Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 844

Chapter 844
Everyone was grateful, and at the same time kicked the Shura people on the ground a few times.

Holding back his anger, he was about to vent his anger.

His uncle is a bear, almost died, everything is the fault of the three Shura people.

"Okay, if you keep kicking them, they will die. What's the use of the remaining Nascent Soul?"

They didn't stop until Ling Yun interrupted. If they could, the three Shuras would have screamed loudly.

Hei Yan's vicious gaze stayed on Ling Yun.

Everything is the fault of the Supreme God, the Shura Corps will not disappear, as long as King Shura returns.

Really persistent!
An Qing asked: "How to deal with them?"

Beibei was so stupid that she didn't know what happened and missed it all.

Ling Yun didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Search the body, and took all the valuables."

Everyone's mouth twitched!
Dijun, you have changed!
This is the bandit leader!
Ling Yun looked upright: "I don't have to pay the appearance fee? The ground is broken like this? No compensation?"

When everyone heard it, it seemed to make sense.

The little guy and Beibei are the most active, An Qing is dumbfounded, why are they so familiar with the road?

Ling Yun called Monk Shura to come out, just to see how he handles it!
Little guy: "Aha, bald-headed sorghum, see you again!"

She suddenly wanted to touch Monk Shura's bald head.

Mrs. Gui taught carefully: "Sissy, don't be so rude. If you see something like this in the future, call yourself a master."

The little guy curled his lips: "Yeah, master bald."

Mrs. Ghost: "..."

Bei Bei said: "Amitabha!"

An Qing said: "Does Beibei want to be a monk?"

Beibei asked curiously: "Is it the kind that you want to shave off?"


"Don't...don't, Amitabha, it's ugly without hair, but hair is the most beautiful."


"Ha ha!"

Monk Shura bowed slightly to the crowd: "Amitabha!"


He looked at his former subordinate and only asked a question.

"Do you regret it?"

At the same time, he stomped on the ground with one foot, and Heiyan and the others felt a lot more relaxed, and they could speak.

"Regret? Hehe, I can do it all over again, I will cut through the mess quickly and kill her!"

His eyes were full of resentment, staring at Ling Yun and the others.

Monk Shura shook his head in disappointment!
The snake laughed in confusion, and asked, "Why? Boss, what do you mean?"

"Amitabha, it is said that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? What you have done is caused by the little monk, and you are guilty of sin."


Monk Shura began to chant sutras, holding a Buddhist bead in one hand, and his mouth was full of Buddhist voices.


Heiyan screamed in pain!

Snake laughed and felt his scalp go numb, is this still their boss?
After half a sound!
The three Shura people were all abolished by the monk Shura, and they have been ordinary people ever since.

Poor bones don't know yet, he has been unconscious all the time.

Snake laughed bitterly and said, "Boss, how can you...cough cough..."

Hei Yan still had the same attitude, his eyes were full of viciousness: "Ha...ha...ha...!"

In the eyes of everyone, he is crazy!
Monk Shura turned to Ling Yun and said, "Amitabha, is the Emperor satisfied?"

Ling Yun turned to face the little guy, and joked: "Is the little God satisfied?"

Everyone: "..."

The little guy didn't know why, so he just smirked: "Aha!"

Beibei said: "The monk does not kill, Amitabha, satisfied!"

An Qing patted Beibei's forehead, and asked with a smile, "You! How do you know so much?"

Bei Bei laughed loudly: "Understood, what Shuai Shushu said."

Ling Yun nodded, it was indeed what he said, Beibei is really smart.

Beibei looks up at the sky at 45 degrees, with a smile that I understand everything in the world, so cute!

An Qing couldn't help but kiss a few more times!
Seeing this, the little guy imitated Beibei to look up at the sky at 45 degrees, and imitated Ling Yun to rub his chin while thinking, so she just waited for An Qing to praise her.


An Qing carefully patted her forehead and said she was weird!
An Qing doesn't boast, Mrs. Ghost does, the little guy is still very happy.

Ling Yun turned back to Monk Shura and said, "It's not bad, but I hope you can save them. Your temple needs a few cleaners, do you understand?"

Monk Shura's eyes lit up, holding the Buddhist beads in his hands, and said, "Understood!"

Snake laughed and his heart twitched violently, pit!
The matter here is settled, An Qing has to go back to watch the auction.

Ling Yun, who walked all the way back to the top floor from the secret passage, asked curiously: "Sissy, tell Dad, how did you know about the Thunder Gate?"

He also fondled the little guy's head.

The little guy lay quietly in Ling Yun's arms, enjoying her father's head-touching movement, and asked, "Golden Gate?"

Ling Yun was speechless, how many times did he tell her that it was the Gate of Thunder, not the Golden Gate, why couldn't it be changed?

The little guy said that the Gate of Thunder is golden, so the door can go in and out, isn't it the Golden Gate?
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
Then what if you see the void opened by lightning?Isn't that the switch? ?

"Tell Dad, how did you do it?"

"Aha!" The little guy smiled proudly!

"Sigh, it's opened!" The little guy started to look up at the sky at 45 degrees, which is really a learning experience.

Ling Yun was speechless: "What's the sound?"

After hearing the little guy's general explanation, Ling Yun understood, she is so smart, she saw through it.

The Gate of Thunder is to gather strength in the void and quickly break through the shackles of space.

"Awesome, hahaha!" Ling Yun laughed loudly.


The little guy laughed too.

"What kind of reward does Sissy want? Dad is happy today. I can satisfy you with anything."

Hearing the words, the little guy was full of energy, and immediately moved around in Ling Yun's arms, restless.

"Wow, really?"


"I want I want…"

The little guy started hooking his fingers, thinking to himself how much do you want?
Ling Yun smiled, he must want Wang Zai again!

Counting and counting, she stopped counting, recalling Ling Yun's words...

She had a babyish voice, and said coquettishly, "I want, I want Wangzai, I want it in Papa's hands, everything, everything, everything."

Ling Yun laughed again, he agreed!

"Okay, but you can't drink it all day."

"Yeah, yum."

The little guy was so happy, he put his arms around Lingyun's neck, gave him a few kisses, and immediately ran down to share with Beibei behind him.

Ling Yun looked at this little figure with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

An Qing wondered why the little guy was so happy all of a sudden?

Ling Yun told the truth, and An Qing was also very excited after hearing it. Is her daughter self-taught?
The couple suddenly started arguing. Ling Yun said that it was because of his usual teaching, while An Qing said that Qianqian was born by her, so it must be hereditary.

It was an argument at the beginning, and then the dog food was sprinkled. Mrs. Ghost dragged the little guy and Beibei away quickly, worrying and uncomfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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