Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Qin Lan's friendship with him is neither deep nor shallow.


After all, he is also his partner, without Qin Lan, he would have a lot of headaches.

Country of sticks!
In the hall of the Han family, they discussed it just now, and Ling Yun will be responsible for this.

The underground world went crazy again, the Han family had a total of [-] million US dollars, and invited a killer who was not afraid of death to target Ling Yun's family.

Originally, Qin Lan was counted, but according to the tip, Qin Lan couldn't be saved, so she was much more at ease.

Because Beibei lives in Lingyun's house together, the underground world requires the Han family to pay an extra 13 billion dollars.

In order to make Ling Yun pay the price, the Han family agreed, and Niu Deyi also participated.

Just finished discussing everything and getting ready to end the meeting...

Over the Han family mansion, a huge vortex is circling and brewing...

The sudden change made the people around turn pale with fright, breaking out in a cold sweat.

A huge eye began to form in the vortex, which was very terrifying, but everyone didn't know what would happen, and just watched with numbness.

In an instant!
A few rays of light blinked from those eyes, falling on Han's house.

The surroundings seemed to be still, without any sound, and all the people inside were turned to stone, each with a different expression, just wonderful and pretty.

The heart in the petrification process is the most painful, and it can't make a sound. This is also a complete solution to Han Xiaoai's matter.

In the meeting room, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth suddenly curled up into a smile, and everyone felt so terrible.

Qin Lan's side was doing all kinds of inspections. After dawdling for more than half an hour, all this really stunned Song Yili who was getting ready.


What she saw with her own eyes, is there still someone who can refine in this dharma-ending era?
She had to tell her grandfather Song Qingshan immediately, and the glass of black water she drank left over from Qin Lan, she had the audacity to ask for it, and immediately tested it.

The little guy followed Qin Lan, talking a lot along the way, saying that he hadn't had dinner with the latter for a long time, so she invited Qin Lan to her house tonight.

As soon as Old Master Qin heard this, he immediately stated that he happened to be looking for Ling Yun tonight. Long Yanran despised him, so he just said it while eating and drinking, and his words were so dignified.

Beibei said in a milky voice: "Grandpa is getting more and more shameless, are you ashamed?"

Being exposed by a child, Mr. Qin died of embarrassment.

"No, Beibei, don't talk nonsense. Where is my family short of food and wine?" Mr. Qin shook his head and explained, no matter what Beibei said, he just refused to admit it.

Beibei curled her lips, and said again: "Oh? Then I'll tell Shuai Shuai, I don't need to cook your meal, you go now..."

Mr. Qin wished he could slap himself, he had nothing to explain to Beibei...

"Hey, children don't understand, you go and play." Mr. Qin really didn't care about Beibei, so he dozed off in the car, pretending to be asleep.

This extended version of the Lincoln luxury car can compete with the Longshi. It is an international limited edition, and even if you have money, you can't buy it. I don't know where Mr. Qin got it.

Beibei dislikes slowness all the way...

The little guy laughed loudly: "Sigh." After doing those cute moves, she lay on Qin Lan again.

Beibei pouted and looked at Long Yanran: "Auntie, I want to hug me too, my aunt doesn't love me anymore."

Long Yanran pushed her away: "Who will take care of you while you go?"

Beibei's eyes were turning gray, Long Yanran immediately interrupted her to divert her attention, the child was thinking of ghosts every time his eyes turned.

Beibei was furious!
He beat Long Yanran all the time, and the latter laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

As soon as they returned to the villa, they saw Ling Yun teaching little Irene how to play games under the tree.

It's getting late!

The little guy ran over and asked Ling Yun to cook a big meal and eat Ling rice.

Ling Yun said: "My lord knows how to treat guests? Then you go greet the guests."

The little guy said in a milky voice: "Aha, Papa cooks better, come back soon, Mama."

An Qing will be back in more than an hour, the little guy is awesome now, and he can't hide anything from her.

Ling Yun was busy in the kitchen, while the four little guys were playing in the front yard, and Qin Lan walked in.

"I didn't say that, I don't allow outsiders to come in when I cook, I will learn when you grow up." Ling Yun said, thinking that the shadow was a little guy.

"Ahem... Let me see if there is anything I can do."

"Oh, it's you, you are a guest, and I don't need your help here."

"This is green vegetables. They haven't been washed yet. I'll help you."

Qin Lan didn't allow Ling Yun to refuse, she had already turned on the faucet and started to get busy, she was familiar with the road, which surprised Ling Yun.

"You usually cook too?" Ling Yun asked.

"Often, takeout is not as good as doing it yourself."

"Takeaway?'s really not good. If you're busy in the future, order takeaway from our Yuexia Hotel. It's better."


There was a moment of silence in the kitchen!
Qin Lan broke the awkward atmosphere in a low voice: "Thank you for today's matter."

She knew that Ling Yun had some secrets, but she didn't expect that there were quite a lot of them. The shock she received today was no less than the previous ones, and it brought her back from the gate of hell.

"Small things, it should be."

"It's a small thing for you, but... this is my life."

"Why are you being polite? We are all partners after all. Don't mention thank you. This is basically my problem."

"It wasn't an accident?" Qin Lan frowned, trying to recall the scene of the car accident.

"No, it was done by Bangzi people. Don't worry, I've already avenged you, but be careful when you go out."

The country of sticks?

Qin Lan stopped moving, turned her head to look at Ling Yun, her mind was full of doubts, her uncle, the head of the National Security Bureau, didn't know who did it, Ling Yun not only knew, but also claimed revenge?

She shook her head slightly and continued to wash the vegetables: "Is what you said true?"

"Hmm!" Ling Yun replied indifferently, is there any truth to this matter?

"You? Forget it... I won't ask any more. You may become famous in the future, and there are many people looking for you."

"Why are you looking for me?"

"You can be called a real miracle doctor. This time the central hospital may fully report on it."

"Oh...Who will believe it? If I refuse to admit it, what can they do? Besides, I'm not a very good person."

"If possible, I also hope that you can extend your hand. There are really many people who are suffering from illness."

"This is moral kidnapping. I don't accept this. Everything has its own law of survival. How many can I save?"

Ling Yun shook his head. If it was the Twelve Regions, this happened a lot. Those people either died of illness or were killed. Which one can be saved?
Qin Lan was stunned for a moment, Ling Yun was right, her personal abilities were limited, so she was too embarrassed to say anything more.

"You may not be very safe in the future, I will give you an amulet later."

Ling Yun thought for a while, this time is really too dangerous, if Qin Lan dies, he will really waste merit points to save her, not to mention anything else, the little guy will definitely make trouble.

None of the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pills in his hand were gone.

(End of this chapter)

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