Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 887

Chapter 887

The girl on the other side seemed happier...

"It is said on the Internet that princesses and princesses are not good at math. Have you learned math at your age?"

"Yeah, yum!"

The little guy and Beibei shook their heads, and then nodded their heads lightly.

Beibei retorted: "Not good? Sending you five words, what a load of nonsense!!"

The little guy blinked his eyes, always feeling something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

An Qing stared at Ling Yun, who shrugged, but he didn't teach it.

The girl on the opposite side is full of black lines...

Embarrassed, Beibei counted her fingers before realizing she was wrong, and then rubbed her temples laughing loudly.

After talking nonsense with her for a few minutes, it was almost time for the radio.

Beibei cleared her throat, ready for a concluding speech.

"Welcome everyone to listen to this episode of Beibei's words, why is the bad old man in his seventies piled off the cliff, but no one stops him?"

"Why supermarket instant noodles were murdered, why snakes and scorpions were in the same room but safe and sound"

"And why do many men beat a child, but people clap their hands and applaud."

"Behind all this, is it the annihilation of humanity? Or the degeneration of morality!"

"If you want to know the truth, welcome to watch the large-scale fantasy ethics cartoon, gourd baby!"

"Thank you everyone, applause..."

Beibei finished speaking in a childish voice, and she applauded first, and then the little guy stood up and applauded.

An Qing and the others were dumbfounded, where did Beibei learn it from!

Ling Yun also applauded, it was like saving this unpopular radio station.

Beibei ran over, An Qing hugged her and asked, "Beibei, will you be the host from now on?"

Beibei shook her head: "No, I want to be a warrior!"

These are just for fun, Beibei is a child with ideals and wants to be a queen, how can she lie on this poor blue star.

An Qing laughed and said, "Do you want to be a bald donkey? One without hair, you can save sentient beings."

Beibei rolled his eyes, and immediately replied: "You can be transformed without being a bald donkey, like Shuai."


Ling Yun laughed...

This afternoon, Ye Fei and Long Xingtian left the customs, and the former went to an appointment. Nicholas of the Dark Holy See wanted to challenge him. Why would he not do such an interesting thing?
Moreover, Ye Fei's cultivation is a bit perverted, he swallowed a lot of spirit stones aided by Xin Zhao, and his strength has reached the level of a fairy, a little wretched, and he can walk through the twelve realms with the Heavenly Demon Sword.

As long as the blue star is out, Tianjie will immediately attack Yefei.

The latter rushed to Jiangbei in a hurry, and Long Xingtian was low. Although it was a god-level skill that Ye Fei gave him, he only had a distraction period, which was too low.


Beibei was finally able to reunite with Long Xingtian and his wife, pestering them all night, temporarily abandoning the little guy and the others.

08: 30!
All major TV stations are broadcasting the confrontation between Ye Fei and Nicholas, and the latter really thinks that Ye Fei is Pluto.

These were all arranged by Ye Fei and the Long Group. Now that what Ye Fei said, the Long Group would immediately follow suit, wishing to be an offering to the ancestors.

In a forest at the junction of Jiangbei City and Jiangnan City!
Several helicopters in the sky shot the whole process, and there were two figures in the open ground.

Nicholas gave Ye Fei a contemptuous look: "You're just a brat, boasting big words, and dare to be king after learning a little bit of superficiality, what kind of Pluto? You're not shit."

The corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched, no one had talked to him like that for a long time, except Ling Yun of course.

"Oh? Do you really want to die? I can help you." Ye Fei smiled lightly, shaking his head, feeling too disappointed in Nicholas.

Nicholas laughed, he really didn't take Ye Fei seriously at all, and then he moved his body, clucking and clucking!

The little guy pointed at Ye Fei and shouted excitedly, "Papa, how did Ye Fei get on TV? He's also an actor?"

Beibei nodded: "It must be."

Little Irene said: "Is he that powerful?"

Ji Wuxue blinked her eyes, this is not good at all, it is better to turn to Hong Kong drama, Korean drama is also good.

Ling Yun signaled them not to quarrel, just watch it.

Ye Fei suddenly smiled playfully, because he planned to enslave Nicholas and let him stay in China as a coolie.

This decision was the beginning of Nicola's nightmare...

Ye Fei came to Nicholas in a flash.And lift him up with one hand, making it hang on the ground!
Nicholas only felt that his head was empty, and then it hurt!
what's the situation?
The plot is wrong, isn't he single-handedly killing Pluto!
What the hell!

The speechless Nicholas struggled violently, feeling remorse in his heart, he shouldn't have been so impulsive, Ye Fei was too powerful.

In front of Ye Fei, he was a complete piece of scum. Although both of them were late legends, who was Ye Fei?In the previous life, he was the Supreme Saint, a famous immortal emperor!

Now there is still an ancient fierce sword hidden in his body, and he has rich combat experience, which is not comparable to that of Nicholas, a frog at the bottom of a well.

The Chinese people who watched TV were dumbfounded, some thought it was just a simple movie, and everyone they knew shuddered.

It seems like yesterday that Nicholas destroyed the Holy See of Light...

Now it is dropped in seconds in front of a stranger, how can it not make everyone's heart tremble.

And is this stranger really Pluto?
Except for the high-level members of the Dragon Group who knew about it, everyone else was in the dark.

Ye Qinghan swallowed hard, that man is not Pluto, but someone he is very familiar with, he is his half-brother who changed his surname!

The gap between their brothers is getting bigger and bigger. He has seen this brother several times, in front of his aunt's grave.

As for why Ye Fei changed his surname, it was the kindness and resentment of his previous life...

"Forgive...forgive..." Nicholas could barely say these words, his throat was tightly strangled by Ye Fei, and drops of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Forgive me? Yes, I can spare your life, young man, my tone was very hard just now."

Ye Fei let go of Nicholas, then smiled, staring at him with deep eyes, that smile was very strange, Nicholas watched and swallowed hard, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"No... Just now... I was wrong, big brother... Please forgive me, I dare not talk to you like that even if you give me 1 courage!"

Nicholas has no bones at all, and immediately chooses to kneel down, with a lot of snot and eyes, pretending to be pitiful.

The little guy couldn't bear to look at it, so he turned to the TV and said to Ye Fei, "Yefei Shushu, that big Shushu is so pitiful!"

Beibei shook her head: "Who is pitiful, I don't know, let's go to the theater."

"Look at the facts, not just the surface."

Ling Yun gave them a lesson again, saying that this kind of person is a fool, not pitiful, the so-called poor people must have something to hate, and often this kind of person has a certain effect.

The little guys listened carefully, and then nodded repeatedly, not sure if they remembered it, Ling Yun was most afraid that they would forget it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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