Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 842 Is she playing?

Chapter 842 Is she playing?
Mrs. Ghost covered her heart in pain, and it was still a little difficult to breathe.

Hei Yan walked in slowly and said, "I haven't heard of eating fire-breathing spiritual fruit, old snake, have you heard of it?"

Snake laughed heartily: "I heard it, it was just now."


The three of them laughed together again!

The movement here attracted the shopkeepers of several shops. As soon as they saw the little princess, they immediately notified Shenwei.

The two divine guards walked in and took a look. They first greeted the little guy, and then questioned him.

Mrs. Ghost was dizzy and her vision gradually blurred.

The little guy asked, "What's wrong with Ma Ma?"

Beibei also found that something was wrong, she seemed to have no strength.

Mrs. Ghost staggered, noticing something was wrong, and immediately used the ghost island secret technique to forcibly increase her strength to wake her up.

The first one to fall down was the one watching the show, followed by Mrs. Ghost, her secret technique had no effect, she was completely stunned as to what was going on.

Want to shout, but find it weak!
Shenwei immediately wanted to swing the knife, but they were opponents in the limp.

As a result, Heiyan was easily knocked down with two or three punches.

Beibei yawned and was sleepy, so she fell asleep beside Mrs. Ghost.

Mrs. Ghost broke out in a cold sweat!
"Hey, Juechen Dugong's Ruanjin Powder is awesome."

Snake laughed loudly, and kicked the guard a few times.

Bones is not as calm as them!

"That kid is fine!"


Heiyan and Snake laughed and looked at the little guy with a dazed look!
The little guy doesn't know what's going on yet, it's really cute scratching his head.

She was still thinking about being tricked by the old man, but she was actually fooled.

What about the flamethrower?

Mrs. Ghost was overjoyed, although she didn't know what was going on, she said weakly: "Run!"


"Is it possible?"

Heiyan doesn't want to, so never mind him!
The little guy is dumbfounded and stays put!

"Aha, my sister is asleep."

Mrs. Ghost vomited blood, thanks to her laughing!
Ling Yun's voice suddenly appeared in the little guy's mind: "Qi Qian, give them a deep memory."


The little guy blinked and blinked!
"The Great Lord knows, do it quickly!" Snake laughed and shouted, he felt something was wrong.

Bone has already made a move on the little guy.

He seemed to see that she was about to kill his subordinates tragically, and sneered in his heart.


He was pinned down halfway!
Lying on the ground, he turned his head to look at his companion, and it turned out to be the same as him.

Their physical skills are fairly strong, how could they be suppressed by divine power?

Poor they don't know at all, that's not divine power, it's Pluto's supreme suppression!

Supreme Suppression is not the low level of Shenwei, it is a group ult that is basically invulnerable.

"Aha, fun!"


What the hell?

Heiyan raised his head with doubts, his face was shocked!
Can those two giants move?
The people around were lying on their stomachs, and the entire Yuexia City, except those in the auction building, were all affected by the little guy's big move.

She won't use it again...

The snake laughed and swallowed its saliva!
Is this divine power? It was pushed out of a deep pit.

The bone strength is the lowest!
He felt like he was going to die right now, and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

Mrs. Gui is going to scold her mother in her heart, what is Ling Yun doing?
While clapping his hands, the little guy also realized something was wrong.

Why was her godmother also suppressed?
Beibei is fine... The Supreme Divine Body is not affected by the Supreme Repression.

"Don't, don't... don't hurt them..." The little guy screamed, waving his hands in the air, as if trying to break up the force.


After I couldn't shoot anymore, I thought of snapping my fingers to withdraw!
The supreme suppression will disappear immediately...

The little guy patted his heart, he was so cute!
I feel that this is the right thing to do. Sure enough, Mrs. Ghost is not so strenuous!
The corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched as he watched!

"Huh! Dangerous!" Hei Yan took a deep breath, and then his eyes turned cold, and his killing intent exploded.

"Sissy, be careful." Mrs. Ghost reminded.

The little guy panicked, seeing the strongest Hei Yan standing up and flying towards her to kill her.

Supreme Repression strikes again...


Hei Yan slammed down hard on the ground, spattering a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"Damn it!" Snake laughed and scolded his mother fiercely, he just swallowed a pill, and now it's wasted again.

Bone didn't want to play anymore: "Help me."

He didn't have time to swallow the pill, it really hurts!
It was only a second away, and the pills were all in his mouth, but he couldn't eat them, and he couldn't get angry!

Seeing that the elixir was right next to his mouth, he just couldn't move it.

It hurts to move!
It hurt just now, and it hurts even more now.

"I can't take it, I can't bear it, brothers, I'm gone." The bones were desperate, and the Nascent Soul was suppressed, it was really scary.


He just regretted not getting rid of the little guy.

Hei Yan turned his head and saw that Bai Gu had closed his eyes, and he didn't know what happened.

Just close your eyes!

He is still conscious!
The little guy got anxious again: "Ma Ma..."

Mrs. Ghost seems to have discovered something, it seems that Sissy made it, but she is not sure.

"Cissy, don't worry, the godmother is fine, let's see how your sister is doing?"

The little guy knelt down and pinched Bei's cheek: "Sister, sister!"

I haven't seen her wake up yet!
"Sister, sister!"

This time the little guy changed to touching his head!

Beibei didn't even open her eyes, she frowned slightly, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I hate it...don't make trouble."

"Sister! Sister! Drink Wangzai!"

Beibei didn't speak this time!
Mrs. Gui was sure that Beibei was fine, at least she was still talking, and then interrupted her: "Don't shake her, she's poisoned and can't wake up."

The little guy scratched his head!

Do not understand!

Mrs. Ghost doesn't understand either, why isn't Sissi poisoned?

With the blood dragon element, she is invulnerable to all poisons, and Beibei doesn't have it!
"Forgive me, Lord Dijun!" a casual cultivator yelled weakly.

"Don't care about me, I'm doing my best, please, I can't stand it." A shopkeeper panted.

Many people vomited blood, including Mrs. Ghost!
When the little guy saw it, he panicked: "No, don't..."

A snap of fingers!
Supreme Repression disappears again...

The snake laughed and immediately swallowed the elixir, not caring about anything else, it was too painful to be crushed.

Mrs. Ghost has been relieved, her poison has not been cured, and she can't get out the elixir.

Black Rock is different!
This guy wants the little guy to die!

So as soon as he got relieved, the first thing he did was not to swallow the pill, but to choose to rush over again.

The little guy took a few steps back and cried out in terror, "No, don't chase me."

Seeing that it is about to succeed!

Supreme Repression is coming!
The little guy jumped up and laughed, feeling quite amusing: "Aha, slightly slightly, I can't catch up."

And make faces!
The angry Heiyan spat blood, Youyuan kept looking at the little guy, staring at the latter made him feel hairy.

The little guy pouted and didn't look at it!
The people around are unable to complain...

No one speaks!
It's better to save your life than to be angry!I'm almost out of breath, what else can I say!

The third time!

Who can stand it?

(End of this chapter)

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