Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 880

Chapter 880
As soon as the little guy came out, he cried and yelled...

Everyone's legs trembled in fright, and some even fainted!
How not to shock them with a child running from the broken part of the floor.

Ling Yun was speechless at first, and had to wipe her buttocks before hugging the little guy.

"What's wrong? A tabby cat is crying."

The surrounding space is still, and the second hand of a certain employee's watch stops moving...

"Mama, Mama...dead..." The little guy rubbed his eyes, his voice choked with sobs.

"Dead? An Qing is dead?" Ling Yun's face suddenly changed, and the sky began to turn black, like a dog eclipsing the sun.

The whole world immediately fell into panic, and an invisible sense of oppression slowly emerged...

The little guy quickly shook his head and explained: "No, no, it's not Mama, it's dry Mama, she's dead, cough cough..."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and the sky began to return to its original state.

"What's wrong with Qin Lan? She's fine, why did she die? And didn't you go to Australia?" Ling Yun had a lot of questions.

The little guy broke free from Ling Yun's arms and grabbed him: "Come on!"

Ling Yun smiled, and immediately followed the little guy into the Gate of Thunder, and then golden dandelions fell in the conference room, and time flowed again!
Jiangbei Central Hospital!

At the door of Qin Lan's ward, the little guy grabbed Ling Yun and walked.

"Brother Lingyun, you've come." Long Yanran laughed immediately, her tense nerves eased, and she felt much more relaxed.

She came out to look for the little guy just now, but she didn't expect the little guy to find Ling Yun, and Qin Hao on the side was a little dumbfounded.

"I'll go in and have a look, you stop the doctor who is about to come in."

Ling Yun walked into the ward quickly, time is really running out, Qin Lan must be very uncomfortable, this poison elixir is really very poisonous, it is not 5 minutes as Song Yili said, but 3 minutes.

It's almost over now...

As soon as Ling Yun stepped on the floor, the holy light immediately killed Qin Lan!

"You're here, take a look at my sister." Qin Xianglian immediately ran over, tugging at Ling Yun again.

"Don't rush, it will be ready soon." Ling Yun said speechlessly, what's the big deal?
The little guy pulled him, Qin Xianglian also pulled, he was almost pulled into two sides.

Song Yili was amazed at Ling Yun's handsomeness at first glance, and then stopped him: "Who are you? Are you going to save her?"


Ling Yun was displeased and wasted several seconds of his time.

Song Yili is fine, the male doctor next to her can't do it, the goddess in her heart scolds her?That can bear it?

"You boy...?" A male doctor stepped forward, but Mr. Qin slapped him.

He didn't dare to hit Song Yili, but a male doctor who doesn't know the seriousness, why wouldn't he dare.

The male doctor was scared, and immediately stopped talking.

"Little friend, are you the one my granddaughter mentioned? Did I miss you?" Mr. Qin began to look Ling Yun up and down. The cooking was delicious, so could it be that his medical skills are also hidden?
"Old man, shh..." Ling Yun interrupted him.

Song Yili shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter who you are, but she is really hopeless, trust me."

She didn't stop Ling Yun, but chattered beside him.

"Oh? That's because your medical skills are poor!" Ling Yun nodded Qin Lan's forehead, and then said to Mr. Qin, "Old man, bring me a glass of water."

Mr. Qin followed suit, and hoped that Ling Yun would not disappoint him, he really couldn't bear the blow.

After Ling Yun took the water, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he took out a elixir and melted it into the water.

The little guy kept watching without blinking his eyes...

Beibei stared at the glass of water, which slowly turned into black water, and she muttered, "The handsome sorceress is starting to pretend."


The little guy was immediately amused, and only the two of them laughed.

When Ling Yun rolled his eyes at her when he heard this, Beibei turned away and pouted.

Song Yili looked at it in a mess, is it another pill?

Liar, right?

Even her grandfather has no ability to refine it.

Could it be that, as Long Beibei said, pretending to be aggressive?
Looking at Ling Yun, Song Yili's eyes were full of contempt, and she joked about other people's last few minutes when it was time.

After Ling Yun fed Qin Lan and drank the cup of black water, everyone was shocked, because the latter's face was no longer dark, which proved that the poison had been cured.

The little guy laughed...

Beibei applauded: "Auntie is done, haha."

With the healing of Shengguang, Qin Lan's body also recovered, and she slowly opened her eyes, which made the doctors jump.

" injury can't be healed, what's going on." Song Yili was fascinated and kept talking to herself.

"Nothing is impossible. Your medical skills are too poor, and the inspection equipment is worse."

Ling Yun started to walk out while talking, the little guy stared closely, not knowing whether to follow, she wanted to talk to Qin Lan again.

"Don't go..." Song Yili didn't go up to check Qin Lan's injury immediately, but chased Ling Yun, wanting to ask what happened.

Not long ago, a very young genius doctor appeared in SZ City. She had heard about it, and now she began to suspect that Ling Yun was it.

"Beauty, I'm very sorry for you chasing me like this." Ling Yun stopped in his tracks, his face darkened, following him like this, how could he return to the company?
"I just want to ask, how did you do it?" Song Yili was so excited that she didn't dare to look up at Ling Yun.

People who are obviously dying, but now they are alive, and there is no visible injury, this is the real resurrection.

Ling Yun said: "It's still the same sentence, your medical skills are too bad."

After walking out of the ward, he winked at Long Yanran, who immediately stopped Song Yili who followed her.

"Hey Hey hey…"

"Don't stop me... Hey, hey... What's your name?" Song Yili yelled from behind, and tried to free Long Yanran's arm, the male doctor outside the ward didn't look good.

It wasn't until Ling Yun walked downstairs that Song Yili stared at Long Yanran, who shrugged and then let her go: "You can go after her."

"You..." Song Yili gritted her teeth, turned and went back to the ward, hoping to find some clues from Qin Lan.

"Why don't you sleep in the future?" The little guy lay in Qin Lan's arms, and the latter looked doting.

Beibei said: "My aunt doesn't hug me anymore, don't you love Beibei?"

Qin Lan smiled and said, "Oh, Beibei is jealous, she is my daughter, but you are not."

Bebe rolled her eyes...

The crowd laughed!

Old Master Qin grinned from ear to ear, and began to ask about Ling Yun and the little guy's pocket, Long Yanran didn't hide it, and said that Ling Yun was not an ordinary person, Qianqian?
Mr. Qin also knew that he was an ice-type supernatural being who needed to be educated.

Qin Xianglian just made a booing gesture.

Qin Tiannan came, and when he saw that his daughter was fine, he became incoherent and kept asking what was going on.

Qin Hao who witnessed everything the whole time was the most excited, Ling Yun?He has seen it before, but he did not expect to be a miracle doctor!
Old Master Qin didn't ask about Ling Yun, he couldn't figure it out anyway, instead he asked who bumped into Qin Lan, who shook his head, she really didn't know, and thought it was an accident.

After Ling Yun returned to the meeting room, he remained silent and only let his subordinates continue the meeting.

And he?

To get rid of Bangziguo Han's family, ants among ants exist like ants, and they dare to be arrogant!

(End of this chapter)

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