big.

(End of this chapter)

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