Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 882

Chapter 882
Qin Lan shook her head and refused, what amulet?Why is it like a feudal superstition? Ling Yun has some abilities, but this is obviously a magic stick, okay?

"I don't want it, you give it to An Qing."

"She doesn't need it."

"Then I don't need it either."


Ling Yun was speechless, once again his things were disliked, Qin Lan didn't want it, and he couldn't force it to her, he could only protect it secretly.

The matter of the root family in Australia has only now been reported globally. Mr. Qin watched the news and swallowed hard.

After the incident was broadcast just now, the big news that the Han family in Bangzi Kingdom turned into stone was no more shocking than the one just now.

The root family in Australia was exterminated, and many people were frozen, while those in the Bangzi Kingdom were all stoned.

Old Master Qin muttered to himself: "Pluto's method seems to have provoked him without opening his eyes again."

Dragon team high-level?

There are only a few old men left, and now they are numb after seeing the news.

They also need to select some strong people from the dragon group to fill the top ranks. If foreign countries know that the so-called high ranks are the only ones left, they will definitely come in and cause trouble.

The little guy stopped playing and stared at the formation under the tree. The formation led to the Western Region of the Endless Sea, and the one on Bishuixing was destroyed.

The princess came here often, whenever she had something to do, she would come to play with Beibei, and she went back several times.

Taking advantage of Ling Yun's inattention, the little guy wanted to go in, but she didn't respond when she went in, her lips curled up and her eyes turned gloomy.

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no result. It was really a blind eye.

Beibei sniffed the air, and there was a strong scent of Lingmi: "Wow, Shuaishu is delicious again, it's great."

"It smells so good." The little guy stared at the kitchen!

"Is it a soul crystal?" Little Irene was full of soul crystals.

in the kitchen!
The little guy was meowing at the door, and when she found that neither Ling Yun nor Qin Lan had spotted her...

She walked carefully behind Qin Lan, but the latter tripped her by taking a step back.


"What are you doing here?" Qin Lan pulled up the little guy, who was still smiling.

"I want to help Papa."

"Go out, it will be over soon." Ling Yun said speechlessly, did she help?It tastes terrible, if An Qing finds out when she comes back, she will be scolded again.

The little guy shook his head and quit. Qin Lan asked her to scramble an egg, so she was satisfied.

"Papa will eat this tonight, I fried it." The little guy smiled.

Ling Yun's face turned dark, why didn't she eat the dark eggs she fried?Instead, give it to him.

It was just after dinner that An Qing and the others came back. An Qing immediately asked Ling Yun about Andy in private, probably why the islanders wanted her. Ling Yun simply explained Andy's physique, the body of a true spirit.

The little guy is very happy, there are so many people eating with her.

"Ling Yun, what is this, so much spiritual energy?" An Qing asked after smelling the spiritual energy.

"This is a good thing. You ordinary people can't eat an extra bowl, or your body won't be able to bear it." Ling Yun ordered.

It's so delicious, but they can't eat more, it's too embarrassing.

Little Irene ate the most, only to realize that this was what she should eat, and her cultivation grew after eating.

Han Xiaoai found that this is a good life. The atmosphere in the villa is different, and you can eat such delicious dishes every meal, which is more worthwhile than anything else.

Andy's family also sighed again and again, they stayed at Lingyun Villa tonight, anyway, there are many guest rooms here.

When Ling Yun was eating, he was stared at by the little guy, and finished the plate of dark scrambled eggs.

"Papa, is it delicious?"

"Okay..." Ling Yun didn't even want to respond, it was too unpalatable, with goosebumps all over his body.

"Aha, you have to finish eating, and I will do it tomorrow." The little guy said, sitting on the chair and shaking his feet, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

An Qing and the others laughed and said nothing, the little guy pouted and said he wouldn't do it for them, she only wanted to be her father, because Ling Yun loved her the most.

She still ran down to Ling Yun to kiss him, her mouth was still full of oil, so Ling Yun's cheek was also a lip oil mark.

An Qing shook her head: "You don't have to make it for me, I'll just eat something else."

"I don't want it either." Long Yanran shuddered fiercely!
Beibei sniffed the plate of black eggs in front of Lingyun, and then said solemnly: "I will too, handsome Shuai want to eat?"

Ling Yun's face turned dark: "Beibei will cook for your mother. When you are older and learn good things, you will share with everyone."

Beibei laughed loudly, her little head kept lighting up: "Okay, okay."

Qin Xianglian: "..."

Mr. Qin said: "Beibei is so small, you should go and play."

Beibei was not convinced, and even if he said what he did, he would also give it to Old Master Qin. The latter had the same expression as Ling Yun, so he shouldn't talk to Beibei.


The little guy followed Ling Yun all the time, and the corner of the latter's mouth twitched: "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Ma Ma and Papa won't go out?"

"I'm not going tonight, I'm going to bed, have you taken a shower yet?"


"Bebe and the others are all in the shower, what were you doing at that time?"

"Bragging, no... no... it's telling stories, Aunt Ai wants to listen."

"Okay, you can take a bath now, I will take you to play after the bath." Ling Yun said flickeringly.


The little guy asked in surprise!
"Really, let's go." Ling Yun nodded, and made plans to take her to the mall later.

"Mama, Mama..."

"What's wrong? Yelling so loudly?" An Qing was talking with Andy's parents on the sofa in the living room.

"I want to take a shower, take a shower..."

"Look for your father, I have something to do, let's go." An Qing patted the little guy's head, and immediately pushed her out.

The little guy curled his lips and didn't help her?She bathes herself.

When Long Yanran found out, the child had made a mess of the bathroom, the shampoo was used as body wash, and the water in the bathroom was floating out.

"Sissy? What are you doing?" Long Yanran's head went dizzy for a while!
"Bath...I love taking a la la..." The little guy was still humming.

"Come out, you're so naughty, I'll beat you up!"

"Not coming out, not coming out..." The little guy shook his head, and even poured water on Long Yanran, laughing all the time.

The naughty little guy was naturally taught a lesson by Long Yanran, crying and complaining to An Qing, who just comforted him, and didn't say anything to Long Yanran, the little guy is so foolish, just coax him.

"Papa, wash up, you can go out." The little guy found Ling Yun who had just fallen asleep in a childish voice.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, how could she still remember?
"Do you want to go?"

What I said just now was to fool her, what shopping mall?Ling Yun thought about it for a while, and it was almost 11:30 after she took a shower, what about shopping malls?Closed early.

"Bad papa, woo woo..." The little guy looked at Ling Yun with misty eyes.

"Stop crying, Sissy is the most obedient, how about tomorrow night?"

"Ignore you."

The little guy got angry, beat Ling Yun, and then ran out.

Just as Ling Yun wanted to chase him out, his cell phone rang, it was so late, who was it?
(End of this chapter)

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