Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 893

Chapter 893

Gongsun Qing hasn't seen An Qing for a long time, and she misses her too.

Ling Yun shook his head, and replied: "She is on a business trip, not in Huaxia."

"Then..." Mr. An was so embarrassed that he blushed.

This lie?
Who believes?

Only Mr. An and An Guoxin haven't thought of the key yet.

A black hole can come here, even in the United States.

Ling Yun took a sip of tea, disgusted...


Immediately, he took out his collection, those fairy teas that the fairy emperor drools immediately attracted Mr. An, and he knew it was not ordinary at a glance.

It was rare for Ling Yun to be generous once, and then he revealed the purpose of this time.

The little guy and Beibei had a great time playing, those bats looked like they were born with nothing to love, and they couldn't die if they wanted to.

The smart little guy wants to compete with them, they will die if they lose, and they can be released if they win.

The little guy insisted on being a referee, so Beibei could only run.

this kid...

Even the bats were tricked, and the bats came slowly after Beibei arrived at the gate.

The little guy remembered Ling Yun's words, one must be trustworthy...

Although Beibei didn't play enough, he knew how to keep his promise, so they were all swallowed up by Beibei's white flames.

After Ling Yun made it clear, the An family was very excited, Xiuxian?live forever?
"Son-in-law, what you said is not true." Mr. An couldn't help being excited, and his body was always in a state of excitement.

"Didn't I tell you about my strength?" Ling Yun replied speechlessly.

"Haha!" Mr. An laughed out loud.

An Shize finally waited for all of this, his mind was full of his expression of flying through the clouds.

"Will it be difficult?" An Guomin asked worriedly.

"Why is it so difficult? No matter how difficult it is, I will fix it!" Mr. An rolled his eyes again and again. Others couldn't ask for it, but his son was a good one, with an expression of indifference.

"That's right, Dad, go away, don't hinder me from getting close to my brother-in-law." An Shize teased An Guomin, who was dumbfounded.

"It's hard, it's hard to go to the blue sky, you...? Well, I saw that they are all fake spiritual roots, and their qualifications are too poor." Ling Yun shook his head!

The little guy just came in and heard this, only heard her interrupt Ling Yun, raised her hand, and said in a childlike voice: "Papa, I know, I know, the pseudo-spiritual root is the root of the big tree, right! "

Beibei's eyes lit up, could it be that...

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, what the hell, she has got involved with the roots of the tree!

Ling Yun shook his head and explained, the little guy scratched his head with an embarrassed smile.

What is a pseudo-spiritual root...

Ling Yun also explained it again.

The spiritual root indicates a person's talent in comprehension and the compatibility of the five elements when practicing five-element spells.

And what about pseudo-spiritual roots!
Spiritual roots with four or five attributes are very mixed, but not abundant. The spiritual roots of each attribute are incomplete, and the speed of cultivation is very slow.

Mr. An and An Shize were both disappointed. Mr. An is okay, nothing has changed. It's all a chance, something you can't find.

Ling Yun smiled, he can modify the spirit root!

"What are you panicking about? What are you disappointed about?"


Everyone looked at Ling Yun's inscrutable smile in puzzlement.

The little guy raised his hands up, looking like an adult, imitating Ling Yun's tone: "What are you panicking... isn't there me, Brother Yun!"

After she finished speaking, she pointed to herself, which meant that Brother Yun was her.

Beibei laughed and kept saying that Sissy's imitation was very similar.

"Brother Yun, go play while you're at it, don't make trouble!" Ling Yun said amusedly, and pushed the little guy.

The little guy covered his eyes, aha smiled, don't go...don't go!
"Yo... Brother Big Yun is bullying Brother Xiaoyun!" Beibei spread her hands.Look helpless!
These two live treasures, I really want to laugh at them to death.

Mr. An asked, "Son-in-law, what can you do?"


Everyone held their breath...

Mr. An asked again: "But didn't you say that the spiritual root is doomed from birth?"


Ling Yun said one word each time, making everyone impatient.

An Shize was the most straightforward, walking to Ling Yun's side: "Brother-in-law, please help me."

Ling Yun admired An Shize's attitude and behavior, it was straightforward enough!

and so!
Without saying a word, he took out a sword from the space, and slashed at An Shize with a speed that could not cover his ears. Everyone was shocked, and no one thought that Ling Yun would do this suddenly.

The little guy shook his head!

Beibei didn't blink, just kept watching!


An Shize instinctively called out, but there was nothing. He even touched his body to see if any parts were missing, which frightened him to death.


It's a good thing other people don't bark, otherwise it will be embarrassing!

It's just that they don't understand, is this a sword?How can cutting An Shize be like a flashlight, no harm, it is an incorporeal body!

A smile curled up on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, explaining to them one by one.

That sword was specially used to chop off spiritual roots. An Shize's pseudo-spiritual roots had already been cut off, and the next step was to implant new spiritual roots in him.

However, Lingyun lacked enough materials, so he could only produce a few Heavenly Spirit Roots. Looking at the Twelve Domains, they were also high-level Spiritual Roots. The major sects were fighting over their heads to recruit disciples.

There is only a single spiritual root with one attribute in the sky, and the spiritual root is abundant.

The speed of cultivation is several times faster than that of ordinary spiritual roots, and there is no bottleneck in forming alchemy.

Ling Yun refined a golden spiritual root on the spot, and it flickered, the little guy thought it was a gold bar.

An Shize's eyes were stunned. Implanting spiritual roots is very painful. Ling Yun also explained it to them, and they accepted it.

Immediately, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ling Yun implanted the Tianlinggen into An Shize's body. The latter screamed in pain, his face almost contorted in pain.

Beibei covered her ears, how painful it was, she shivered violently.

The little guy was so scared that he ran into Gongsun Qing's arms. The latter couldn't bear to see it, and hugged the little guy tightly, and finally closed his eyes.

5 minutes later!

An Shize was panting heavily, his clothes were covered in sweat, but he was very excited inside!
Spiritual roots are somewhat different from constitutions. The physiques of Little Guy, Beibei, and An Qing were also created by Lingyun. A single constitution is enough, no spiritual roots are needed.

They don't need to practice, and it's useless to ask for spiritual roots.

The other An family members have all decided to line up one by one to let Ling Yun implant their spiritual roots!

And Ling Yun only helped An Shize, Mr. An and Gongsun Qing complete the ceremony of implanting the spiritual root, because Ling Yun didn't have enough materials.

What a queue!


Ling Yun said that he would help other people in the future, and only An Erye, An Guomin, An Qingmin and his wife, and Ling Yun's sister-in-law, the eccentric An Xiaoxiao, remained.

An Qingmin is the mayor of the magic city. He is not here today and has to go to work!
And An Xiaoxiao's mother is here, and these are the people for the time being.

Ling Yun is going to have a headache for these materials again, refining spirit roots?It's against the sky, if it wasn't for Yu Lingyun, if it was someone else, Tiandao would have been hacked to death long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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