Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 851 The Truth

Chapter 851 The Truth
Ling Rufeng was thinking all over his head, what is his niece doing?
This is a dream, won't torture him?

Hearing from Aunt Yan, this kid is naughty!


What Lin Qiuyan was talking about was Beibei's eccentric spirit and a lot of ghost attention, not the little guy, Ling Rufeng heard it wrong.

The little guy said in a childish voice, "Are you my Papa's younger brother?"

After Ling Rufeng got into the water, he felt comfortable for a while. It turned out that he was asking a question, which scared him to death.

"Your name is Sissy, right?"

"Huh, how do you know?" The little guy opened his mouth wide!

Ling Rufeng: "..."

"Then what do I call you?" the little guy asked with his eyes turned.



The little guy's face turned black, is it true?This person won't lie to children, right?
Her father is so powerful, why is his brother so weak?

And uncle?

Not cool at all...

The little guy's mind must be confused, he is called Uncle, not Ling Rufeng's name is Uncle!

"Then your name is Uncle Taishang? Or Uncle Pluto?"


Ling Rufeng was dumbfounded, what the hell?Why didn't he understand.

"Ah." Ling Rufeng let out a small cry, a sharp-billed fish stabbed his ass, the pain made him tremble all over!

It really wasn't a dream, and then he was shocked and overjoyed at the same time.

Laughing out there all the time...

The little guy curled his lips and stopped asking, Ling Yun just showed his head when she grabbed her by the hair.

"Aha, I caught you."

"Did Sissy think about it?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's uncle!"

Ling Yun didn't know that the little guy was cheating at all, and thought she thought of it, too, the problem was too simple.



The little guy really doesn't understand such a simple question...

"Oh, not bad."

"Where's the reward?" The little guy stretched out his little hand!
"No, here you are!"

Ling Yun had already prepared, just now when he dived, he went down to take out some of the gold coins hidden below.

Then refine it into a big ingot!

The little guy smiled happily, holding the gold ingot foolishly.

Gold glitter, she likes it the most!
Ling Rufeng swam over happily, raised his eyebrows lightly and asked, "Brother, have you told Dad?"

"Did you say something?" Ling Yun asked.

"Just to find me, I guess they are all worried to death." Ling Rufeng became depressed instantly.

"Not yet, just call yourself later."


"You really did that?" Ling Yun asked blankly.

"It's not like that, Tianjiao and I really love each other." Ling Rufeng explained sadly, his eyes showing resignation.

"You mean Tianjiao is the person involved?"

Ling Rufeng nodded immediately, and started talking to Ling Yun.

"Yes, we opened the room that night, and she gave it to me voluntarily. The next morning, when we were going to go out to play, some bodyguards broke into us..."

"They all belong to the Lin family. They beat me up as soon as they came up, and then I was knocked out."

"When I woke up, I was in the hospital, and the people from Longzu still caught me. After that, they charged me with rape."

"That's not the case, Tianjiao can't betray me."

Speaking of this, Ling Rufeng's eyes were red and filled with grievance.

Ling Yun said: "Miss Lin you mentioned, she was in a coma in the hospital, you probably don't know it yet, your crime has deepened, the Lin family said to the outside world, after being insulted by you, she couldn't think of jumping off the building to commit suicide."

"What, how is she?" Ling Rufeng asked worriedly.

"I can't die, vegetable!"

These are all what Lin Qiuyan said, and it is obvious that this is a trap set up to frame Ling Rufeng.

Ling Yun sneered again and again, needless to say it must have been arranged by the two aristocratic families, the Lin family and the Bai family?
Bai family?

Ling Yun has a plan, let them experience despair slowly, it's fun, break their wings, and make them unable to fly.

And the Lin family?

Ha ha!

Get rid of it tonight, just go to the dragon group casually, a group of impatient old men are still so presumptuous.

"I'm sorry for Tianjiao. It's my fault. I'm too weak." Ling Rufeng blamed himself, and a big man actually cried again.


Ling Yun didn't intend to say anything either.

"Sissy, go and call Yanran."

Holding the gold ingot, the little guy nodded in delight, not wanting to put it in his pocket.

"All right…"

A bit reluctant tone...


The little guy is obedient!

After a while, Long Yanran came, but the little guy didn't follow.

"Brother Lingyun, what's the matter?"

"Call and ask where your brother and Ye Fei are?"

Ling Yun was speechless, his family members had accidents, didn't they hear about it at that time?
How to let his brother suffer!

So Ling Yun was very unhappy...

Long Yanran blinked, she had already beaten her.

"Call here, my brother shuts off the phone, and Yefei's also turns off the phone!"

Bei Bei asked her to call her a long time ago. The former couldn't see Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian when she went back to the villa, so she immediately asked Long Yanran to call and ask.

Qin Xianglian was working at Anqing Company because Han Xiaoai was arrested for commercial crimes. Her father was from Bangzi and her mother was from Huaxia.

She has lived with her mother in Bangzi Country since she was a child.Later, when she returned to China, she met An Qing.

Now that Han Xiaoai was arrested and An Qing couldn't be contacted, people in the company were in panic. Qin Xianglian followed Qin Lan's suggestion and temporarily took over for a few days.

Ling Yun frowned, there shouldn't be an accident with them, Ye Fei's strength is the highest in Blue Star.

After thinking about it, the only possibility is to retreat. He knew that Ye Fei was very anxious to improve his strength and return to the Twelve Realms for revenge.

Don't say it!
Ling Yun's guess was damn accurate!
The fact is that Ye Fei is taking Long Xingtian with him, and he is retreating in a certain mountain to practice, and he has made up a gathering spirit array.

"Then call Yueyan!"

Ling Yun wanted to know what the bird of paradise was doing?Fallen?
With such a big event, there was a lot of buzz on the Internet, and he didn't believe that Bird of Paradise didn't know?
Long Yanran immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Lin Yueyan's mobile phone.


"it's me…"

"Sister Yanran?"

"Your cousin is looking for you..."

Ling Yun asked loudly: "Where are you? Where is the dead bird?"

The Bird of Paradise on the opposite side trembled when he heard the angry Ling Yun looking for it!

"Cousin, you hate me. I'm in the United States, and the bird of paradise must be by my side." Lin Yueyan replied aggrievedly.

Hearing the small voice, Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
What are you doing?
Why did you go to America?
Really, there is no reliable one at the critical moment.

After knowing how Lin Yueyan went to the United States, he can only sympathize with Ling Rufeng's bad luck.

A few girls from their school went to the United States to participate in a certain competition, and Lin Yueyan was arranged to be with them, just like that.

Lin Yueyan who hung up the phone pouted, what happened to her cousin?baffling!
I don't care if she adapts here or not!
What time is it?
Call in the middle of the night!
The bird of paradise has been panting heavily, but it's okay, it's scared to death.

(End of this chapter)

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