Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 888 Decision

Chapter 888 Decision
The corner of Yefei's mouth twitched!
How could this guy be so afraid of death?

"Are you God of War?"

"No... No... I'm just a small person, a trash!" Nicholas slapped himself, too aggressively.

Ye Fei nodded in satisfaction!
"I'm not going to do anything else. You just obediently plant trees and flowers in a certain place in Jiangbei. That's my territory. I'll leave the work of breeding to you in the future. Do you understand?" Ye Fei stared at him. A threatening look.

"Yes, yes..." Nicholas' face was pale, and his forehead was sweating continuously, and he didn't dare to raise his hand to wipe it off.

Most importantly, he didn't dare to escape...!
Nicholas hated in his heart, if it wasn't for the idiot Thomas, he would have come to China to challenge Pluto?
At this moment, his heart has long been rubbing Thomas on the ground!

Ye Fei came to Ling Yun immediately after dealing with this matter!
In the front yard of Lingyun Villa!
"Master Pluto, I'm sorry." Ye Fei was talking about Ling Rufeng's incident, and he regretted it very much after he came out.

"It's all over, you want to go?" Ling Yun asked.

"Yes." Ye Fei smiled, he really couldn't hide anything from Pluto.

"Let's go, be careful yourself, don't let revenge confuse your mind, and the demons will come for it."

Ling Yun is still more optimistic about Ye Fei, and knows that he is anxious to go to the Twelve Regions for revenge, so there is no reason to keep him here to do things.

The black hole disappears, and so does Ye Fei...

He came this time because he wanted Ling Yun to give him a ride, so that he could go to the Twelve Realms as quickly as possible and save a lot of trouble.

Ling Yun didn't give him any help, not even the most basic life-saving means, such as afterimages, teleportation spells, nothing like that!

He thinks that Ye Fei can't be that weak, only those who stay strong can become a strong generation, Ye Fei still needs to work hard to get back to the top.

The little guy was sneaky and had been here for a long time. Ling Yun picked her up and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I... I passed by... aha..." The little guy just refused to admit to eavesdropping!
"Let's go back."

"Papa, when are we going to find baby?"

"What baby?"

"It's that... that map!"

"Oh! Go see it tomorrow."


The little guy showed his white teeth, which were particularly bright in the night, and his round eyes kept turning.

The little guy went to bed early tonight, and An Qing had something to talk to Ling Yun about.

specific things?

An Qing wants a big wedding!

Ling Yun nodded, this is necessary, and must be announced to the whole world.

After hearing Ling Yun's expression, An Qing shook her head, she still has other conditions.

Ling Yun asked her what conditions, she would definitely be able to meet, there is nothing he can't do!
An Qing said that the Twelve Domains must be notified that a world-renowned wedding will be held in the God Realm.


Ling Yun has a headache, what to do?How about relatives and friends?

When An Qing refused, Ling Yun could only nod his head for the time being, and let's talk about it later, so he pushed the matter away.

there's one more thing!

An Qing's work on her side has basically been completed, and the rest of the work is left to Andy!

She wanted to go to the God Realm, so she discussed it with Ling Yun. If she has strength, she will be bored here. The world of the Twelve Domains is the exciting battlefield.

After talking so much, Ling Yun knew that she wanted to see the auction building and the newly opened Xiuxian Academy, how could the little Jiujiu in An Qing's stomach hide it from Ling Yun!

She doesn't feel at ease if she can't get those spirit stones, she looks very much like the little guy when he was a money fan, Ling Yun likes it!

When she came back this time, An Qing didn't go to An's house in the magic capital to teach her exercises and set up a gathering array for her family to practice, which surprised Ling Yun.


An Qing said that this task was given to the An family's future son-in-law, meaning that Ling Yun should go there tomorrow, no matter what method was used, it was to let them practice together.

Ling Yun nodded in agreement!

As for An Qing going to the God Realm?
"Are you sure?" Ling Yun frowned gradually, did she go alone?Saying you're not worried would be a lie.

And An Qing has the image of a little woman, with her mouth pouted, just like when the little guy is acting like a baby!
There was a very sweet voice: "Okay..." It was still so long that Ling Yun couldn't stand it.

Anyway, it was going to the God Realm, so I agreed, worrying should be unnecessary, but Ling Yun still generously took out an artifact for her!
It was a battle suit, very beautiful, An Qing liked it very much, and after hearing Ling Yun's introduction, she was dumbfounded.

The battle suit can be divided into three forms, the white is light and fast, and the red is more powerful, which can leapfrog challenges.

Blue is the most powerful. It can greatly increase the combat power in a short period of time.

Of course, the battle suit of the imported poison must not be exempted.

This dress is indeed a divine weapon, produced by Lingyun, it is more of a high-quality goods, An Qing smiled from ear to ear.

Ling Yun didn't go, but just helped her open the Thunder Gate, and told her not to fight if she had nothing to do, and to be careful with caring words like that.

Silent all night!
The next day, the little guy forgot what he told Ling Yun last night, and the latter didn't mention it either.


She asked about An Qing's whereabouts, Ling Yun had to lie, saying that she was on a business trip, the little guy didn't understand, so he explained again.

"Why doesn't Auntie An take us on a business trip?" Beibei pouted, her bulging cheeks were really cute.

Ling Yun said: "Because Beibei is naughty!"

"No!" Beibei retorted, and even slapped Ling Yun, and the children loved to fight with Ling Yun.

"Papa, am I naughty?" The little guy asked with a blink of his eyes.

"You? Ha!! The most mischievous." Ling Yun laughed loudly, why is he so cute, he asks all these questions!
After breakfast, Ling Yun is simply arranging work and planning to settle down before noon!
The call was made to Qin Lan, asking her to take care of the Ling Group. At the same time, he said that he would deal with the Guanghua Group in Shanghai today.

As for the result, Ling Yun will tell her later!

The little guy and Beibei ran up to the second floor and put on makeup in front of the mirror.

Long Yanran carefully peeked at them, but the little guy turned into a mirror while muttering.

"Whose girl is so beautiful... oh, so beautiful... oh, so beautiful..."

It seems to be a tune, and it is quite pleasant!

Long Yanran was startled when she saw it, her makeup turned into a big painted face, the corners of her mouth twitched when she laughed.

Looking at the other side, Beibei also melted, her red lips and brows can be repaired, the corners of Long Yanran's mouth twitched, she must be the one who seduced Qianqian badly, she couldn't help but hit her.

Beibei said in a milky voice, "Girls must learn how to put on makeup, even if it's a little bit!" That cute and serious look seems to be a mature adult, and this tone is no one.

Long Yanran: "..."


An Qing's limited edition!


Long Yanran was dumbfounded, she really didn't know if An Qing would get mad if she knew it!
If it was Long Yanran, she would definitely, these two clowns must be beaten up!
(End of this chapter)

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