Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 850 Ling Rufeng

Chapter 850 Ling Rufeng

Ling Tianyang wrote a letter to a certain pill-holding master in advance, asking him to forward Ling Rufeng.

The content of the letter was to ask Ling Rufeng to flee to Jiangbei City to find Ling Yun, and the address was also written.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Ling Rufeng still did not escape. He and several Baodan masters were stopped by a man in black on a bridge.

The gap between the two sides is too big!

Several Baodan masters couldn't protect Ling Rufeng, and were knocked down by the masters of Heaven and Human Realm in the torrent of the river, and their life and death were unknown.

Ling Yun comforted: "It's okay, I will find him, and I will reply to you later!"

Lin Qiuyan only thought that he was making her happy, and didn't care too much.

Ling Yun who hung up the phone had a gloomy expression!

If he hurts his family, he will die!

The little guy ran over and shivered hard. Why is it so cold around?
"Papa, Mama is looking for you."

"Don't go, Dad has something to look for you." Ling Yun was a little speechless, his injury is not healed.

We can only rely on the little guy to find Ling Rufeng!

"Huh?" The little guy blinked his beautiful eyes and scratched his head.

"Help Dad find this person." Ling Yun flipped through his phone, clicked on Ling Tianyang's circle of friends, and found Ling Rufeng's photo.

He didn't know if Ling Rufeng was dead, so he could only try to find him. He wanted to see the person in life, and the corpse in death.

"How to find it? Did he hide and seek?" The little guy asked puzzled.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
"Use your spiritual sense to search in Huaxia!"

The little guy pouted, a little unhappy, she didn't even want to use the dizzy one.

But the little guy simply thought that Ling Yun was testing her, so she became active again.

In order to find it quickly, Ling Yun dripped a drop of blood on the little guy's forehead!

"Aha, found it!"

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly!
"Well, it's awesome, boo!" Ling Yun picked up the little guy and kissed her. The latter's face turned black. Isn't there any reward?
"Papa, Mama is looking for you." The little guy said again.

"Well, let's go find her right away."

After returning to the villa, I saw that the princess was curious about this and which.

At the same time, she panicked, because she saw Ling Yun's face clearly, the Taishang Lord is the King of Pluto!
It was so absurd, but she had to be convinced.

An Qing ran downstairs and said anxiously: "I won't tell you any more, something happened to the company, I have to go."

Ling Yun was speechless: "Okay, be careful!"

This is a bit redundant, An Qing is not an ordinary person.

"Well, I will contact you if there is any situation." An Qing immediately picked up the sofa bag and walked out the door quickly!

Her strength...

"Ling Yun, help me remove it, I want to restore the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor."

"I can't do it for the time being, maybe in a few days." Ling Yun said sadly.

An Qing pouted, feeling sorry for his white hair, then took out the car keys from her bag and drove to the company.

And Ling Yun told Wang Hao, Long Yanran and four little guys that he planned to find Ling Rufeng.

As soon as Lingyun's front foot reached the edge of a highway, the little guy arrived on his back foot.


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, how could he forget that the little guy learned the Gate of Thunder.

I go!

Careless, it seems that her ability should be blocked, lest she secretly go to other places to play.

"Follow up!"


The little guy immediately held Ling Yun's big hand, happily.

A spoiled man ushered in from a distance, his body was dirty, his whole body exuded a stench, his face was black and numb, he was Ling Rufeng.

"Papa, why don't you leave?" the little guy asked curiously.

"Hey, don't talk!"

Ling Yun stopped in his tracks, waiting for Ling Rufeng to come over.

Because Ling Yun's father and daughter blocked the way, Ling Rufeng didn't lift it up, and was very vigilant, and said: "Ah! Wow!"

The little guy hated the smell and pinched his nose.

Ling Yun smiled lightly, his younger brother is really in a mess, he pretends to be dumb to avoid being noticed by others!
Seeing that the person in front of him had no intention of avoiding it, Ling Rufeng said again: "Wow,"

Between doubts, he slowly raised his eyes, and what he saw was a child carved in pink and jade, and then he blinked, why did he look so much like his elder brother's daughter?
More and more like!

Then he raised his head to look at Ling Yun, isn't he his elder brother?
Could it be that he was starving?

White hair?
Then it should be an illusion, how could his brother have gray hair at such a young age.

Who knew that Ling Yun stepped forward to hug him lightly, and said with a smile, "Rufeng, long time no see!"

Ling Rufeng is four years younger than Ling Yun, and he just turned this year.

" my brother?"

Feeling the warm body temperature, Ling Rufeng asked uncertainly.

"Hehe, what do you think, brother, you have been wronged, I'm sorry, brother is late!" Ling Yun smiled.

The little guy keeps staring at them...

"elder brother…"

Ling Rufeng didn't think about why Ling Yun appeared here, but found someone to cry to, he was not as good as a dog these days.

He sleeps restlessly every day and has no food, like a homeless man.

Walking all the way south, his feet were peeling and blistered, even if he was the late day after tomorrow, he couldn't bear it.

Ling Yun waited quietly for him to finish crying, and didn't dislike his dirty clothes.

Apart from pinching his nose, the little guy didn't talk much, and was quiet.

There were always fast cars passing by all around, driving gusts of wind.

"Brother, let go of me, my clothes are dirty..."

"Hey... What are the two brothers worrying about, let's go, let's go back." Ling Yun also let go of Ling Rufeng.

The little guy pinched his nose and said, "Papa, smelly..."

"Understood, take a shower when you go back!"

Ling Yun is speechless!
Seeing a black hole appear, Ling Rufeng was dumbfounded.

What is this ghost?

After following Ling Yun back to the villa, he was no longer calm.


His brother is actually the mysterious Pluto?

"Okay, let's jump down and take a shower." Ling Yun jumped off the aquarium after finishing speaking, not caring how shocked Ling Rufeng was.

"Ah! Oh...oh..."

Ling Rufeng rubbed his eyes, really afraid it was just a dream, so silly!

What did he see?
The little guy is actually running on water?He even washed Ling Yun's hair.

"Papa, who is he?" The little guy was very curious, because Ling Rufeng and Ling Yun were somewhat similar.

"Sissy, Dad will test you..."

"Well, is there a reward?"


"Yeah, yum!" The little guy nodded immediately, and he was very positive when he heard the reward.

Ling Rufeng didn't care about it, he didn't care if it was a dream or not, after cleaning it well, even if it was a dream, he didn't want to wake up.

"He's Dad's younger brother, what should you call him?"

The little guy gradually frowned and poked his forehead, she really didn't know.

"Think about it, Dad dives around and come back and tell me."

The little guy curled his lips, his eyes lit up when he saw Ling Rufeng going into the water!
The latter also saw her, and was facing her eyes, feeling a little nervous, why does it feel like being stared at is not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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