Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 841

Chapter 841
Mrs. Gui finally noticed their malicious gazes.


She was worried about the old man who suddenly appeared in front of her. She was thinking about how to take the little ones back, and she bought all the toys.

The old man stared at the little guy, then smiled and said, "Little baby, it's fate to meet you, take a good look, what is this?"

It was a mutated spiritual fruit, bright red, really attractive.


"Bad old man, what is this stuff?" Beibei asked curiously.

"This is a top-grade red fruit that is rare in hundreds of thousands of years." The old man smiled.

"Is it delicious?" The little guy rolled his eyes.

Mrs. Ghost said: "It's fine if you don't eat, let's go back."

The old man was anxious: "You are all ignorant, this is comparable to ginseng fruit!"

Ginseng fruit?
The little guy and Beibei's eyes lit up!
I thought to myself, this bad old man actually knows how to use ginseng fruit, he must have come from the Eastern Tang Dynasty!

Ling Yun knew he had to vomit blood!
What Dongtu Datang!
This bad old man is the grandfather of Emperor Wu of Liang who Beibei cheated on!

Emperor Wu of Liang bought the human-shaped peaches in Beibei's hands at the beginning, and dedicated them to his grandfather when he returned home.


What 72 changes?
Heaven and earth?

One word, shit!

There is no effect after eating it, but it has a little more aura than ordinary peaches.

After being questioned, Emperor Wu of Liang confessed everything, which made his grandfather angry.

This is not!

Debt collection is coming!
"So powerful?" The little guy believed it instantly, and there was no one else.

"What will happen if you eat it?" Beibei asked!
Mrs. Ghost: "..."

Why didn't she understand?Is there a generation gap?

The old man was startled, pretending to be mysterious and said: "After eating this red fruit, a child as old as you will immediately breathe fire!"

The little guy's eyes began to glow with stars...

Beibei's mouth was wide open, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

The corner of Mrs. Ghost's mouth twitched, why hadn't she heard of this fruit: "Old man, are you joking?"

The old man said solemnly: "Are you kidding me? This old man is open to everything, but I just don't know how to make a joke."

"Ma Ma..." The little guy's eyes are hot!
Beibei teased Mrs. Gui: "Godmother, buy it."

Mrs. Ghost is still too soft-hearted...

"I guarantee that you won't lose out if you eat it. You only need to eat it to know what it means to be worth the money." Seeing their expressions, the old man knew that the fish had taken the bait.

"How many spirit stones? Just one?" Madam Ghost asked.


The two little guys were so excited that they jumped up again.

"There must be only one such heaven-defying fruit, and the price is not cheap." The old man put on an image of an extraterrestrial expert, and showed some reluctance.

"How many?"

Mrs. Ghost questioned, no matter how cheap it is, it can’t be expensive.

"I heard that, don't be scared. In order to get this red fruit, all the people sent by the old man's family to search for it died, and only the old man survived by accident. Fortunately, he picked it up."

The old man's acting skills are top-notch, and he is still heartbroken, as if he has encountered something terrible, and his whole body is still shaking.

Immediately without looking at their faces, he said again: "Such a sky-defying red fruit only needs [-] top-grade spirit stones!"

Depend on!
Forty thousand top grade spirit stones!

Why not grab it, Mrs. Ghost was dumbfounded.

The little guy nodded: "Well, it's not expensive."

Beibei scratched her head: "It shouldn't be expensive."

Not expensive?
Mrs. Ghost is powerless to complain!
"It's definitely not expensive. Think about it, it's comparable to ginseng fruit, and it can breathe fire." The old man dismissed seriously.


The two little guys nodded their heads excitedly, while looking at Mrs. Ghost!

"Or...forget it." Mrs. Ghost was still reluctant, even if the old man hadn't lied to them.

Mrs. Ghost doesn't believe that the old man doesn't know the identities of her two daughters.


So what she thought didn't exist, was she tired of living?

The old man did know that the little guy was the daughter of Taishenjun.

Don't cheat them back?

Afterwards, they found out that they had been deceived. Even if the Supreme Lord came, he would have a reason!

This is tit for tat, he was right, who made them stupid!

He ran away when he got to the Lingshi, and the Supreme God couldn't do anything to him.

He was really excited when he thought that he would get [-] top-grade spirit stones immediately.

This mutated red fruit?

He didn't know what it was, but when he came here, he passed a dark place, a tree grew on it, and he picked it casually.

That tree was quite strange. After picking the fruit, the old man left without looking back, but he didn't find the tree and sneaked into the ground.

He also named Chiguo based on its appearance.

The little guy didn't speak, just looked at Mrs. Ghost with aggrieved expression.

Beibei muttered, her voice choked up: "No one loves us anymore... Godmother doesn't love us anymore."

Mrs. Gui finally compromised, and she still has more than 4 top-quality spirit stones in her hand.

Poor ghost emperor, he doesn't know that his spirit stone is gone!
It's really an auction party, returning empty-handed!
After the transaction was completed, the old man was very happy, it was so easy to get money.

"Xiaowa, see you again!" The old man bowed his hands politely, a liar is too dedicated.


The little guy was very excited.


Babe is about the same!

The two little guys are holding the red fruit, like a treasure!
As long as they eat this fruit, they will definitely be able to breathe fire. When they think of that scene, they feel so awesome, Trafeng, and their faces are full of smiles.

Mrs. Ghost gave them a few bites, and she was also happy.

It's enough to see such a pure smile!so cute.

A red fruit, two little guys divided, half of each person!
But the old man didn't leave right away. Now that he saw them preparing to eat, he left in despair.

After Beibei finished eating, she touched her stomach, but she didn't feel anything.

Mrs. Ghost knows that spirit fruits can usually obtain the power in them as soon as they are eaten.

"Bebe, try to see if you can breathe fire."

Beibei imitated little Irene and laughed a few times in the air...


There is no fire at all!

The little guy laughed and laughed at her sister for being too stupid.


"Hmph...bad old man!"

The little guy is aggrieved, she can't even spit out!

"Damn it, where is he? How dare he lie to my concubine." Mrs. Ghost showed all her aura.

A lot of people nearby are watching!
Just a mid-stage Immortal Emperor!
What kind of cow?

Heiyan sneered and walked all the way: "I see a lot of idiots, and there are quite a lot this year."

Snake laughed and said contemptuously, "Madam Ghost of Ghost Island, right? I've heard her name for a long time, but I didn't expect the rumored beauty to be so easy to deceive, without any brains, haha."

Bai Gu squinted his eyes coldly: "Women, they are just stupid. I have never heard of eating fire-breathing spiritual fruits. Ha, really stupid. I believe even a piece of this nonsense."

All three of them heard the conversation between the old man and the three of them just now.

This laughter is like a knife stabbing into Mrs. Ghost's heart, it hurts!

(End of this chapter)

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