Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 870 Weird

Chapter 870 Weird
It was as if Han Tianyang had been hit by a truck, the pain was terribly painful, what's going on?

What was that just now?
Like a person?

He is a supernatural being. Although he is B-level, how could he be so easily injured? He doesn't believe it.

With the help of the shocked bodyguards, he stood up, grinning in pain.

At this moment, Qin Lan had already hugged the little guy beside him, who kept humming.

Han Tianyang looked east and west, wondering if it was the little guy who hit him, so it's no wonder that a child can be so lethal.

Li Qingmin swallowed secretly, he had witnessed everything, that little girl was only so young, she was so powerful, as expected, he couldn't beat Ling Yun.

"who is it?"

Han Tianyang growled...

The little guy lay on Qin Lan's body, and even made faces for Han Tianyang, slightly... The latter is stupid, what did Qianqian do?She could see that Han Tianyang seemed injured.

"Cissy come here quickly, why are you so excited?" Ling Yun said speechlessly.

Only then did everyone cast their eyes on him, and looked Ling Yun up and down.

The little guy curled his lips, and now he was quiet, and let Qin Lan come back with his arms, and the latter was terrified.

who did it?

Han Tianyang glared, asked several bodyguards and said they didn't know, it was too fast.

They thought it was dazzled, how could a child do it.

The screams on the other side of Han Tianyang's mobile phone continued...

"What's going on? Talk, are you dumb?" Han Tianyang kept shouting at his cell phone like an angry lion.


Except for the screams and cries on the other side, no one answered him.

Can vaguely hear, what the devil, don't kill me or something.

Xu Tianming and Li Wei's faces were pale. His family members are all over there, so don't worry.

Everything was beyond Han Tianyang's expectation, he was furious, and ordered the bodyguard behind him to put a knife on the necks of Xu Tianming and the others.

Then he threatened them severely that the share certificate must be handed over to him, otherwise the knife will not see the eye.

"Call the police, call the police!"

Li Feng immediately took out his mobile phone, but was interrupted by Han Tianyang's bodyguard, and everyone trembled, showing no intention of resisting.

Qin Lan looked flustered, her lips turned white, and she held Ling Yun's arm tightly with one hand.

The little guy chuckled: "It's okay."

She knew that the gang of villains on the other side of the phone were beaten terribly by her father, and those children who were her age were saved, so everything was happy.

But she despises the group of people in front of her, just like the story her father told, when encountering a robbery, they don't know how to unite, but think about how to save their lives and how to compromise.

"Okay, it's time for your performance to end." Ling Yun raised his eyes slightly.

What do you mean?
Han Tianyang was going to let the bodyguards kill Ling Yun, but Ling Yun was the one he hated the most.

Ever since you came in, haven't you looked him in the eye?What are you pulling?Later he planned to take Qin Lan away.

Li Qingmin was sweating profusely, wondering if Ling Yun was finally going to make a move?Han Tianyang is really stupid.

"Transfer my share certificate to Mr. Ling." Li Qingmin immediately snatched the share certificate from his secretary.

Then he walked up to Ling Yun and handed it over respectfully.

This move surprised everyone, including Li Wei and Li Feng.

"You, what are you doing?" Li Feng was furious.

"You prodigal son, your father is really dead." Li Wei looked like he hated iron and steel.

Li Qingmin said: "Second Uncle, Third Uncle, don't say I won't give you a way out, I'm here to remind you that Mr. Ling is not something you can offend."

Han Tianyang laughed loudly: "It's really funny, it's ridiculous."

Qin Lan muttered softly: "Ling Yun, don't provoke him, Qianqian is here."

Ling Yun's eyes turned cold, he tapped the table lightly, and said, "Are you interested in buying me the share certificate? The price is not bad now, but it may not be sure later."

Mr. Qian sneered. He just received a call from his son. They were saved. His words were trembling, and he couldn't hear what was behind him.

So he stared at the people around him and said, "Sell it to you? You might as well sell it to me."

Han Tianyang immediately ordered the bodyguard to beat Mr. Qian's head hard, this guy seemed to have forgotten that Han Tianyang was here.

Everyone realized that they were very smart, and immediately sold it to Han Tianyang, and they were not birds at all.

Even Li Wei and Li Feng became sensitized, and there was nothing they could do about it. Without the shares held by their nephew, they couldn't beat Han Tianyang.

Han Tianyang laughed out loud.

"See you? Fight with me... Oh? What's going on? Hold me!"

Everyone stayed away from Han Tianyang, and saw that he was out of control, walking towards the window step by step, and his face gradually became flustered.

His lawyer, Fan Zikun, grabbed him immediately, lying on the ground and holding down his legs.

The other bodyguards didn't stay idle either, they all tried their best to hold him back.

There was a bodyguard with sweat on his head. He took a knife, so flustered that he couldn't speak, he walked up to Han Tianyang and stabbed him.

Qin Lan shivered and immediately covered the little guy's eyes.

"Mama, hide and seek?"

Qin Lan didn't speak, but hugged the little guy tightly and pressed her little ears.

Han Tianyang screamed again and again, no one expected this to happen, and everyone's scalp began to tingle.

The bodyguard's hand was out of control, and he stabbed after another!

Li Qingmin looked at Ling Yun, who was calm and calm, and knew that this devil must have done it.

Fan Zikun's consciousness was not right, he got up immediately, and was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and quickly ordered the other bodyguards to pull the murderer away.

The bodyguard was also a bit strong, and stabbed other people, and the surrounding area was destroyed a lot.

And Han Tianyang's body was bleeding, and he was still walking towards the window step by step.

The window was inexplicably shattered, Han Tianyang looked dazed in pain, unable to speak, the other bodyguards who fought hard found their young master approaching the window only to find out.

At that time it was too late for them to do anything!

Han Tianyang jumped!
Everyone was stunned!

Fan Zikun sat paralyzed on the ground with his mouth wide open, before he recovered, the bodyguard came over and stabbed him again!

He is also unwilling to die, his eyes are wide open, his face is full of fear, and he saw Ling Yun's death-like smile before the moment.

The bodyguard who stabbed them twice spoke: " didn't...did it..."

He kept explaining inarticulately.

A few of the other bodyguards went downstairs immediately, and a few stared at the murderous bodyguards. After being frightened, Han Tianyang's secretary started making calls.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, the bodyguard jumped in front of everyone, just like Han Tianyang.

The entire conference room was terribly quiet. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, sweating profusely, and no one broke the silence.

The little guy pouted and tried to grab Qin Lan's hand away. The latter's whole body was shaking. It was so weird, even weirder than what Ling Yun did last time.

(End of this chapter)

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