Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 892

Chapter 892

Looking at the second brother who was so calm, old man an was full of doubts.

Du Qianfu ignored Beibei's words and squinted at Lingyun: "You are fucking dumb? I'm asking you something."

"Don't be angry handsome, Beibei will teach them a lesson for you."

Beibei is still very aware of this situation, anyone who scolds her handsome uncle will die immediately, so she hastened to speak.

Ling Yun frowned, he forgot what the fake palace was last time, no, he doesn't need to remember that kind of ants.

At that time, Ling Yun took his soul and asked him to destroy Miao Midang, but he was so useless that he was killed immediately.


Ling Yun sneered in his heart, he was always an ant, challenging him again and again.

"Bebe wants to play?"

bebe nodded...

The little guy tugged at Ling Yun: "Papa... Am I powerful?"

Ling Yun smiled, and replied dotingly: "Excellent."

The little guy burst into laughter, he didn't take Du Qianfu's words seriously at all, as if he didn't even hear them.

Luo Jianliang knelt down in fright, damn it!
He remembered the moment the kid called himself Beibei.

Isn't this Long Beibei!

This time An's family was so lucky, they were so unlucky, it was Pluto who made the move just now, so die!

This move of his was not obvious, so his little friends didn't know about it, nor did An's family.

Wu Xiufu was rescued, and now seeing Ling Yun is also full of anger.

"Haha, you are a useless bastard for stealing an ant's life." Du Qianfu cursed again, with a look of contempt on his face!

Ling Yun patted Beibei's head: "Let's play next time."

Beibei nodded, these words have already sentenced them to death.

Word down!

Ling Yun's pupils shrank, but they widened. Everyone in Miao Midang felt that something was wrong, and a sense of danger welled up in their hearts.

Dazzling golden light shot out from their bodies, and each of them screamed again and again.

Beibei exclaimed, it was Shenguang!
In an instant!
They all went to get their lunch boxes, Ling Yun's pupils shrank again, and their corpses lying on the ground were all wiped out, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

The little guy also deliberately widened his eyes, and said in a childish voice, "So powerful?"

After she finished speaking, she ran to Gongsun Qing's side: "Grandma, I've been here for so long, and you haven't seen me." Those eyes blinked and blinked, so fascinating.

For the scene just now, Gongsun Qing is slightly numb, the patron saint of the hidden door died at the hands of her son-in-law, these Miao Yutang scumbags?He deserved to die.

Mr. An's legs and feet were trembling. The master of the realm of heaven and man died in front of his grandson-in-law without making a single move.

The corner of Erye An's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself, he is really powerful, he is worthy of being Pluto!
Think about it!
Immediately understood, the senior management of the dragon group called him yesterday, hoping that he would join the senior management of the dragon group!
It should be that something happened to the higher-ups. What happened to Ling Rufeng must have involved the higher-ups, and the Dragon Team of the Demon Capital has not come here for a long time.

This all speaks for itself.

An Shize shivered violently. It was lucky that he didn't die that day when he beat Ling Yun. Fortunately, he was his brother-in-law, otherwise he would have died without a whole body.

After all, Miao Midang's poisonous husband just scolded a few words, but he didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy.

Beibei was curious about how this was done, ran up, and scratched his head at the place where Miao Midang and his corpses disappeared.

Gongsun Qing picked up the little guy and said dissatisfied: "Next time, don't run around, what if I hurt you?"

The little guy gave Gongsun Qing a few kisses: "Aha!"

An Guomin was sweating all over, and he really couldn't accept that his son-in-law was so awesome. No wonder An Shize waited on him every time he came.

"Grandpa? Do you want such a green stone?" The little guy rolled his eyes round and round.

"Ahem..." An Guomin came back to his senses, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Yes, yes, do you have it in Qianqian's hand?"

The little guy pretended to be mysterious, nodded and there was no more to say.

She collected a lot when she was in God Realm, and she planned to give it to An Guomin. She is not short of money, Wang Zi?What she knew, she didn't buy it at all...

Ling Yun turned his head, and many people in An's family backed away in fright!

The corner of his mouth twitched, is he scary?
"I don't eat people, so why panic?"

Many people swallow their saliva and refuse to eat people, which is more terrifying than cannibalism.

Mr. An asked in fear, "Ling Yun? Who are you?"

He vaguely already had the answer in his heart, and was really waiting for Ling Yun's confirmation.

"What do you think?" Ling Yun gave him a white look.

Old Master An was startled, and looked at Second Master An, who nodded, and his legs trembled even more, as if he had a problem, and kept shaking.

The legendary Pluto was actually his grandson-in-law, and he was still a young man. The shock in his heart was no less than the shock of Miao Midang's being wiped out.

An Shize gave a thumbs up with a smile and said, "Brother-in-law, you are awesome!"

Ling Yun nodded at him, and walked towards An's living room.

"Bei Bei is gone, what are you looking at, you can do it with Bai Yan, but don't mess around."


Beibei was awakened, her eyes lit up, why is she so stupid!

Everyone didn't stay outside anymore, Qi Qi followed Ling Yun, as if Ling Yun was the host and the latter was the guest.


Ling Yun stopped in his tracks!

The faces of the people behind were unnatural!
Beibei yelled: "It's coming back!"

Ling Yun turned his head to look at the sky, and a group of poisonous bats came back.

The little guy lay quietly in Gongsun Qing's arms, he was not excited, he must be tired.

Everyone in the An family waited to watch the show, not panicking at all.

Seeing that Ling Yun was about to make a move, Beibei yelled again: "Handsome Shushu, I want to are not allowed to intervene."

Ling Yun was amused, shook his head and walked straight to the living room, as a promise to Beibei.

The little guy came to his senses right away, twisted his little body and jumped out of Gongsun Qing's arms. She wanted to be with Beibei.

"It's up to them."

Just as Gongsun Qing wanted to chase her back, Ling Yun spoke up, and she had no choice but to give up.

An Guomin was worried, so he didn't plan to go in, just watched the little guy and Beibei outside, but Gongsun Qing pulled him away, the son-in-law came, and the father-in-law wasn't there, so what?
After Ling Yun entered the living room, Mr. An poured tea and passed water like a servant.

An Guomin was different, no matter how awesome Ren Lingyun was, he was still his son-in-law, so he just sat down and was not afraid of Lingyun.


After getting used to it, Mr. An looked at Ling Yun and smiled: "Son-in-law, are you here this time to discuss your marriage with An Qing?"

Ling Yun's forehead darkened, this old man is really straightforward.

Yesterday Ling Tianyang called to say hello, vaguely wanting to ask Mr. An how to decide the date of the marriage.

An Guomin was taken aback, and asked Ling Yun, "Where's An Qing? Why didn't she come?"

"Yes, where is my sister?"

An Shizedong looked around and didn't find anything. It stands to reason that a black hole will be here in the blink of an eye. No matter how busy you are, you should visit your family.

(End of this chapter)

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