Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 869 Intimidation

Chapter 869 Intimidation

The little guy curled his lips: "Papa, is he a bad guy? Has Qianqian seen him?"

She tilted her head and was trying to remember, but Ling Yun didn't answer her, leaving her to think on her own.

Hearing the words, Han Tianyang curled his lips in disdain and said, "It's really a group of masters who don't shed tears when they see the coffin. It doesn't matter, let your seeing be believing, and you will be convinced."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to the secretary behind him. The secretary was very obedient, and immediately handed over a share certificate to Han Tianyang.

Han Tianyang unfolded the share book, then threw it on the large conference table in the center, and said coldly: "This is all the shares of the Li Group that I hold. Although it is not much, only 20%, it should be counted among the shareholders. It's the highest."

"And mine. This is my share authorization letter. I now authorize all [-]% of the shares in my hand to Mr. Han."

As soon as Han Tianyang finished speaking, he saw a man sitting next to him in a suit with his back turned and got up and said.

And handed a letter of authorization to Han Tianyang.

"Hmph, Old Wu, our Li Group doesn't seem to have treated you badly, right? You actually went to help Bangziguo at this time. How can you be worthy of me?" Li Wei stared at Old Wu coldly.

When Li Wei saw Lao Wu coming forward and standing on the side of Bangzi Kingdom, he was so angry that he almost spurted blood.

Li Feng also had the same gaze. If gazes could kill, Old Wu would die a thousand times.

Old Wu heard the words, but he smiled disdainfully. He rolled his eyes at Li Wei and said, "The surname is Li, thanks to you, you have the nerve to say that you are not mean to me. I have held shares in the group all these years. Besides dividends at the end of the year, what have you given me?" , I arranged for a relative to come over, but you all rejected it, and we are insignificant in your eyes, okay?"

"That's right, the only thing you value is the big shareholders of the group, we small shareholders, when have you ever paid attention to it, you are so embarrassed to say that you are not bad for me."

After Old Wu's words fell, another shareholder jumped up to oppose Li Wei.

After finishing speaking, this person also handed over his stock power of attorney to Han Tianyang.

Obviously, both of them were bought by Han Tianyang.

These two shares are in the hands of Han Tianyang, and the big screen shows that his shares are already 25%.

Qin Lan looked at the two shares in her hand, the total was only 18%, feeling a little powerless, but she knew that Li Qingmin was arranged by Ling Yun.

Adding it together, she will have 38% in her hand, is it enough?
Li Feng sneered and said: "You save it, you are only 25%, our two brothers plus..."

While speaking, he glanced at Li Qingmin next to him, and then continued: "It adds up to 25%, which is equal to yours anyway."

The two brothers Li Wei and Li Feng have always been at odds, but in order to drive away the stick man, they can only join forces, each holding 5%.

Qin Lan tugged at Ling Yun, and whispered, "I can't wait when we show our cards."

Ling Yun said: "Let them float for a while."

Qin Lan rolled her eyes and could only be obedient.

The little guy asked in a childish voice, "Papa, is this a new one we bought?" After she finished speaking, she pointed around.

Qin Lan nodded with a smile, and whispered, "Yes."

The little guy laughed!
Their words were basically heard, and all of them cast contemptuous glances.

Especially Han Tianyang was very upset with Ling Yun.

"Hmph, isn't it just 25% of the shares? Why are you so proud?" Mr. Qian snorted coldly with disdain, and then took out the share authorization letter from his arms.

In his own hands, he holds 8% of the shares of the Li Group, and he is considered a major shareholder.

This time!

Zhang Jian, who was sitting on the side, also took out his share certificate, 5%, but instead of giving it to Li Qingmin, he handed it to Mr. Qian, who sneered.

Li Qingmin began to feel something was wrong!

And Xu Tianming's eyes flashed brightly, and then he put his share certificate on the table.

"My 5 percent will be given to Mr. Qian."

Li Qingmin's heart sank, and he shouted: "Uncle Xu, we agreed."

Xu Tianming replied with a slight smile: "Oh, people climb to high places, understand?"

Han Tianyang said to Mr. Qian: "Disdain? You only have 18% in your hand. Your math is taught by your physical education teacher."

Mr. Qian shook his head and smiled, and clapped his hands. The rest of the people expressed their opinions one after another and gave Mr. Qian all the share certificates in their hands.

"Now? How?"

Han Tianyang applauded, this President Qian really surprised him?
Li Wei said angrily: "Old Qian? You actually have evil intentions!"


Mr. Qian has the most shares, reaching 32%, far ahead.

Li Qingmin was furious, and kept calling them "stupid things" and kept saying what they said.

The little guy giggled, and she didn't know what the kid was laughing at. Qin Lan kept pinching her mouth and couldn't stop.

Can you not laugh?

Li Qingmin's frantic look was really full of laughter, stomping his feet like a sissy, the others didn't laugh as loudly as she did.

"Uncle, we had a good talk before, you can't act like this." Li Qingmin's face was extremely ugly.

Mr. Qian said indifferently: "I have also paid a lot for your Li family, so I should take this position."

Li Qingmin looked at Ling Yun, his body trembling more and more, he failed, what will happen?

Han Tianyang applauded again: "Okay, okay, I like you guys, but? Do you think you're sure to win? I dare to come here without any means, haha, you are so naive."

Everyone was taken aback...

Even Ling Yun looked at Han Tianyang in surprise, the little guy started to climb the table, anyway, it belongs to her family...!
I saw Han Tianyang dialing a number on his mobile phone, and a woman on the opposite side shouted: "Husband, save us,"

There are still children crying on the opposite side!

Xu Tianming turned pale with shock, wasn't that his wife and granddaughter?

"You, you broke the law by doing this!" Xu Tianming pointed at Han Tianyang, his fingers trembling all the time, he didn't dare to bet.

Han Tianyang sneered and remained silent, and the phone continued to turn on the speaker.

On the other side, there was another voice: "Awei, Awei..."

"Dad, Daddy!"

"Don't hit my mother!"

"You're all bad guys."

It can be heard that Han Tianyang has kidnapped many people. At this moment, Li Wei clenched his fists and trembled with anger.

Qin Lan immediately had a picture that Han Tianyang was using extreme means to force the shareholders of the Li Group.

"You know how to choose?" Han Tianyang said with a gloomy face, with a fierce look on his face.

Xu Tianming immediately told Mr. Qian that he was sorry, and he had to save his family.

The little guy had been listening to the cries of those children, she was so angry, a flash suddenly appeared, and immediately knocked down Han Tianyang who was talking.

Everyone was shocked!
Qin Lan immediately regained consciousness when she heard the movement, got up quickly in fright, and ran to hug the little guy back.

(End of this chapter)

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