Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 891 Poisonous Bat

Chapter 891 Poisonous Bat

Du Qianfu's eyes suddenly lit up...

It's best to break, I can't wait!
He just wants to take it out and break it, that red bat is one of his special skills!

The little guy passed through Miao Midang, came to Beibei, looked at the red bat, and said in a childlike voice, "Sister, what is this?"

She looks familiar!

Beibei rubbed her head and remembered, the first time I was in the ancient tomb in the south of the Yangtze River, when the tomb passage collapsed at the end, wasn't it propped up by something like this.

The little guy laughed, it turned out to be it...

Gongsun Qing laughed and shouted: "Little treasure, Qianqian!"

An Guomin is vomiting blood!
"You're here too..."

Mr. An's face turned dark again...

Second Master An was looking around, where is Ling Yun?

Du Qianfu became anxious when he saw that Beibei did not break.

The little guy said: "It doesn't look good, let's let it out."

"Okay, okay!" Beibei nodded, still sitting on the ground, trying to open the piston of the bottle.

The little guy was also helping, and after a while, the red bat was released by them smoothly.


The little guy and Babe high-five!

The red bat immediately flew into the hands of Du Qianfu, and the An family was taken aback!
Du Qianfu laughed out loud...


Suddenly, everyone heard a shrill and strange cry.

Immediately afterwards, one by one red, flying things flew quickly from outside.

"What the hell?"

Everyone in the An family wondered for a while, and a bad feeling emerged in their hearts.

Although Miao Midang knew that these were all created by Du Ye, he rarely saw such weird scenes with his own eyes.

"Wow, I know, this is the flying poisonous bat." Wu Xiufu exclaimed.

"It is rumored that once a bite is made, it will take less than half an hour to kill immediately." Luo Jianliang raised his eyebrows lightly.

The other Miao Midang couldn't help being horrified, and even retreated far away, for fear of being accidentally injured.

"Fuck..." Mr. An was taken aback by so many densely packed red bats.


Seeing the bats flying up in front of him like lightning, Mr. An took a few steps forward, quickly came to the little guy, shouted loudly, and knocked out a few with one punch.


However, the bat was flying extremely fast and looking for a tricky direction, which scared Erye An so much that he dodged left and right, and almost got bitten.

"Nimma, you're going to die for me..." Second Master An was angry again, and immediately punched him again.

The little one blinked...

Beibei kept staring at the sky full of bats.

"Old man, you don't need to waste your energy. How can you kill the flying poisonous bat?" Du Qianfu shook his head and crossed his arms.

"That's right, the speed of the flying poisonous bat is extremely fast, and its whole body is as hard as steel, even if you hit it, it's just a tickle." Wu Xiufu recalled the strangeness of these bats, and swallowed.

"Sure, I want to cultivate a qualified flying poisonous bat, but it will take several years, and you can't kill it." Du Qianfu smiled, his eyes were full of disdain, and he still raised his hands. Put it on your chest, with a confident face.

Luo Jianliang still looked at Beibei and almost remembered it, but he couldn't think of the key point.

The little guy exclaimed: "So powerful?" Meimou kept looking at the bats in the sky, and even jumped up to try to catch one that was flying low.



The poisonous flying bat that was slammed on the ground by Mr. An now flew up quickly again, screaming terribly, and flew towards him again.

The An family turned pale with fright, they didn't expect those bats to be so perverted.

"A little flying poisonous bat, you can't even deal with it, and you dare to say that it will kill us." Meng Qingfu laughed with his mouth full, his eyes were a little cold, he probably wanted to shoot, his hands were itchy.

"I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Wu Xiufu looked at Mr. An with contempt, and the latter was angry and unwilling.

Suddenly a bat turned its head and bit Wu Xiufu!

"Okay, okay, okay, kill him, bite him..." The little guy clapped his hands excitedly.

Wu Xiufu was bitten by a flying poisonous bat, his face immediately turned black, it was really poisonous.

"Help, Master Poison..."

Wu Xiufu became very flustered, and kept beating the bat with his hands. The bat kept biting him, which made the other friends jump.

Du Qianfu frowned, a little unbelievable, how could his bat bite Wu Xiufu!

Beibei curled her lips and muttered, "It doesn't even listen to you."

Just now Beibei tried her affinity, but the bat immediately listened to her and went to bite Wu Xiufu.

The little guy looked at Beibei, she scratched her head and asked, "Sister, can I breathe?"

Babe doesn't know why, blow?blow whatever you want...

"Umm, uh..."


Taking advantage of Miao Midang's inattention, the little guy let out a breath, and immediately formed a tornado, blowing all the bats away.

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, she shouldn't be allowed to blow, who knew it would happen?
Everyone in Miao Midang lay on the ground, holding onto the ground tightly, not letting the wind blow them away, the dust got into their eyes, and they couldn't open them all the time.

The An family was dumbfounded...

Mr. An looked incomprehensible, who made the move?
Second Master An breathed a sigh of relief, and almost died.

Gongsun Qing's eyes lit up suddenly, and she saw Ling Yun walking leisurely.

How does An Shize feel that Sissi did this...

After everything calms down...

The little guy laughed and clapped his little hands excitedly, as if to say, they are missing, I did it all, and I want my father to praise me.

Du Qianfu stood up, exasperated, where is his flying bat?Others don't matter, the red leader must be found, otherwise how to command?

Wu Xiufu continued to scream, Meng Qingfu was suppressing the poison for him, and the ugly man was flipping through the antidote, it was hard to find too many antidote.

"Hurry up, if you don't find him again, he will die." Meng Qingfu shouted, sweating profusely.

The ugly man kept silent and kept looking down.

Luo Jianliang stood up and looked at Beibei again...

Du Qianfu froze, and a person appeared next to the two children?

Immediately, he looked directly at Ling Yun and said, "Boy, are you also from the An family? Did you do what happened just now?"

Although he saw Sissy blowing her breath just now, he definitely wouldn't believe such absurd thing, the master was someone else.

Now that Ling Yun appears, don't doubt him, doubt anyone!

Dare to blow away his poisonous bat, this person must die!
With the chill in Du Qianfu's eyes, he stared at Ling Yun, and sneered with his mouth slanted.

The little guy was angry, she obviously did it, why did she say it was her father, how could she praise him?
"No, no, bad old man, it's wrong to lie to people." The little guy shook his head vigorously, pouted his mouth, and looked very cute when he was angry.

Mr. An just wanted to pull Ling Yun and the two little guys back, but was held back by Mr. An, who kept smiling.

There is a good show to watch!
(I originally planned to update ten chapters in a few days, but something happened, so let's take it easy.)
(I have said it more than once, the delay is just an audit issue, I will notify you if the update time changes...)
 The author updated it at one minute in the morning, and the review will not release it. The basic books are all, not just this one!
(End of this chapter)

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