Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 843

Chapter 843


Mrs. Gui finally confirmed that it was really her daughter who made it, but she didn't know how to use it yet, so she was a little messed up.

Slow Footsteps of Giants is finally here!
The little guy commanded in a childish voice: "Get smaller, step on them!"

The giant has to order!

The body is not small, but the feet have become smaller. It is different to have a soul, which proves that there is a brain.

Heiyan's hands and feet were trembling: "Don't step on it."

One kick!
Two feet!

Three legs!

Heiyan was covered in blood, lying on his stomach like a dead dog in that big footprint.

Still very sober!

The resentful eyes are always there!
The little guy is scared when he sees this look...

Bones and Snake laughed and were stepped on. The little guy couldn't stand it anymore, so he let the giant return to his place.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that the giant would come and step on them, it turned out that they were overthinking.

Seeing Mrs. Ghost getting more and more painful, the little guy couldn't bear it. He didn't know what to do, but he didn't dare to let it go, for fear that they would chase her again.



"Think about it yourself!"

It turned out that Ling Yun was testing the little guy!
"Unexpected!" The little guy muttered, hanging his head in aggrieved manner.

"Unexpectedly, it has been suppressed like this."

"don't want…"

The little guy was so anxious that she really couldn't think of it.


Mrs. Ghost spit blood again!

This time the little guy was angry and anxious, and turned around in circles.


In a blink of an eye, we arrived at Box 999 in the auction building.

"Mama, Mama!"

The little guy yelled anxiously, his face was about to cry, and his head was covered with sweat.

An Qing looked back!

Seeing the aggrieved look of the little guy rushing over, I felt a lump in my heart!

"what happened?"

"Sister, sister... sister..."

"Don't worry, look at you, you've slipped up." An Qing said strangely.

Wiping the sweat off the little guy's face, An Qing asked, "What's wrong with Beibei?"

Ji Wuxue said, "Did you get bitten again?"

Thinking of Beibei's swollen fingers bitten by millipedes, Ji Wuxue couldn't help laughing.

Empress Hanyue and Long Yanran on the side also laughed.

The little guy immediately retorted: " is dead!"


An Qing's mouth is so big!
Beibei was really aggrieved, she was sleepy and fell asleep, why did she die!
Long Yanran couldn't bear to sit still, she immediately pulled the little guy and asked, "What's going on?"

The little guy shouted anxiously: "Dead...dead, I can't move."

An Qing was also anxious, how could she explain to her parents that something happened to Bei Bei?

The little guy tugged at An Qing: "Quick, Mama, quick..."

A Thundergate has appeared...

The little guy dragged An Qing in, and Long Yanran and the others who followed behind stepped on a void!

Ling Yun on the top floor was stunned, the Gate of Thunder?
"What happened to the emperor?"

Qianye asked, what could make the always calm Taishang look shocked on his face!

Ling Yun didn't come back to his senses!
Xin Zhao waved his right hand in front of Ling Yun: "Brother Yun? Is something wrong?"

Ling Yun said: "It's okay, wake up the melon skin, it's more fun if there are more people."

His daughter is so awesome?Knowing the Gate of Thunder, he must ask about this matter, but he has never taught it.

Xin Zhao laughed out loud, and slept like a pig towards Emperor Guapi.

As for the Gate of Thunder, An Qing thought Ling Yun had arranged it!

After coming out of the Gate of Thunder, An Qing looked at the broken ground and became more and more flustered!
Are they all lying on the ground?
What happened?

An Qing finally saw that Beibei was lying beside Mrs. Ghost, she really thought she was dead.

"Beibei, Beibei!" An Qing cried, and gently picked up Beibei and held her in her arms.

"Poor Beibei, how could this happen!" An Qing stroked Beibei's little head, and kissed the latter's face, full of maternal love.

Mrs. Ghost was stunned for a while, but she couldn't speak, it hurt so much!
Beibei frowned, why are you so noisy?Do you want her to sleep well?

"Don't make trouble, hate..."

What a familiar voice!

An Qing laughed through her tears, only to find out that Bei Bei was fine.


"Sissy!" An Qing was upset, isn't she a fool?
The little guy still looked aggrieved and pointed at Mrs. Ghost!
Only then did An Qing realize that Mrs. Gui was seriously injured!
After the little guy talked intermittently, An Qing finally understood!
Everyone thought to themselves, the emperor is coming, and he is saved, so hold on a little longer!


"Ahem! What a drop!" Ling Yun replied indifferently, pretending to be indifferent.

"Hurry up and get rid of it!"

An Qing said speechlessly, don't test their daughter at this time, Mrs. Ghost is still suffering, and the one with a pale face is like paper.

The little guy muttered, "Hmph, bad daddy!"

Ling Yun was helpless, he was about to dismiss it, but now An Qing also spoke.

The little guy learned the Gate of Thunder, Ling Yun was secretly happy, although she didn't know how to use Supreme Suppression.



Mrs. Ghost was released, took a big breath, alive, what a pure air, and the aura is still so rich.

Except for the three Shura people, all others are released!

Heiyan's eyes are full of unwillingness!

"Ma Ma..." The little guy is so close that he wants Mrs. Ghost to hug him!


Mrs. Ghost can't even stand up!

An Qing asked: "What's the matter, sister?"

Mrs. Ghost said, "It's Ruanjinsan. Qie Shen, Bei Bei and others have all been poisoned."

The little guy kept touching Mrs. Ghost's head, and the latter felt warm and refreshed instantly!

Divine power cannot detoxify!
The little guy is wasting, Mrs. Ghost couldn't stand up, but she was on the verge of collapsing due to excessive use of divine power.

"Ling Yun!" An Qing shouted again.

Ling Yun had no choice but to appear, the little guy is very tired at the moment, her divine power is gone, and she just used Supreme Suppression three times, can she not be tired?
"Hey, Sissy is going to take a nap!" He teased the little guy as soon as he came out.

An Qing's forehead went black, did she still have the heart to joke?
Her tenants were all affected, and it was clearly written in the contract that they would be protected in the city under the moon.


These people only know how to cultivate immortals, but not the law, otherwise they would have to pay a lot of Lingshi.

The little guy shook his head, restless: "No, don't sleep, don't sleep!"

"Okay, don't use divine power indiscriminately in the future, do you understand?" Ling Yun whispered in her ear.

The little guy, um, um, immediately broke free from Ling Yun's arms and jumped up.

"Papa, touch my sister's head, she is asleep."

The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched!
Why didn't she say she was dead? What a fool.

"Papa, and Yan Mama, touch it too!"

The little guy directed...

Why did An Qing sound so awkward?

Mrs. Ghost's face was blushing, she didn't dare to look at Ling Yun anymore.

Beibei woke up tossing and turning, yawned and stretched...

"Auntie An is the best, Bobo!"

An Qing hugged her when she woke up, is that okay?

Mrs. Ghost is fine, all injuries were healed by Ling Yun.

The rest of the poisoned people were all detoxified by Ling Yun's holy light.

Those injuries?
Ling Yun is not so generous.

Besides, using holy light on them will expose them.

(End of this chapter)

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